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fea POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdpr nevor varíes. A marvel of nunty.strengtli and svholesomeness. More económica] thau tlie ordinary kinds, and cannot b sold i 11 competltlon with the multitude ol low test, shot weiglit. aluin or phospliate powders. Wold only In cans. Royal Baking Powdeb Co., 106 Wall St„ N. Y. Il All ff IS THE TIME II m isfw to cure HUÍ SKTN HDM0RS.II ITisftt ihis araron wben the Pores open freely and the Perppiration is abundant that Dieüeurlug llinuois, Ilumiliatiiig Kruplion ItchinR Tortures, Snit Jiheum or Bczema, Pnoiiaxii1, Tetter, Ringworm, Bnby Humor.', Scrofula, Scrolulotis Sorew, Ab-cesses, aud DlBcharginii Woundt, anti everj ipeclea ol' Itching, Scaly, and Pimply üiscaees o] tlie Skin and Scaip are most Bpeedily and economlcally eured by the Cuticüra REMEDIR". IT IS A FACT. Elandreds ol' letters in our possesaion (copies ol v.uich niay bc had by return miilj are our anthoriiy ior ihe iipeenion tlmt Bkln, Scalp and Biooü Ilnniors, wbether Öcrotuloaa, luherited, or OontaKiuu, may NOvV be perraHueutly cured by CüTioDBA Ukíulve.nt, the new Blood Puritier, iiiternally, in one hall the time und ut oue ha:f the cxpoDse ot' au other öt-ason. CREATESTON EARTH. Cuticura iíKviKDiíss are the greatest medicines on earth. Hadtht; worst CSM Balt lihcum in thíe country. My inutner hud il iwei.ty yuarn, and in lact died f rom ït. 1 believe Cuticüra would have saved her lüe. My anus, breaut and head were covcred Ier tliret; yeart, which nothing relieved orcmeduutil I Steed tne Cutiouha Kkolvbnt, inierijaliy, and Cuticcra and C'uticuba Soap, externa! ly. J. W. Adams, Newark, O. GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. The half has not been told as to the great curative powers ol the Cutic uiïa Kp:medies. I have paid hundreds ot' dollars lor medicines to cure alteases ol ihe biood and skin and never fouud anytbltig yet to equal the CuncuiiA Kemedies. Chas. A. Williams, l'rovidcncc, K. I. CUREINEVERYCASE Your Cuticüra Kemkdies outsell all other mcdiciuei I keep tor skia diseatee. My customera and patiënte tsay that they have tffected a cure in every inttance, where oiher remedies have lailed. H. W. Bkockwat, M. D. Franklin Fall?, N. H. Sold by al] Uruggiats. Price: Cuticüra, 50 C'B.; Rksolvknt, Í1; öoApt25ct. Potter Drug amd CiiEiiiuAL (Jo., Boston, Maes. Hend "Huiv to Cr Skin IHseaNes." TJT "TT rWS'%r Fot Siiubum, Tan and J5Xrfjti.U X X GreaySkin, Blackheade , DKm Bleinishetí, and inlantilu Iluniurs, (jütic uu a Soap, a real Beautiíler. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE ron catarrii. , o Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. . npiIE Qreat Balsamic DistillaMon I I ot 'vVitch Ilazo , American Pine wiNt CABada l-'ir, Marlgotd, ('lover. ysBS [ilOBBoms. etc., called Hanforda SKS Kacicul Cure, for tlie iromeI ff' diate reliefand permaneut cure of every form of Crttarrh, frora a y-J simple Cold In the IlRid to Loss E M ol srae" Taste and Smell, Cough fé&C andCiUarrlialConBUnjptiBn. ComfíjKj píete treatment, conststins of one ' I nott'e Kadical Cure, one box Ca fíM -L5 tarrhal Solvent and one improved wimL. é Inhaler, in oue package, muy now I w) V be liad of all Dragirlstí for tl.00. íis-l ' AakforSANFüUU'd RADICAL CUKE. 'The absolute specifle we know oL-j-Med. Ttm.-s "llu' lieet vve li -ve found ín a lifetime of si tVerin.' --Her. Dr. Wíggln. Jloslon. "Alter a longstrStirle ith Catarrli the Kadical Cure hm íhavemtVoundacaSeihat it d.d not ,elieve at once."- AndrtW Lee, Manchester Mass. Pottek Drüo and Chemical Co., iloston. I I k . New I'fe for Stiattcreí ¦ rt ! I M CiNerves, Puinful Muacle aud ¦Ut'1-"1li Veakened Ornan. Col10 VOLTAIC i ns' Voltaic Klectric ¦r " r1? Plast'T instauily alVectB E f J ira the nervous system and !.'J -c ,ZÁ banisheB pain, nervoin-neas y-7 &L and debility. A perfec fVrN jCffff plectro . Oalvanie ELECTRIC natiery combine !-5 A CTCR.bitli a liighly meülv I W" final llastr lorüCis All druggiats. $11950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY AnENTION.SWOKERS! All bags must bear our original lilISü Boston. llerald: New '%L taj-bm-co I'lanl: í%SS!?Wuk Tobacco Co., Kvery.enuinea' picture ofBuU. SeeournexLannouncement, EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IX AN AítBOK. Should Advertise in THE COURIER.


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