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Krom the Dexter Leader. William Vïuss, who was elected hst pring to the olllce of Justice of the eace for the townsliin of Scio, ful! erm, has f.iiled to qualify, umi a vacancy s the result. Chas. N. Haines, of tliis townshlp, has ust returned from a visit to his father, .Vilmot Haines, who resides in NewYork. Ie lives in the saine house in whlch he vas born 90 years ago. We regret to learn ttiat Rev. Mr. Molier has been so poorly siiice he left lome that he could not purgue with any atisfaction to hiniselt or UU Instructora lis lingufctlc studies. We have one of natuie's curiositics in oor garden. It is au apple tree thatbears weet apples, whlch ripen about the ftrst of August. At present there are on' that ree about 10o apple blossoms, besides a 'air erop of apples. A novel race took place at tlie riuk last f hursday night between John Dolan. Jr., Champion skater of Dexter, and a youDjf uaii iroin Chelsea - a runner - who flered o bet $5 that he could make tifteen runs iroUDd the rink, without skates, iu less une tlian Dolau could on his skates. The bet was taken, the race caine otl", and Chelsea easily defeated Dexter, leaviug lor ïome with $10 instead of $5. Deaths in the village during the last year 15, in township 12, total 27. Births u village 12, In tównslilp 28, tutal 40 ; excess of births over deaths, 13. Marriages during the year, in villano and township, 21. Matthew Kipp, 84 yeais of age, is the oldest man, and Mrs. Mary VIc( arthy, aged i)3 years, is the oldfst wonian in the township of Scio. SALINE. From the Observer. Frank Finker, of Lodi, feil from a hay wagon last week and broke a leg. Mrs. E. W. Ford left Monday morning ;o attend her mother who is lying very sick at her home in Medina, Lènaweu eounty. The principal of the Saline union school for the coming year wlll be Prof. C. L. Blodgett, of the Ypsilanti Normal class of '84. The oldest inhabitant in Saline Township is Mrs. Ruba Burlingame, of this village, who is now in her fiuth year. Henry Green, also of this village, is in his J2d year. We lean that Win. Pease, living three miles east of here, came near joinïiig the " accidentally killed '' on Tuesday afternoon. He was riding on a uiower when the wheels suddenly slipped into a dead furrow, throwing him olí in front of the knives. Iu falling he spoke to the horses and they stopped immediately, otherwise he would have been tei ribly niangled, as lie feil helplessly in front of the knives. As it was he escaped with slight wouuds on the scalp and one arm. YPSII.ANÏI. From the Commercial. Mr. L. VanValkenburg had a stroke of paralysis Tuesday. He is slowly recovering. T. C. O wen has a host of visitors. The applicants for mineral water are large in nuinber. Some marvellous cures. It s a well known fact that salt rheum and many other diseases are caused by a horde of tiny insects seen only by aid of a microscope. Pour this mineral water upon the diseased part and these plagues , turn up their toes. Fifty years ago last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cady of this city were married, in the state of New York. Ia 1847 they carne to Michigan. For a nnmber of years they have reskied on Adams street. A nuinber ot old friends and relatlves made them a visit Thursday eveninL bearing golden gifts. Prof D. Piitnam made a happy piesentation speech, feelingly replied to by Mr. Cady now 79 years old. His sous, Dewayne and Rogers with their wives, were present. The lbrmer residing at lluskegon, the latter at Detroit, also daughter Mary, Mrs. T. Edwards living at Dowagiac. Otis living atllannibal, Mo., and Nellie, Mrs. D. W. Chase, Harían, Iowa, were absent. It was a Uelightful occasion, and w 11 be pleasautly remeinbered. From the Ypellantian. There are twenty-one practteing physicians in Ypsilauti. There are but two cemeteries. Ross Wbitman shook hands with the cog-wheels at D. W. Parker & Co. 's mili a few days ago. He bas been carrylng his arm ia a sling. U. G. Reynolds, of Detroit, was in tuis city looking for clues to the whereabouts of a valuable ('lydesdale stallion stolen the night before 'from his bain at Carpentera Corners. Tlie horse was found later at Blissfteld in possession of a man giving the name of Parker, who had attempted to sell it for $7;", arousing suspicions which led to his arrest. Northville Record : Jacob Lyoii, sexton at Plymoulh, had nother terrible battle la=t week. While engaged in clearing away the dense jungle that lines the side of the cemetery next the river he was attacked by a large nuinber of blue racers and tnassasaugas. Drawiug his trusty saber whlcll heahvays wears when engaged iu such wolk he slashcd right and left. and :it length completely vanquished tlie enemy, leaving the ground strewn with the dead and wouuded. He s lys he is bou nd to extermínate the snnkes i i tu it cemetery if it takes all Bummer.


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