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OCR Text" is the latest for sunbuni. InstallatioFTKts of PythhU B-morrow night, Judge Hariman committed a Mr. Alllen of Dexter to Pontiac yesterday. TUc Suramli street bridge.-U the foot ol jfain, s conipMw 'fis sakl Dr. Carver's wild west exibigwill strike ussooiK Calis have been made elsewhere for the city and other caticuses. This morning's rain is highly appreciated by all, and was much needed. . ? 0,,ts will be cut next week. Owing to the dry wcntuer they wlll be ehatïy. Peter B. Ingalls had another glight stroke or appopfexy Banday. He is much better. ______ One of Aan Arbor's young men is said to be no longer eligible for leap year projiosuls. j m i The city Iiepublican caucases will bc beid Tuesday pigbt next at the places named elsewhere. Excepting a blight rainfall on the ïourth we have had no rain since June 24, pul tlúá morning The average flow of Huron river, estiinated from recent measurernents, is 1,800 cubic feet per second. A lilüe set-to between two parties occurred in front of the postoffice, west side, last Sunday morninji. ïlie latest advertising scüeme 3 a revolving aiinunciator placed at the corner of Main and Huron street3. The huckleberry erop which promised tobe so abundant will on account of dry ireather hardly be fulfilled. One of the insane patients at the county house, Mrs. Snowball, of Augusta,died the latter part of last week. The Keek Furniture Company, Krause Tanning Company, and Agricultural Works are closed for a few weeks. Three wheelmen, from Cantón, Ohio, will give a faney riding exhibition at the Riuk to-night. They ride Star bicycles. Win. Wagner is repairing bis storeroom, damaged by lire a few nionths since, placinjj i new shelving, repainting, &c. Noah W. Cheever will address the Gospel Temperance meeting at Union Temperance Hall next Sunday alternoon at tliree o'clock. At Wuitmore on Monday morning Chauncey Millen chaftered the steamer and took a bathing party of thirty-rive acvoss the lake. Two Saline wheelmeti recently made the run froin their town to Ann Arbor in forty fíre minutes and want our bicyclists to beat the record. Cascade Glen has quite a number of visitors nowadays. A party of half a dozen ladies and gentlemen pienicked there last Saturday. Alfred Thomas, colored, will probably go into camp with Company A neit month as cóok. He has acted in that capacity for two years past. A challenge signed by the "Dudes" has been issued to the bicycle club for a match game of base ball. It will probably be played next week Friday. Complaint reaches us again of a very bad sidewalk on West Huron just beyond the Gott property. It has nearly resulted in severe accidenta several times, we are informeel. We should have said last week that Charles Tl. Richards was made vice regent of the Royal Arcanuin instead of the member named. The installation ocenrs to-night. John Thompson, whose father died it the county house recently, and Jennie Lacey, of Geddes, were sent to the State Public School at Coldwater by Judge Harriman yesterday. For the parpóse of defraylng the inüebtedness of the society, the .ladies ot the A. M. E. church will furnish refreshwents the tirst day of August on the Relief Park grounds. A Blaine and Logan club is bei'.'g get'en up in the city and they will have for headquarters the front rooms over the postofiice, the most central and best locat eJ rooms obtainable any where. One of our wheelmen says he is going to malee the trlanglé, from Ann Arbor ' Saline, froin there to ïpsilanti thence home, twenty eight miles, in two hours some day next week. Can he do il? Corn and potatoes have been suffering from the very dry weather, especially Potatoes, the corn being large enough 'n many places to piotect the grouud somewhat from the full eiïects of the sun. The number of applicants for the rental 1' houses in the city is very large at presClt- Rental contracts are being closed (laily by our real estáte agents. This Promises quite an inercase within a short time. One of George Darrow's dray horses U sick Saturday evening near the post offlee, throwing the other. After being "eed from the harness and getting up, il covered in a short time sufficiently to be &ttached to the dray again. The fire engine was brougUt out Monday evening to water the grass on the court house Square. Although considerable water was thrown, it didn't seem to change the appcarance of tlie grass mueli. It s very badly dried up. Patrick Donahue, a resident of Ann Arbor town, died on the 17th inst., of spinal meningitis. Mr. Donahue has resided iu this town for forty-two years. He was born in Ireland. The funeral was held last Saturday at 9 o'clock. Ann Arbor will soon have a fullfledged "bucket shop" on the second floor over the telegraph office. They will have a special wire and operator. The firm is Everetts, Williams & Co.,who have offices in Jackson, and several other places, The State Teachers' Institute for Washtenaw countj' will be held in Dexter during the week beginning August 18. It will be under the charge of Profs. D. Howell and J. G. Plowman. Inquines regarding board and lodging should be sent to H. A. Williams, local committee. Considerable thieving has been done or attempted daring the past week. Gen. Lewis C. Hunt's house on State street was tried Friday and Sunday nights and Dr. Angell's on Monday night ; also Mr. Grosvenor's recently. The thieves were unsuccessfull in gaining entrance. Drs. T. J. Sullivan and George a99isted by Messrs Henderson, Sipley and Campion of the pólice forcé, are about to make a thorough canvass of the city to report on its sanitary condition. Our citizens will very greatly aid them if answers in full are freely rendered on the subjeets the report will include. The death of Mrs. Marcia H. Gelston, of paralysis, wife of Rev. M. B. Gelston, ocenrred last Saturday at the residence on Washington street. She had reached her seventy-seventh year. The funeral was held -U 2 p. M. Monday at the house, and was largely attended. Rev. Eyder conducted the services. The Beethoven Gesangverein of Ann Arbor, to the number of twelve, will at tend the Fifth Peninsular Saengerfest held in East Baginaw, August 23-27 next. It is expected that three hundred singers will be in attendance. The Saeugerrest is held now once in two years. It was at Bay City two years ago. The Poraological meeting will be held in the court house basement August 2nd at two o'clock. Subjeets of discussion as follows: Our experience in the shipping of fruit; our home market; does it pay to assort raspberries for shipping? how do the different varieties of raspberries compare with each other for market purposes? A party that spent a day at Whitmore recen ti y : Miss Cumtnins, of Jackson, and Misses Sophia Walz, Dora Henle, Carrie Binder and Misses Edith, Minnie, and Henrietta Kemper, of Ann Arbor. The gentlemen were Messrs. Will Hollands, Geo. Apfel, Sidney Millard, Geo. Fitzmeyer, Geo. Dingler, John Connois and Will Wanzeck. It is thought the wheat will be cared for tliis week. The crop is much better than was anticipaied four weeks ago ; the berry is quite plump. The average yield in the county will probably be from twenty bushels upward, and judged by our best crops the yield this year may be placed at 75 per cent. In quality this year's wheat ,is much better than last year's. Saturday evening last when Mick Sheehan drove up to the postoffice, west side, his horse became frightened at a tricycle standing on the walk, just as he jumped onto the pavement, wheeled about and ran down Main street to Hurón, and turning east there ran into a post near the Bank, freeing the horse from the buggy. The latter was damaged to the extent of f 10, perhaps. The horse went up to the stable and was found uninjured. Total damages, $12. U is thought possil. 1 : that somo of the estensive thieving going on about the city for some time is checked. Fred R. Foley and Edward Dunn, of Ann Arbor, were arrested in Detroit Saturday while attempting to sell stolen property. They were brought here and are conüned in the jail. Six other boys of the city are ander charge of the authorities and awaiting examination. TUey are Edward Smith colored, Stephen Keegan, llichard Trowton, Wm. Butler, Wm. Seery and Alatthew Sullivan. It was expected that the preliminary examination would be held to-day, but it was postponed until tomorrow forenoon. At the Clifton House, Whitmore, Saturday night last, they had quite a concert, consisting of recitations, orchestra music, and singing. Those taking part in the entertainment were Mrs. J. J. Goodyear, of this city, four ladies frora Jackson, and Messrs. John Bycraft, Charlie Gibson, Fleet Sinlth and father. Quite a number went out from here. The attendance was large and the encores numerous. $22 were netted by the program, and the amount was divided between Messrs. Gibson, Bycraft, Fleet Smith and two of the ladies from Jackson. It was, in short, a successful benefit tor the impromptu orchestra at the Lake. At a joint meeting of the State Board of Education and the State Board of Health held at Lansing, July 8, the following list of text-books on Physiology and Hygiëne was approved for use in the public schools of the state: Hutchison's Physiology and Hygiëne, and Laws of Health, Steele's Hygienic Physiology, with special reference to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Narcotics, Brand's Lessons on the Human Body, Physiology, Hygiëne and Narcotics, It. T. Brown's Elements of Physiology and Hygiëne, Mills's First Lessons in Physiology and Hygiëne, with special reference to Alcohol, Tobacco and Nnrcotics, Eli F. Brown's Alcohol, Martin's Huinan Body, and Eli F. Brown's Eclectic Physiology. Messrs. Swathel, Kyer and Peterson are making extensive improvements at the city milis. The east portion of the old building has been moved north of, the milis and will be used for a cooper shop for the firm. lts former place is being rapidly covered with a three-story new building the frame work of which is up. A special Michigan Central side track has been laycd to the milis, and the track of the Toledo road to the milis is so situated in connection with the Central track, that cars from both can be run upon track scales in front of the building. I He new building will be covered with oorrugate.l iron, and has an elevator story above the third floor. These improvements will add very much to the alreaüy fine facilities of the mills.