J. E. returned last night. J. V. Sheelian has returned. Kev. Stalkcr left Monday for Petoskey. Mester Bart Fall is rusticatlng vrtth ilativos. Kev. K. li. PopJ left Sunday night for 'etoskey. S. W. Claikson and faniily returned esterday. Miss Cuinmings, of Jackson, is visiting liss Walz. Mrs.C. HM and daugliter leave for Marquette to-day. Mrs. J. N. Bailey is at tueThousand Isands visiting. Mrs. H. L. Sackett leaves next week for n eastern trip. C. E. Holmes, of Toledo, was In the ity over Sunday. I)r. Nichols, of Saline, was on our treets yesterday. J. M. Allen, of the Dexter Leader, was n the city Monday. Mrs. A.M. Fall, of Albion, is visiting er sons In the city. Joe T. Jacobs, son and daugliter spent 'esterday in Detroit. Fred Cutlcr, of the St. James, is at Wliitmore this week. Torn Morris left for New York City the atter part of tlie week. Gottlieb Lange, Dayton, O., is visiting 3liilip Lohr and family. iioa Taylor, of the First National, is at he Lake for several days. Harry Hawley, of the Post and Tribine, Sundayed in the city. O. Stimson has changed his residence rom Ypslanti to this city. Theo. Itoyer and mother start for the Vhite Mountains to-morrow. PostmasterKnowlton willjoin his faraiy at Charlevoix on the 31st. Miss Minnie Ilamilton, White Pigeon, s the guest of Miss Grosvenor. Walter Allen is engaged at A. L. Noble 's for a couple of months. John Consedine, of Detroit, is visiting 'ather Consedine, of Northfield. S. S. Blitz leaves Sunday for a business rip to New York City and Boston. C. F. Bailey, of this city, lectured on emperance in Ypslanti last Sunday. Walter Mack and Will Hendersou went out to the Lake Saturday for a weck. Kob't. Verner and Geo. Milieu are off for the White Mountains lo-niorrow. Alvin Wilsey last evening joined his faniily who are out of the city on a visit. Mrs. Iioyce and children,of Terre Haute, nd., are visiting Mrs. Burd, on State st. Mrs. A. V. Robisonand daughterspent ast week iu Manchester visiting relatives. Misses Alta and Carrie Wilmot left yesterday for a visit in Watertown, N.Y. Ab. Moore, of Southard's shop, has the barber chair at Whitmore this week. EtnmetEobison has been sojourning at Sharon for seyeral days. He returns today. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Goodyear returned Monday from the Lake aftera two weeks' sta}-. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and Miss Nettie leave Saturday fora trip round the akes. Misses Mary L.Hoy and Mary O'Brien, of Dexter, vlsited friends in the city Saturday. Henry Binder, who has been contined to tiie house for the past week, is aboui again. Miss Mary Seanlaii and mother leaye this week for Newburg, N. Y. to be gone a month. Will Tuomey and Barney Johnson spent Sunday iu Dexter and Ypslanti respectively. S. C. Andrews is in N. Y. city. Mrs. Andrews leaves to day for a visit in l'aw Paw, Mich. Alfred Huss returned Saturday from a two weeks' trip to East Saginaw,Lansing, and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Severns, of Manchester, paid a short visit recently to Mrs. Stonc, of the St. James. John Wahr, Rudolph Lutz, and Wm. and Geo. Miller go to Whitmore Monday for a woek's stay. Clark Backus spent a few day3 last week in Webster with hls nephews J. and J. C. Backus. John Lawrence spent Sunday in Detroit with Geo. Remiek wlio visited with liini here last week. Miss P. R. McCauley, Jeft'ersoiiville, Ind., is the guestof Mrs. A. E. Warden. Slie came last night. Miss Lillian Thompson, of the AuditorGeneral's office, Lansing, will visit Miss Fannie Steele soon. Harry C. Nickel?, of the post office, leaves to-morrow for a ten days' trip to Detroit and Canada. J. Austin Scott went to Port Huron yesterday to attend a meeting of the Port lluron Gas company. Miss HildaKaichen, of Detroit, comes out to-day to spend several weeks with her sister, Mis. S. S. Blitz. Mrs. Drake, the Misses Drake and Miss Grncie Scabolt go to Whitmore next week for a fortnight'a stay. Mrs. R. H. Kempf is stopping for a short time with her inother Mrs. Wiedcnmann at Whitmore Lake. Miss Maggie Shanklin returned Monday from a short visit to her uncle, Mr. Hugh Sherry', of Chelsea. Mrs. McMahon and Mrs. Whiting, who have been visiting Mrs. Clemeiits, returned to New York Friday. Miss Florence Huson has a position in Harpers' Hospital, Detroit, wuere she will remain during the summer. Frof C. II. Douglas returned from Madison, Wis. Monday, and reports a lare attendance and splendid time. Kirk Clark, Will Saunder?, Will Parker and Chas. Ailes are camping at Porta-e Lake. They went out yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Spence and family with several invited friends expecttogo to Whitmore to-morrow for the day. Miss Laura May Ward after visiting with Mrs. T. H. Taylor on IngalU öt. has left for her home. Eglington, Ou!. Mr and Mrs. Willis Boughton are expected home from Petoskey next Tuesday. They will live at G9 Washington Street. Mrs C E Wagner carne home last eveniñg from her visit in Danville, 111. C. E. went down to Toledo yesterday to meet her. . Messr P B Rose and Andrew Climie ind families, with friends from California yisiting the latter, spent yesterday at Whitmore. . Mrs N. II. Winans, Miss Carne and Bert leave Friday for a ten days1 visit m Portland, Mich. N. II. returned from the north Saturday. Geo Grossman left this morinng to accept a positson te the printinKdepa.;tment o ?ParkeDavis& Co., Detroit, beg.nnmg to-morrow mornlng. He has been conpstllleisedVS S succes in hisnew position. W. A. McAndrews, '85, Ypsilanti, is I ngaged on the Ypsllantian during the vacatioii. E. W. Eede, '83, is ïpending the sumincr with W. C. Braisted, '83, Ypsilanti. Mra. Gen. Hunt and Bob. leave tliis week for Charlcvoix whcre they will joiu Miss Bessie and Lew Hunt to retnaln through the slimmer. Mrs. Lunisdcn and Miss Emina have charge of Prof. Henequiu's residence during the absence of the Professor and his family for the sumrner. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Knowlton leave this week for a two weeks visit in Hillsdale and othvr points. Miss Millie is at Charlevoix with Mrs. J. C. Knowlton. Mrs. Whiteford, lier damjLter Miss Rose Barton, and also her niece, left this morning for Colorado. She expeets to take up her residence there, or in California. Wlll R. Payne, '87, has engaged with the Johnson Optical Co , Detroit. He will be in their city oftice until the latter part of August and after that will travel for the lirm up to Oct. lst. S. Willard Boakes is the guest of Mrs. Judge Beakes. Mr. Beakes has sold out his newspaper business in Ohio, and will lócate at another point. He thinks of paying a visit to his paients' home, New York State soon. Mrs. A. W. Ames and little Ruth left Ann Arbor on Tuesday the 15th for California. When last heard f rom, the train was being drawn by two engines np the mountains in Colorado. The trip thus far had been very enjoyable. Rev. H. F. Bolser will next week altend the annual meeting of the northern district of the Ohio Synod at East Saginaw. The General Synod, held once in two years, will convene this fall in Columbus, O. It comprises six districts. Among the Sunday Whitmore visitors were the following : Dr. Vauglin and family, Messrs. and Mesdames M C.. Petersou, P. Lathrop, and E. M. Southard, Mis. Hyde and Miss Frank Jewett, Mr?, and Will Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kempf and daughter, U. ('ramer and the Misses Cramer, E. B. Abel and J. C. Knowlton. Miss Lucy E. Chapín reports afine trip to Washington and enjoyed the scenery between Pittsburg nnd Hai-risburg very much; at Horse Shoe Bentl shespeaks of it as being especially line. By the bye, Miss Chapla had a narrow escape from beiug run over in "Washington by a lunaway team coming unexpectidly around the corner of a block as she was crossing a street.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Philip Lohr