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Frora tlie Herakl. Uria Isbell, oL Stockbrklge, is raising nver 0,000 cabbages. About one hundred busliels of hucklebenk'8 have been shipped ft om tliis place Fred Witmire, insaue, lias jiist been iwarded $8,000 back peusiou. K. Hempell. of YpsilantI, lias been appointed his guardián. A pleasant faniily reunión took place it the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Paine, last Weduesday, it the thirtifth anniversary of tlieir marriage. A Sharon Demncrat, meeting one of Diir citizpns a lew daysafter tlie convention, asked hini who was nominated for President. The party answered, Cleveland. "Cleveland, Cleveland," he said, " who is Cleveland ? Oh, yes! I know, he Is that fellow froin Texas.'' Mr. F. A. Holley, wife and mother, of Lockport, N. Y., are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Joseph Duraiid, of tliis place. While ia town Mr. Holley made us a pleasant cali and gave us considerable nforinutiou regarding the Ilolley Wt.ter Works systeni of which bis fatlier was the fouuder, and for which Mr. Holley travels. Jackson bas this systeui and recently voted $30,000 t extend its pipes. On Monday noon las!, while hauling wheat on his farm about one and a huif miles west of here, Mr. L. L. Randall had the misfortttne tofall, strikingon bis right side. His graucNon, Matt. Churchili, at once procured a buggyand brougbt him to bis house in this place. Dr. Palmer was immediately called who says that two ribs are badly fractured. Owing to Mr. Randall's advanced age, 82 years, his recovery will be slow. DEXTP.U. Some weeks since n refeiritig to Michael Hoben's admission to bail in the Circuit Court, on .the charge of shooting his neighbor, J. W. Vaughn, we .said, "It is uiiderstood that Yanrhu does not wish Hoben prosecuted, and that no fur-" Uier proceedings will be taken." The item, quoted in the Leader of last week, has che following appended: I wish to say in aii9wer to the above that Michael Hoben shot me in cold blood, without any provocation, and I shall prosecute juin to the full extent of the law. J. W. Vaughn. Krom the Dexter Leader. The funeral services of V. D. Hnil", who died at his son-in-law's residence, iu Wuhatfli. yuctari;iy mArninp, willb Uolil at the Webster Congregaüonal church this afternoon at 2 o'clock. An autopsy of the body, under the direction of Dr Lee, was held yesterday. Miss Carrie Smith had the misfortune to lose her pooketbook as she was leaving Aun Albor for home last Saturday. It was found by a business man of that city, who, upon examiiiation, found out who was the loser. He immediatly notified Miss Smith, and she repossessed herself of it. Calvin Lucas went to Detroit over the M. C. R. It. on an excursión ticket on the Fourth of July, and on his return was put off the train by the conductor, in direct violation of law, betvveen stations - Ann Arbor and Delhi. Lucas says the conductor took up his ticket betweeu Detroit and Springwells. After leaving Ann Arbor he asked him for his ticket again, and Lucas told him he had taken it up, and where, and"ofi'ered to prove it by a young man who sat in the seat with him at the time, and who was still on the train, but the conductor would not listen to a word he said, and stopping the train, ejected him. Lucas, upon his return home swore out a warrant before Justice Page, for assault and battery, and had the conductor arrested. His trial comes off to-morrow, he liaving been held iu $2!)0 bail to appear and answer. When this case is disposed of Lucas, it is reported, will go for the compauy. SALINE. rrom the Ubserver. Nature cuts up some queer capéis. This time she overs'teps ordiuary uatural law by trytng to start a sccond erop of apples 011 a modest tree owned by Mr. Charles Lsbell ere the lirst erop of the season is fully matured. In other words, the tree is blooming with fiesh blossoins while the fruit tliereon is ripening. It has fallen to the lot of a plain. reputable bovine beloDginj{ to James Gregory, who lives tliree miles Southwest of Saline, to add another to the long list of uatural monstrosities. She did it by giving birth last week to a calf with tive perfently formed legs, the extra number being on the forward shoulder. yrsiLANTi. Frora the Commercial. S. A. Deniko, Tuesday while unloading n load of hay in the barn, was, by the breaking of a rope thrown to the ñoor, itiflieting a severe scalp wound. He is up about his business now. A narrow escape Froro the Ypsilanlian. Prof. Pease is at work on a series ol charts for mstrucüon in inusic. We found Prof. Shepard of the High School and Willard Pett of Ann Arbor hard at work on the analysis of tlieOwen mineral water at the sominary laboratory Wednesday. 'l'liey were nearly througl the preparatoiy steps, intendiug to start on the quantitutive the next day. ïlie management of the Opera House is holding uuder conskleratiun u project to convert the building into a skating rink. It is iiretty generally understooc that the house has not been paying lately and rather than run at a loss it is propos ed to take out the seats and scenery, am lay a skating ñoor over the parquette circle and stage, giving an are of 80 x 50 feet. Dr. and Un. J. W. Babbitt celébrate the riftieth anniversary of tiieir wedding last week at their home on Kiver street Like the teasts of olden times, the rejoic Inga lastcd three days. Wednesday the golden wedding was eelebrated, 'J'liurs Hay was the üoetor's 82od blrthday, aiu Fnday Wi the seventh anniversary ot his sou, G. W. B.ibbitr, of St. Thomas There were seventeen Babbltta In attend anee, who maJe it a feust of reason and a llow of soul. Jtis told of two forme r Ypsllantians brothers-inlaw, that considerable rivalr exists between them rejranling their prog env E. has been quite proiid and glo riud over B. because the lormer was tht, futher of two boys and one girl and the latterof two boys only. Some time ago the second girl's advent into E-s house hold was anaounced to B. by telegram ¦'Two pair, queens up. Show your hand! Soou after B. wulcomed a thnd boy and gracefully replied: "Three of a kind- Jacks! Örftw again !" The tables were neatly turned.


Ann Arbor Courier
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