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The National Prohibition Convention

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Am.kgihksy CiTr, Pa., Jnly. 13, 1881. Editor of the Codbiêh ¦¦ Chicago has had ts Democratie and Kepublican conVentloii", and in its halls thore bas been cried out for the first time the name of liim that slmll stand at the helm and couduet the ship of state forthe coming fonr years ; but Pittsburg, the city of sinoke aml grif, !nJ tlle city Tom wl":1' llle gieat party of human freedom was sent forth upon its noble mi-sion, has had ils Nation l'rohibition Convention. If enthusiasm were any indication of success, then would eiÖov. St. John be the next President of the United Stnte?, for from the very moment that the lirst mass meeting was held until the adjourninent of the coiirention, the greatest enthusiasin prevailed amoug the 000 doei; gates that had come from 28 different States to tight "not for offices but for principies," an,l who did iiot intend to meet the issue by going bf the way of "Jerricho and Joppa," but by "going straight througli the country."' A Pitlsbti rjf pjiper aid of the delegiUes : "The fanatic has been left at home. I'erhapa he is dead. In his 9tead there are men bom with inetincts of pioneers. Tlie fauatic has but one ide.u These have nanjr. He could clamor against anything he hated. These can plan and plot for its overthrow." One special feature of this convention was the immber of lady delegates, who evlnced muc.h interest and took an activa part in the proceedinga. Pension Commissiouer Dudley, and Indian Commissloner Price came from Washington, with the intention of convertinr the whoie convention. Tliey did iiot vvlah a third National ticket to be put into the field, but urged the delegates to fu home and stay within party lines; however, tho euthusiasm was too strong anti their niission was fruitless. Great disorder and commotion reigned among the members of the Convention until Prof. Samuel Dickie, of Michigan, was electeU permanent ehairman, wheu order was maintained aml business quickly dispatched until the end. Thursday was the final and the most important day, and the session was prolouged until 2o'elockon Friday niorning. Stirring speeches were made by prominent men in presenting the names of the different candidates, and the cheeriiiu that followed the speeches of üeorge C. Christian, of Illinois, and Miss Francés E. Willard who preseuted the name of ex-üov. Bt John was deafening and clearly indieated who was the choice of the convention. The strongest oppouent that ex-Oov. St. John had was Dr. McDonald, of California, whose chances were grontly weakened by the f net that he is proprietor of a patent medicine that contains tive per cent. of alcohol. The giant fiom Kansas has no barrel to fall back upon, as had Dr. McDonald, who is reputed to be worth about $",000,000; therefore, $,",000 were raised lor a campaign fmul. However varied may be the opinions as to the possibility of eufurciiig loliibition laws, candid, l.iir-inindud men think, aml the principal papers tliroughout the country have come to realize tbat the principies by which the ProhibiüonUts are guided have for their object the elevation of the bojnan familv, and the . Prohibition party wilj makc itselfso feit througliout the country, that it 11 at least force one of the parties trom whose ranks it will abstract the most votes to insert a plank into its platform that touches upon the Temperance question. There was some fear exprested that the "American Prohibitiou party," whicb met in Chicago about a month ago and nominated ex-Senator Pomeroy for President, and John A. Conant, of Wllllniantic, for vice-president, wculd not unite in supporting the candidatos of the "Prohibiüon Home l'rotection party," but iuasmuch as the above natned candidates have not yet acoepted the nomination tendered theni, and inasniueh as the platform of the two parties diffei' ónly in the single item of opposition to secret socielles, lt is thou#Ut quito probable that a unión can be all'ected of the two parürs, thus uniting all the temperance people under one banner. Some of the more enthusiastic delesates claim that the P.rohibition party will poli one million votes, and will have the balance oí' power in Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, Michigan, Indiana and Missouri. The action of Mr. Daniels, the J'rohibition candidate for vice-president, liave been very fayorably coinmented upon in that he refused to indulge in any abuse of the candidates ojt either parties, but only attacked the inlluenco of the liquor trame as a power that rules over both the Kepubliean and Democratie parties. The closing scène of the convenlion was a banquet at the Monongahela Home at 2'oclock 011 Fnday moruing, tendered to the delegates bv Dr. McDonald.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News