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Can a man wlio wi tes a poem on liis hat bedesciibed as vers-a-tilc? - I.ife. A Special Invitatiou. We especial ly invite a trial by all tliose j gufferen frum Kidney and Liver coraplaints wlio have failed to obtain relief frein other remedies and from doctors. Ñature'a great reinedy, Kidiiey-Wort, lias effected cures in many obstinate cases. It acts at once on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleansing the system of all poisonons liiiinors and restoring ahealthy condition of tliose important orjfiins. Do not bc discouraged hut try it. A week or two ago, in Plilhuklphia, fttary A. Geíz and William Üinner were Joined in wedlock. Happy eombination. See in tlils race for happlnesg The husbanti is the winner: For he. as usual, gets u saint, W'liüe Mary (ietz a sinner. Burlington Hawkeye Have used Dr. Thomas's Kclectric Oil tor croup and cokls, and declare it a positive cur. ('ontributed by Win. Kay, ")T0 Plymoiith Ave, Buffalo, N, Y. CAIN Health andjlappiness. "%P ? DOASOTHERS y&?UF $ HAVE DOHE. Are your Kidneys disordered? "Kidnty Wort brought lúe from my grave, as it were, af ter 1 had been ffiven un by 13 lest dooton In Datntt." M. W. Uoveram, Meclianic, Ioni,Mi;li. Are your nerves weak? "k'iduey Wort cured me from nervouH wcaknens tc.after I was not ijpeeted to llvu."-Mrs. M. U. B. OouUwin, Kd. tVirfstiim Monitor, t Ie . -laiul , O. Have you Bright's Disease? "Kidney Wort rured me when iny water waa just Uke ehalk and then lllte blood." Frank Wilson, Peabodj, Mass. Suf f ering from Diabetes ? (jtii Xi mwaii nuariwi ui rcuic y 1 navt) Br. Phillip'Ó'.'ÏÏaiiöui M'Jnktón, Vt Have you Liver Complaint? "Kidney-Wurt eured mo of chrouic LiTer Diseast'B after I prayed to die." Henry Wart, late Col 69th Nae. Guard, N. T. Ia your Back lame and aching? "Kidney-Wort, (1 bottle) cured me when I wasso lame I had to roll out of lied." C. M. TaUmage, Milwaukce, Wis. Have you Kidney Disease? "KidiH-y-" urt made me sound in llver and kidneys after ycars of unsuccessful dortorins:. lts worth Saui'i Hodgea, Williainstuwn, Went Va. Are you Constipated? "Kidney-Wort causea easy evacuatiuns and cured me after lö yearo uso of other medicines." Nelson Falrchild, St. Albana, Vt. Have you Malaria? "Kidnoy-Wort has done better than any other reniL-dy ï liave ever uscd in my practica." Dr. U. K. Clark, Suuth Hero, Vt Are you Bilious? Klvlnev-W ort has dono me moro crood than aiiT other reuiüdy I havo ever taken.1' Mrs. J. T. Gaüoway, Elk Flat, Orejón. Are you'tormented "with Piles? "Kidney-Wort vermanen tly cured me f bleedintr piles. Ir. w. o. lílino recommanded it to me." Ovo. ÍI. Horst, Caahior M. Bank, Myerstown, Pa. Are you Rheumatism racked ? "Kidni'y-Wort cured me. after i was elven up to lie l.y jdiysiciaiisand I had Htiffcred thirty vears." Elbridtje Malcolm, West Batli, Maine. Ladies. are you suffering? "Kidney-Wort cu red me of pi-cnliar truubl. of several ycars etandinc Many f rienda use and praise - Mrs. U. Lamoreaux, lsle La Motte, Vt. If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take Thb Blood Cleanseu. ¦fll rs, I E. I I r QV - ¦¦ -..¦„,,„;- MUrirTorTtnnX'''1 Tavcler and n HIEBRATED "mscttlcr, Hostetter' .' , -v Stomach Bitters is V peculiarly adapted, Mf' WfÜJ jS(&. ""' brace8 "le i l - tfaÍyS9f'' JTSÈ vent" ""larial Icve as puriíies the blo od P fc STOMACHr When overeóme ly M IkiBa J% laligue, uhether U I WÊ %.4V meuial or physicar. 1 U, U M the weary and debli itated find it ií relmble gonroe oí retiewt'd streníjth and comfort. For sale by all Druggists and Draler8 generally, Infants and Children Without Mor-nhino or Narcotiue. What kíi'-s oiir ('liiliiron rosv ainado, waatcureí thelr feren, makea Öieiti sli-"fis rsl.irH.' When lialiies fret, and en by turas What cures thelr eolio, kiïls ibeir wormí Hut Castoria. What quu'líly oiirofi Codxtípfttloi] Sour títoinaeh, (Jolds, ladigmtion ; Unt l'nstorla. Farcwpll then to Morpliino Bsrrapa Castor i)l and Porejrorie, inií Mail „si. irla. Centaur Liniment.- An absolute curo for Rhoumatism, Sprains, Durji;., Calis, &c, and au imtaiitauoous Pain-rclievor.


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