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My physician sáld I colild ooi live; my II ver out of onler; frequëntly yomited greenish muCOUS, skin ycllow, Miiall dry humors on face, stoinacli would not retaiu food. Burdock Blood Biitcis cured n#. Mr. Adekidc O'Brien, 372 Exchange ., j Buft'alo, N. Y. A Pennsylvania man feil dead a few I das ago in front of a sofa. He was prob ably looking for hfs slippers and the shock of flndlng tliat his wlfe had left tliem wherehe put them caused bisdeatb. - Boston Post. Try It Tourself. The proof of the pudding is not in cliewing the string, blit in having an oppoitunily to try the article yourself. Eberbach & Son, the Pruggists, llave a f ree trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Sj'rup lor each anl cveiy one wlio is affücted witli Coughs. Colds, Astluna, Consnniption or any Luag aili'tt ion. Themouth of the Am a zon riveiin South America is one bundred miles wiUe. Nuk see the niiiiétrel end nian turn green witli envy. - Yon kers State.-man. "MollierSwan's M'orui Sjrup." Infallible, tasteless, Immiless. catiiailir, for feverishness, renleMuess, worm, constipation. 2ÖC. Ilcreafter we shall inslsl tipon the politj cal fenee belng built of barbed wire There is too inuch sitting (in il :it present - Oil City Derrlctc. Ifyou hare f lied to receive benoflt from other preparatioug, try Hood'd jaranparilla; it is the strongest, tbc purcst. tb lii'.-l, and the cbeApest The man wboenjoya tin tootbaelie "potiently'' is ëvidently the deulist.- Ilusión C'ourier. This lUea of Goin West to Colorado or New Mex'uo, f"i pnrí .ii to relieve Cossamptlon, is al! a tuistake. Any reasonable man would use Dr. i!"sanko's Cough and Luiifr Syrup for Consumption in all its first stages. It never fails to give relief in all cases of Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, Pain in the Chest and all afi'ections that are consldered prlmary to Congnmptlon. Prlce150ceüt8and (1.00. Sold by Eberbach A Son. Apple blossonis are now worn by Boston brides. Whlskey Müssoms have long been worn by inanv lioston bridegroonis. -Chicago Bye. Some reniarkable cures of ilcafness are recorded of Dr. Thomaa's Eclectrlc Uil. Never fails to cure eiirache. "Crnckoy ! butwe aredoipg acinashing businesss," said a waiter at the West B'ighton Hotel, as he dropped an firml.ul of dishes. - New York News. Skimiy Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsla, Impotence, Sexual Debllity. 1. Ilenry C. Work, the authorof'1 Graivdfnthcr's Clock,'' is dead. Ltt na hope that the wm-ks of the doek are nlso worn out - Pen ver lnter-()ceu. Eg"Lndies, atteutloB ! In the Diamond Dyes more colorín" is glven than in any known dyes, and ttiey give faster and more lirilliant colors. lüc. :t. all drujrgistg. Everybody praises thein. Wetis, RicUardson i Co., Burlington, Vt. Youiiff PhysicJan: No, it s not in Kood taste tor a voung physfcian when wi tinr to a patiënt, to sign himself. " Yoiin till deatli." - Somerville Jou nial. "Buchiipaiba." Quii-k, complete, cures all annoytag Kiduey, and Uriuarv Dlaunees. $1. Dru;gist. "As we journey Uirougb litV, lel us live bv Uie welgh,1 sang tlie hnppy grocer when he put up fourteen ounces of' cortee and put it on the customer's book is :i pound. - Merchant Travelei'. Uou't Die in the House. " Rough on Rats.'1 Clears out rats, mire, maches, bed-bugs, tlies, ants, mules, chi - monks, gophers. 15c. FgK- "Foi heaven's sake huw nuirli more are you goinj; to eatofthat salid y You've put away a half-galloii of t already. Fepderspn- " Nonsense, I'vo only eaten a niouthful." Fogir- ' 'l'hat'i whatlsaid." - Boston Transcript. The Burdock plant is one of tlio bsil diuretics or kidney regulators, Burdock Blood Bitters is unsiirpasscd in ;ill diseases of the kidneys, liver and blood. A business that is run nto the Jjrround - Artesian well boring.- New iork .lournal. 'Itoiigfh on Hais." Clears out rats, niice, roacbes, Mies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chijmiuiiks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. Cure for Piles. The lirst Symptom of Piles is au intense itchlng at night after gettini; warm. This unpleasant sensHtion is immediately relleved by an appllcatlon of Dr. Bosanko's l'ile Ucniedy. Piles m all forma, Itcli. Salt Hlieuin and Ringworm eau bc pcrinanently cured by the use of this graat rcniedy. Price 50 cents. Jlaiuil'actiirod hy the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Oompany Piqua, O. Sold by Eberbftch & Sun. 1202-1263.


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