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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. K.iril & ABEL. Now is the time to buy summer dress oods, wlien regular trade is over and every thhig ligbt is going for little. You can quickly look through all we have. This list rnay help: Brocaded dress goods 8, cents now 5 cents. Large variety of half wool dress goods 25, cents now 12) cents. N'un's Teilings in all the desirable shades, 60, 65, and 75 cents now 50 cents. Combination suitings, $1.50 and $1.00, iow$1.25. Lace buntings, 20 and 25 c. now 12VL c. Sonie are marked o f ar below value as to be picked up as f ast as they are seen by those who only balf want them. We are looking forward to the time wlien vbat are left must be packed away for inother year. BACH & ABEL. Sateens, as the word is understood now, are less tban a dozen yeara old. They are the tittest outcome of high art in color painting on cotton of exquieite texure. Tbey were rich and beautiful to )egin with, and went on trom one degree of extravagance to another, eycry seaïon outdoing the last until the pitch of flowery and buggy profusión was reached last summer. By that time also the wildest extriiVHgance of foreign designs appeared n all the grades of American cotton?, espt-cially in the lowest. This spring our coinpetitors thougbt that sateens had had their day and bought a few old styles beoause they were sold cheap and the confequence was tbey were compelled to sell them for ten cents a yard or keep hem. We risked new styles in the beginning of the season and as soon as we found the drift of current taste we bought more. ifore carne and went, and even we have een without some styles half of the ime. (New styles we mean.) A word about the styles: They are mostly stnall ecru, light blue, )ink and navy blue figures on plain (round. The wild extravagauce of design is wholly droppcd. The beauty is entirely of another soit. The figures are notprett}-, or fine or wonderful in any vay, but the effect lo a dress is beautiful. Now you look back frorn this modest, quict beauty and wonder bow it was that plendor of color painting could have carried you so far beyond becoming decorations in your dress. A large table in he eastern part of the store is filled with hese sateens. Nobody has them elsewhere. Think of the essential properties in Iress as you look at them and see how heir gentle beauty grows upon yon. 25 ents. BACH & ABEL. Printed linen lawns, ten cents below he usual prices, very few left. Now 25c. educed from 35c. We are ashamed to keep on saying tliat we mean all linen wlien linen mcans the same. But the naughty prodigality of adventurers makes t necessary to be careful. BACH & ABEL. The great demand for Jerseys still co - in nes. We have, as wc have had all along, by 'ar the largest stock ia the city. The qualities are wliat they ought to )e ; tho shapes are all correct and all the grades are here from $1.60 to $20. Those at $7.50 and under are in your minds; especially those below $.".00. They are every way correct, there is uo such other stock in town. AVe no not nean that nobody else bas any proper garments, but, properly speaking, comjetition with this stock as a whole is out of the question. Below $5.00 our prices are about half of last year's ; but no lower thaii a month past, and there is no occasion to make them lowcr. If we were going to single out the cheapest of all we have we should probably hit on that at $1.69, and this we say rather to ask your most exacting eye upon it. BACH & ABEL. With the laying off of high cut coats and vests dnrlug this hot weather the condition of the shirt front must be looked into. The large stock we display shows that we are ready. The " Pearl " leads as the best dollar shirt in Ann Arbor unless ladies' eyes deceiyed them, and wlien they are deceived 'tis more apt to be their hearts than their eyes that make the niischlef. We would like the opinión for good or bad of every lady who passes througb the store on the "PearV BACH & ABEL. DIPHTHERIA! THE PROSTRATION whlch iollows Diphtheria, and the persistency with whlch It cllnga to the patiënt, ar well kuown to all who have had any experienca ¦with this terrible disease. The lollowlng letter shows how the restoring and Invlgoratlng properties of It overeóme It, and HOOU $ - how by vltalir... Ing and enrichStnrnnrinnct ing the Wood " oursujjut nu neutrallzes and eradicates the polsoned matter irom it, brlnglng to the convalescent the color, lüa and vigor ot robust healtli. Loweli., Mass. MESSRS. C. T. Hood&Co.: GentlemenMy little girl had the diphtheria last April. The disease left her very weak, blood poor, with no appetite, and she could not seem to rally trom lts cffects. HooD's SaksapariliAwas recommendedbyaneighbor. Aiter she had been taking It a (ew days we noticed achangefor the better-she bcgan to eat with a rclish. It scemud to take out the Píon the disease had lelt in her WV' éhanEe bcing very notlceable In her face. Bhe fookittwo months and fully regained her health, much to our dellght. We now recommend Hood's Sabsapakilla with a great deal ol pleajure. gVetruly yours, 19 Buttèrfleld Street. "That Extreme Tired Feeling." 'The flrst bottle has done mv daugliter a creat deal of good; her food does not disfress er now, nor does she suffer from that cL?eLlured feeling whlch she did before taking Hood'8 Saksatabilla." Sold by all dniggists. Trice $1 a bottle or Blx bottles for $5. ITepared by C. I. HOOÜ & CO., Apothecarics, T-owell, 5Uss. Hootfs ToothrPowder, Only V Vents. ÍTHE PNEUMATIC FRUIT DRIERS. Awarded the Silver Medal ovt-r all comjtitora At New Envluiil Fair, 1883. The oprtion 1b tweh that they reUin the nstural fruit flavor. The eyaioration ia Uxe mout rapul, ¦ ïth ivat-l f uel. All hi zes t er f nu or iactory u. Wc mauuíacture tho beBtKvaj'oraUïnjforiuakinB-Appl' Jelly irom ('ider, withont nuarar. 8eud for XUustrated Circular. Yt. Farm Machine Co., ii. iiuw ruiu, vi. 1202-1210.


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