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THE DINGEE & CONAKD CO'S BEAUTIÏTL. F.TER-BT.OOnnNtt ROSES ll.beieJ.yourCHOIOEil Strone Pot PUnte, fpi 12 fr S2. 19 .r $3. teiSS?eïa 78 " lol 100 ¦ ifci l'o''a'-tWE CIVE A WAYïsMKB more RoseB than uioat establirihmeutaKrow.anü ara the oDly concern luuïcin .i SIK('IAI Business of Koaea. Sixty l.urse HouMCMtorltoaea&lona. Our NW tiuidr, u eomulelt Trnit ie nm m% m- gn IA ,70 'p,t. v " '" 'ii ''"' ""' ' '. "' rKbk THE DINCEE & CONARD CO. BotíruwiT, WentOrove.Cliestert-'u.Pa A FINiTSÜÏTF"" OF Rooms fop Offices OVER THE NEW POST-OFFICE. SÜPPLIED WITII WATER AXD STEAM. Those roeently oecupled by Dr. Wilson can now ie rented by Inquliing at tlxe COURIER OFFICE. LUMBERÏ LX7MBEK! LtTMBEE! 11 yon contémplate building, c;tll ut FERDON IlllEI llll! Corner Fourth and Depot St3., and geour figures tor all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lutnber and guarautee VERY LOW PRICES tg-Give us a cali and we will raake it to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully susuins our ssertion. Telephone Connectious with Office. T. J. KEKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop T) EPORT OF THE CONDITI ON -OF THE- ruim' i mm mi AT ANK ARBOR, MICHIGAN, On Monday July. 7, 1884. Made In accordance wlth the General Banking Law of Michigan. RESOURCES. Loans and Dlsoounts_ S13S.243 78 Overdrafts - s9 Furnlture and Flxtures 3.4U7 00 Checks and other Cash Items 1,172 07 Doe from Banks and Bankers 15,960 (W Ieual Tender and Bank Notes H.6WÍ 00 GoUi „ 8,449 80 Sllver. Nlckels, etc J.-J21 09 Bonds, U. 8 3,800 00 School bonds 97 ál Premium, on U. b. Bonds 592 25 $178,688 57 LIABILITIES. Capital pald In $ 50.000 00 Surplus Fund 1,303 77 Proflt and Loss 43 Oo Due Deposltors 125,561 75 Dlvldends unpald l,"60 00 $174,668 57 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. WilliAM A.T01.CHARD, Cashler. Subscrlbed and sworn to before me, this seventh day of Jnly, 1884. Wm. W. Whedon, Notary Public.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News