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Compiled from Late Dispatches. DOMESTIC. The works oL tlie Zeil Guano Coinpany, near Baltimori, valuod at $100, 00U, were swept away by fire a few days ago. A fire on the 22d, origtnttlng in the block factory of Harvey & Farr, at Gloucester, Mass., spread until property valued at $000,000 was desti oyed. A natural gas deposit was struck at Frankfort, D. T., the other day at a dt-pth of eiglity-flve toet. Wben lighted, cxi1dsions followed whieh shook all the buildings in the place. Henry Hayman, au English gentleman who was on his way home from San Francisco was found dead in his room in the Palmer Houseat Chicago on the 2üd. His body wasembalmed, and a cablegram was sent to his relatives. Near Cowee, Tenn., a few days ago, a locomotive pulling a train filled with convicts exploded, killing three men and fatally scalding several others. FIRE9 were raging on the 22d in the fields and forests on all sides of Warren, Trumbull County, O. Scores of men ware ñghting the flames day and nlgüt to protect fences, fields of grain and buildings. North of the town an area of one hundred acres had been burned over. A great deal of damage vvaj also being done in the southern part of Morrow County by forest fiies. A terrible gas explosión ocfurred on the 'J2d 'n the store ot Charles M. Barrey, at Atlanta, Ga., resulting in the killin; if two people and the wounding of seven olhers. The exerrises of the eightenth National enoanipmrnt of the Grand Anny of the RapuUic were formally openeJ on the 33d al Camp Beath, near Jlinneapolis. Speeches were made by General Beath, Governor Hubbard, Mayor Pillsbury and others. The attendance was very great and the enthusiasm unboinided. H. P. Kobixson & Bro., general store and banken at ücala, Fla., have failed for f-'0O,0:O. A HEAVY wind and rain-storm swept through the Mohawk Valley, in Central New York, on the 28cL Near Utica trees, fences and buildings W6ro blown down and barns were burned by lighlning. Great damage was also dong in the hopyards, the losses being estimated at thousands of dollars. Near Little Falls a farm laborer named Hem y Trumbull was killed tjy lightning. Tliroush Otsego County hop-yards and otlier properiy were also deslroyed. The Coatsville Iron Com'pany of Westchester, Pa., has failed ov 203,001). Coloxel E. IV. Cole, of Nashville, has purchased the greater portion of Lookout Mountain, and intends to set engineers at work on a rail way from Chattanooga to the summit, after the model of the Mount Washington Road. Wear, Boooiier & Co., dry-goods dealers at St. Louis, made an assignment 011 the 23d. The liabilities were $130,000, and the assets greatly in exeess of that sum. Twexty-five acres of swamp land near Cantón, Ü., had been burned over on the 23d, and the flames were spreading. Two large fields of wheat and oats in the vicinity were also burned. Fire at Dayton, O., recently destroyed the hay-rake works of John Dodd and other property valued at $75,000. A THUNDER-STORM on the 231 leveled Barnum's circus tent at Syracuse, N. Y., oreating a panic among the audience, several of whom were injured, a few it was thought fatally. The damage to the tent and wardrobes was $12,000. J. M. Griffin, a prominent farmer living near Marshall, Mo., had occasion to correct his son William, aged seventeen, a few days ago, when the youth fatally stabbed his father with a pocket-knife. It was stated on the 2ííd that seven persons were killed near Sioux Falls, D. T., by the recent great storm, and four lives were lost near Luverne, Minn. A gentleman from Philadelphia on the i'Si showed the secret-service offlcers in Chicago a twenty-dollar Treasury note made wholly with a pen, its execution being so complete as to deceive a keen expeit. Near Gunnison, Col., an explosión of giant powder on the S8d killed John Lynch, John Morris and J. W, Olsen, and wounded several other men. The managersof the World's Exposition at New Orleans have placed $5,000 at the disposal of the Governor of each of tbf States and Territoria. By the explosión of a steam thresher near Rushvillo, Ind., on the 24th three men were killed, one was fatally burt.and four others wero seriously scalded or wounded. A passknoer train ran into a street-car at ¦VVaterford, N. Y., on the 24th, kiüing Mrs. M. F. Scott, a woman of sixty-two, who was in the street-car, and fatally injnring a nine-year-o!d boy. Three other persons and the driver were badly hurt. The explosión of an oil can, used in slartinga fire, resulted in an explosión at Plano, Tex., a few days ago, by which two children of John Ilansdale wnre burned to a crisp. The distillery of A. Overholt & Co., at Connersville, Pa., and seven thousaud barrels of whisky were burned early on the morning of the 24th, causing a loss of $(00,000. Fraxk DeWalt, the defaulting Leadville (Col.) banker, has been sentenced to ten 3ears in the penitentiary. louis öPEXCti!, a colorea man, diod ou tbe -4th iu tho poor-house at Lockport, N. Y., in his one hundreil and fifteeiith year. AS illicit distillery eonducted by a moonshiner named Polk West, inOverton County, Tenn., was on the 24th seized by the revenue ofTieers, who destroyed one thousand gallons of beer and a still of one hundred gallons capacity. An issignment has been made by Hand & Ellswortb, paper-dealers in New York, whose liabilities were .fi'00,000. ïhref. children of Joseph Ashley, aged nine, seven and five years, of Suamioo, Wis., went out to piek berries on the Htb, and woro drowueJ trhila batbing in the river. The deaths were reported on tbe 25 th of Walter Harrinnn, ex-Governor of New Harnpshire, ased sixty-seven, and Daniel Pratt, formerly Attorney-General of New York, aged seventy-eight. The report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for the fiscal year andad June 30 showed that the aggregate receipts of his department were $l:l,S'JJ,OCy, a decrease of nearly $23,000,000 compared with the previous year. The boiler of an engine on the Lehigh Valley Hailroad burst near Whitehaven, Pa., on the 2öth. J. W. Harsel, the engineer, his son, who acted as brakeman, John Armbruster, the fireman, and a tnlegraph operator named Smitu were instantly killed. At Yankton on the 25th Colonel Gilbert A. Pierce was sworn in as Governor of Dakota, A tire at Tacoma, W. T., a few day ago destroyed two blocks comprising thirty-two business buildings. Loss, $50,000. In the Ohio Valley the drought on tf 2öth had resulted in serious losses to farmers, who were on the alert to prevent their parched field taking fire. Hay was sixteen dollars a ton and advancing, tobáceo was badly injured and corn was threatened. The Health Department of Chicago ou the 25th received warning that a physician of San F-ancisco had started eastward with two lepers, whom he proposed 'to exhibit in all the large citiesand on the steps of Beecher's church in Brooklyn. The show would fail to secure a license in phicago. Returns from Í59 letter-carrier postoffices for the quarter ended June 30 showed a falling off in revenue as compared with the corresponding quarter of the previous year of $3O0,3Jü. On tuis basis the receiDts ror me year wouia D í-',(Kiu,vw lesa Liian for the previoui year. The diminutiou is due to the reduction of lettor-postase from three to two cents. Three laboréis were killed and several otliers were injured a few days ago on the RÍO Grande Railroad by tbe explosión of a box of giant powder. The tannery of C. F. Sauer & Co., t Lonisville, wns destroyed by an ineenrtiary flre on theV-'Jth, causing a loss of $JO,000. Captain Herman, of tbe flre department, was lacf.lly njured by falling from tbe burning building. Bonds to the amount ot $1,000,000 bearing three per cent, interest are to be issued for the purchase of sites and the erection of public-school buildings thereon in New York City. The third-story wall of a warehouse in Lexington, Ky., gave way the other day, eniptying bricks and wheat upon two men below, one of whom was killed and the other fatally injured. H. H. Youno, statistical agent for Minnesota, estimates the wheat yield of that Btotn at 44,000,000 bus hels. Víctor Eloy, a wife-murderer, and Kendrick Holland (colored), who killed his mistress, were hanged at New Orleans on the 25th. During the seven days ended on the 2.')th the business failures throughout the United States and Canada numbared 240, against 282 the previous week. The distribution was as follows: New England States, 20; Middle 54; Western, 88; Southern, '-'O; Pacific States and Territories, 14; Canada and the Provinees, JÍ1. PERSONAL AND P0LITICAL. Mrs. Jane Grey Swisshelm, whoso name has for forty years boen a familiar one to the American public, died on tha evening of the 22d at her home in Swissvale, Pa. She was born In Pittsburgh in 1815. Ge.e ral Weaver was on the 22d nominated for Congressman from the Sixth District of Iowa by the Democratie and Greenback Conventious. Thomas J. AVood was noiniimted by the Damocrats of the Tenth Indiana District. The Massachnsetts Republican State Convontion will be hold in Boston on the ud of September next. Hon. W. H. Crain has been nominated for Congressman by the Democrats of tbe Seventh District of Texas. The Wisconsin Democratie Convention for the nomination of Statn ofticers will be held at Madison September 10. Alexander Sullivan, President of the Irish National League, has called a convention at Boston for August 10. The National Conventionof Prohibitionists opened its session at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 1Ï3J, with 456 delegates in attendance. William Daniel, who was chosen temporary Chairman, expressed the conviction that the temperance voters could put Mr. St. John in the White House. At the eveniug session Prof. Samuel Dickey, of Michigan, was made permanent President. Adiourned to the 24th. The following Congressional nominations were made on the 2.".d : Republican - California, First District, T. L. CaroUiers; Second, A. A. Stewart; Fourth, V. W. Morro w; Fifth, Charles N. Fenton; Sixth, N. H. Markham. West Virginia, Tbird District, J. W. Davis. Ohio, Third District, II. L. Morey. yermont, Second Dis'rict, W. N. Grant. Democratie - Indiana, Tenth District, Thomas j J. Wood, renominated. Rear-Admiral George F. Emmoxs, I tired, died on the 23d at Princeton, N. J., I ageé seventy-five years. Thk National Prohibition Convention in session at Pittsburgh on the 24th j ed John P. St. John, of Kansas for Ment, and William Daniel, of Maryland, for Viee-Prcsideiit. It was decided that the name of tbe party should be the "Prohibition Party." The platform adopted favors the alolition of internal revenue on liquors and tobáceo, and declares that the j ballot should be placad in the hands of woman for her protection. At the California Republican State ConTention at Sacramento on the 2th eight Presidential electora were chosen and a platform was adopted which affirms the principies of the National Republican platform; favors a protective tariff n wine, raisins and hops; the restoration of the wool tariff of 1807; denounces the Democratie candidato for President asa monopolist; approvos Blaine's attitude on the Chinese question, and favors pensions for tbe Mexkan war veterans. O. the 24th two Prohibition State ventions were held in Indianapolis. Une faction was opposed to the nomination of I a State ticket, while the other placed R. ' S. Dvviggins in the field for Governor. The act of the Virginia Legislature prohibiting school suporintendents from taking part in politics has been declared uueonstituíioiiíil by the Court of Appeals. John Hill, who representad a New Jersey district in Congress for three terms, and was largely instrumental in securing two-cent postale and the postal card, died on the 24. h at Boonton, in his sixty -fourth year. At the meeb'ng of the new Democratie National Cominittea on the24thHon. William H. Barnum, of Connecticut, was reelecied Chairma-i, and Hon. F. O. Prinee, of Massachusetts, Secretary. The Democra-s of West Virginin, in convention on th 24th at Wheeling, nom inated E. Willis Vilson for Governor, anl indorsed the National ticket and platform. Congressional nominations were mad as follows on the 24th: Republican - Illinois, First District, R. W. Dunham, renominated; California, Second District, A. S. Larettet; Minnesota, First District, Milo White, renominated. Democratie- Ohio, Eleventh District, Leo Ebert; Missouri, Sixth District, John T. Heard; Kentucky, Third District, J. E. Halsell. John P. St. John has accepted the Prohibition nomination for the Presidency. John R. Neal has been nominated for Congressman by the Democrats of the Third District of Tennessee. John E. Bryant has been appointed United States Marshal for Georgia, General Longstroet having been removed. FOREIGN. During the twenty-four hours ended on tho evening of the 22d there were flftyseven deaths from cholera at Marseilles, forty-nine at Toulon and nine at Arles. Deaths from the disease also occurred at Bordeaux, Lyons, Brignoles, Roubiac and Nimes. It was feared that the spread of the scourge would be general throughout Europe. It was deuied that any case of cholera had oceurred in Paris. John C. Exo, the New York abseonder, has rented an elegantly furnished house at Quebec, and bas been joined by bis wife and daughters. De Lesseps announces that the International Technical Commissiou which bas been studying the question has decided to recommend the widening of the present Suez Canal rather than tbe construction of a new one. In the twenty-four hours ended at nino p. m. on the 2f!d there were forty-four deaths from cholera at Marseilles and twenty-one at Toulon. The epidemie had appeared at Brignolos and other poiuts in the south of Franee. At a meeting in Paris on the 2"d of the shareholders it was stated the Panama Canal would be open for trafile in 18SS. Thk treaty recently negotiated by Great Britain with the KinL of Abyssinia binds the latter to abolish slavery and tiie slave trado within his kingdom. Thk St. Petersburg pólice on tho 23d found three Nihilists secreteJ In the park of the palaee where the Czar promenades. The Nihilists resisted.wounded a Sergeant of Pólice and escaped. There were forty-eigbt deaths from cholera at Marseilles for the twenty-four hours ended at nine o'clock on the evening of the 24th and twentyfour at Toulon. It was officially announced that the epidemie at Marseilles and Toulon wus decreasing. The health of Paris was good. Thirty-one deaths were reponed at Arles during two days. The Spanish steamer Gijon collided with the English steamer Laxham a few days ago, and it was feared at London on thii LMth Ihat 104 persons who abandimed tiio slnlclng vossfll.s and took to the boats had been lost. ALL meetings of the Salvation Army Lave been prohibited in Switzerland. At Marseilles thirtyeight deaths from cholera occurred during the twenty-four bours endod at nine p. in. on thi "Joth, and thirteen afc Tottlon At Mounllo, near Toulon, lift y cases of cholora were reported. While the di.sease was decreasing in Toulon and Marseilles, it was inereas! ing in the surrounding villages. At Arles great diistress prevailed, and the town was rapidly becorning deserted. Ten deaths wen rsported at Vintimisrlia, Italy. ¦ The Minister of Finance in Eypt, acting under instructions from Kngland, de mands the immediate jiayineut of arreará of taxes, and agriculturists will be compelled to sell their crops in the flold at a heavy sacrifico. ¦ Ají earthquako 'ou the 2öth destroyed many of the houses at Mas.sowah, on th Soudan coast. The inhiibitants, panicstricken, fled the city. XATER NEWSL There were thirty-six deaths rrom cholera at Marseilles on the '-'Tth, eleven at Toulon, twelve at Arles and six at Aix. The disease had appeared at fourteen places in France, and was carried t Spt ¦.- zie, Italy, by workmcn froni the aisonal at Toulon. A passenoer stoamer on the Volga, in Russia, capsized on the 27th, and twenty persons wero drownod. A cyclone on the 28th at Edenton, N. C, blew down a hardware store and unroofed several other buildings. A warehouse and the wharfs were desiroyed. Ouo child was killed and scvcral people woro wounded by falling timber. President Arthup. left Washington on the 2Cth for his summer vacation. While out boat-ridingon Lake Michigan ncar the Chicago breakwater on the 27th one of the party, a little girl named Mamia Leyes, bent over the sido of the boat to take a cup of water, when she lost hor balance and feil into the lake. Otto Mohardt junipod in to reseue her, and both %-eiü drowned. Thomas M. Nouwoud has been nominatedfor Congressinau by the Democratg of the First District oí Georgia. MucH-XEEDED rain feil on the 28th throughout Southern and Central Ohio. During the storm six puisons were killed by lightning. Five men atrackod four Hungarians on tbe 26th at Uniontown, Pa., killing ono outright and seriously injuring the others. The ruffians had b9en arrested and were held for murder. The Greely relief squadron sailed on the 26th from St. Johns for Portsmouth, N. H. The new post-offne and custom-house at St. Louis was occupied by the postal authorities on the 27th. Pleasaxt Valley, Clear Cieek, Brunswick and the section around Ihose towns in St. Croix County, Wis., were swept the other evening by a hail-stoj m, the frezen lumps being eight toieu inchos in diameter. Dwellings were shattored, cattle, hogs and sheep killed in large numbers, and crops entirely destroyoil. All tha bridges whic'i spauned Otter C'reek wera sivept away. Johx Ji. Fixcn, of Lincoln, Neb., has boen elccted Chairmau of thu Nalional Prohibition CommitUie. One-half the town of Ciunamon Station, Kan., was swept away by a cyclone on the night of the 'JSth, and several persons were badly injured. Agent Hogers arrived at tha l'ayne squatter settlement in Indian Terriioiy on the 2(i.h, and orderud Payne and all his followera to leav-3 and to give up the lands of the Cherokees they had taken possession of. In case they refined to coniply the United States trops would iutei vene.


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