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Krom the Hern]ci. Mr. Tim. McKune, of Lyudon, made this othoe a ple.'isant culi la-tFri.lay. M p Mcktuie has been a resident "of this eounty43year8,and wH the McKune to come to Michigan. HJ ae isï,-. While Saín. Guerln vvss counttng eras last Monday, he found stx eirgs In wbicb cliickens were nmly hatched, In tact, squached," and one wii " plcked." Mr. Fi.-h will seelf asettioirlieii will bihurout the cblcks. While R-v. Mr Mcllwain nnd son (eo. were (.nt rlding last Friday uflenuMin, the íi ola back itrap brokewhen ner the Chelsea House, and the horse takïtijï frilit ran and in spite of all efforta could not b ftopped n ti til both occupantg, and horse and buggy.had Ix-pm thiown luto the dltcb ear Israel Vogel's blaebamith kop Wiimg hands at once removed the persons, and straitfhtened out horse and bugpy. It was ascertainod that nelther Mr. Mcllwalu ¦r sou had had any bones broken, bul t!iat Mr. Mcllwain had reeeived levere bruises D the head, side and linib. Mr. Mcllwain, iltlfongb able to walk and oon verse, was for scveral days deranged, bnt is now iniirovlng Qlcely and hopes are entertained bat he will soon entircly recover, The lorse reeeived no injuries, and $16 will euiiir the bugy, DEXTHR. Froni ibu D.xw.r I.ia1er. The boys are takincr si,.pS looking toward the organlz itton of a uiiüt iry i-üumny. H. W. Bootb h:ts bought a small farm n Otseiro eoiinty, near Qrayling. Ile faves for the north in tw o or tliree weeks. Mix L. W. Brii and her son, Forlvce, will visit PetoRkey, Cheboygan, SEiekinaw and Alpena before thelr riurn. George Crane bas sectired a position in Ik; dnifi store of Clay Waile, at Homer, and departed thither on last Monday evening. Kev. Mr. Fisk, of Anamos.i,Io.,preaehed n the Congrejrational chuich last S.ibbath tnornlnfc. Mr. Fisk, in the longago, was pastor of the Oongregational chuveil lere. The_ Phelps famlly, numbering gome brty-live or fifty persons, picnicked at ïase L;ike on Taesday. They fornied quite a procession as they left town. We wi 1 not undertake to teil just l;(nv the ¦welve or rifteen families representad in ha company are related, for the ramificaions are so uiany and far reachlng that ïo outside party had better venture it. It s the praotice of these relativos to have in annuiil liatheringol this kind, and they lo. MANCHESTER. Krom the Enterprise. 'l'lie Germán Workinginen'8 Society of tliis village will give au excnrelon 10 Toedo on Suiulay, August 10r!i, via. Ij. S. ife M. S. Kailvvay. Mrs. Jones, living with lier tlaughter, Mrs. Wm. Muunt, Sharou, was found dead In the door yard on Monday night ly a young man returning home about twelve o'clock. Mrs. Jones lias been unwell for some time Her deatb was attributed to lieart disease. The funeral was held Tuesday at the Gillett churcli. A sad and fatal accident oecurred on Sunday at the residence of Benj. Ahrenst, Sharon. A Germán t'amily by the name of Hocklebury, in tbis country only a week, while c(iattin; and visiting in the house were startled by the screams of the childienat play outside. Hastily making their way out Mr. and Mrs. Hocklebury found their youngest, acbild a year anda bnlfolS, head downward in a pail of waste water, and the older children too frigbt' ened to rescue it. When taken frem the water the clnld was slill aiive, but died soon after, before the doctor arrlred. The bereaved parents receivethe deepestsympathy from their new made friends tor this cruel introduction to a strenge country. The child was buried on Monday. SALINK. Krom the Observer. A serions hailstorm is reportad as haring visiled the Dakota homes of manyexSalineites last Friday, having taken in the Tower City vicinlty. The storm was six miles wide and completely prostrated crops in its patli, besides unrooling seveial houses. During the thunder storm last öaturday the barn of Jacob Oo.-shans, of Lodi, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. The contents were all destroyed except the live stock and some machiiiery. The loss was $1,000. Tlie barii was in- sured for $"00 iu the Germán Farmers' Mutuiil. M: t hias Rentchler and David Meyer, Lodi farmers, gut into a dispute, the lust of the past weck, about some chickens that had been trespassing. Duiin the heat of' the excitement Mr. Meyei' pulled a 11 pop" on Mr. Rentenier and tbreatened to blow said ueighbor's bralni out. However, Mr. R. lived to reach lown aml iwear out a complalnt ngainst Meyer, whose Biiootinft Iroui HOW rest in care of Justice Webb as bail for bis future good couduct. YI'SII.ANTI. ruin the Sentincl. Twoold Ypsilantians Mr. Henry Bevier and A. 1Í. Coatg have been revigitiog the old camping ground for some days. Frora the Ypsilantiau. Tlie Athlethics of Bay City will play n gaine of base ball in this city Friday. August 8. Bix gentlemen nw straddlc wheels In Ypsi. Jo-eph Uiacuiub, Wanen Buiith, Geo Oaudy, Verne Pai-sons, Dave Morford, and Ártliur Sinith. A bicy ele club is tdked of. . , From the Commercial. Wlibur F. Story f tlie Chicago Times owes the YpillsntI Paper Co. $10,000. Mrs. Jeannette Campbell will leave here Monday evening, and will take paisage on the "City of Rome," for LlvernK)L Aug. 'Jth. She will make uil extenBive Ttolt in different part of Bcotlanil and will probably visit otliur countries. Monday afternoon as Mrs. Jacob WalUice and her sister, Mis. Ralph Hice, were eoluiE around the corner of Hamilton and Congres Sts. In a buggy, the horsc became fri-htened by tlie raising oí an umbrella, and jumping Middenly threw out the occupants, throwing Mrs. allace on her back hurting her qime badly. She was carried into tlie residence of Mrs E M Skinner. Dr. Bonsteel was called who pronouuced no bonea broken. She recovered so as to be able to he taken home the next day. Although M is. W allace was badly hint she had presenoe of mind enough to cali whoa to the horse Wfaich stopped. About two years ago the horse ran away with Mis. Wallace tnrowmcr her against a tree where she was piekert up for dead.


Ann Arbor Courier
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