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Perishable Principles

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The Democratie platform opens with a slight slip of the pen, the easy correction of which biings t into hariuony with the faet whieh no doubt ts framers ntended to express, viz., that "astheNationgiows oldar the fundamental principies of the Democracy perish and new issues are born of time and progresa, which, after beinj duly opposed for ten or twelve yen ra by the Democracy, are npprored by the united voice of the [Opte, Biid tin reupon remain and will ever leiuuin aniong the securities for the contiiiu:iii-c of gmd go - eminent." Ainong-the issues wliicli have so perished, the Democratie party inakirijr each iu turn fundamenta) and galng into moHinins at its deteat, are : froe labor.and should have the sanie right of extensión into the 'l'enitoiies. 1858 to 1800. - Progressive free trac'e to be enforced on all nat ion 8 by the combined moral power of Englaud and Amui iea. 1860-U1.- The Union has no right to prevent the secession of a State, and a war to restore the Union with a seceded State is unconstitiitional. 1SG2. - The war should be eonducted without issuing any forced loans (gresnbacks), without invading the sacred soil of a soverelgu State, and without emancipatlug a slave. 1863. - The war should be intrusted wholly to generáis who get beaten in their campaigns, and admii.istr.itions which complain of them are guilty of the treason of crying: "On to fiiclintond." 18U4. - The war is a fUiliire, tlic rel elllon is a suecess, and there should be a vigorous prosecution of peace by negotiation and treaty with the Confederacy. 1865. - The rebel State governrnents must return into the Union as they went out, without reconstruction. ISüO. - Etnancipated blaeks must have no civil or political rightB. 1867. - The proposed tliirteontli, fourteentli, and fifteenth amendments, giviug political rights to the colored race, are monstrous and flagrant acts of treason and of revolutiou. 18U8.- The National debt should only 1 e paid, principal and nterent, in promisesto pay. (Thurman, Peadleton, and Hendricks.) 18ÜÍ) to 1872. - To prohibit a rebel froni voting, because of crime, or to adinit a black manto vote without regard tocolor, are alike unconstitutional. 187a to 1870.- Resumption of specie payments s Impoasiblf, but to delay It is uncoustitution:il. 1S70 to 1880.- It is the proteetion of oor Industries tfaat haacained all our caInmltles. 1880 to 1S81. - To restore financial properity we must divide our markets with foreigneis and pay the duties ourselve. Notliing can have so baleful an inlluence over our prosperity as to divide the paymentof our taxej with foreijjnera and keep our maiketi tbr our own prodnaers. 1S81. - l'eicciving that revenue reform and fice t rade are green apples fullofcolic, we favor the lipe fruit" of prote&lon uutil electlon. Tliis is a fairpresentmentof fifteen succcpsive issues upon each of which the Democratie paity lias taken the niossbacked, rock-ribbcd, bold-back sido, and apon each of which it has ticen beaten The histoiy of the United States tor twenty-five years consists in the career of. un! varying dtfeat the Democratie party has DüSSed throujtll on these issues. - Chicago ínter Ooean. We lee saw a young man at the ry heavens, wi'th a I In 1 CS?", a - of I pistols in the othtr. We endeavored to 1 attract his attentimi to a ' in a pa1 per we held In our z%, rolatiRgSa young man in Chat g of the country, who had left home In a st.ite of mental derungement. He dropped the and ptatoll frinn his j-y g,1 with the ! " It is I of whom 0 read. 1 left home be4 my friends knew of my desi-rn. I had sO the JLT of a gil w'io refused 2 lislO 2 me, but smiled b!)ly on another. I ed madly from the house, utteringa wild ' 9 love, and without replylng to the t t taf my friends, carne here witli tliis & of pistol-, to put an . 2 my existence. My case li is no in this "


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News