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The Common Council

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At a recular meeting of tlie Cbinmon Comieil, Moiiclay night, business as follows was Hansacted : Fretlerick Bchlecdu'ri petltioif-tu mise his book binding building, east Huron strcet, six ti-ct, and lengtüeu t eiglit feet, was referred to tlic fire department commlttee witli power to act. llealtli offlcer, Dr. Georgo, presented a report concerning a vanlt In the rear oí the opera house block ; on niotion, the. Street coinmiltee was authorlzed to ascertuin by survey whellier the gaiue was located on the streef, ind if so to take wliatever actiod iiiihl be necessaiy with rsgafd to t. The petttion of V. 15. Stick ney and eight otliers in the sixth ward tor the orileriug of a siilewiilk built in front of lot 10, block 7, was referred to the sidewalk committee. A proposition by the Ann Arbor Van Depoee eleetric light and power company to place four üa;ht8 around the court house square at an expense of $14. per month was referred to the following committee: Alderinen Ijaftieiioe.Hein'.manii, and Vaughn. Tlie iinancu report for the past tnontli was read and adopted. The strcet couimittee's report in favor of building a stone arched bridge over Allen's creek, la the first ward, was presentcd and adopted. A íesolution of AHleiinan Lnwrence to place Detroit street under the penn;nent control of the general street committee, pnyment for such improyements as may be made being taken from the general street fund, was tabled until the next meeting. The followinif sidewalks were ordered built, or as otherwlse indiented: Localion. Ownrr. Wldth Jïroadway, weet t?ide...!Luey W. S. Morman.. G feet l'outiac, east ide Uenry M. Aöliluy (i ïeet Wall, aoutb side f Alouzo M. aud liroadway, eaBt aide f i'ajsuo M. Uoty 14 leet Mum, weet aide Ant'y Scliia[JlaCrtSëe 12 It-ct Mam, west sido, 2 lot Ja. bcblppmauae...iU feet Main, west siöe Libbie Benban 11 teel Huron. soutb side Oliver Gretton B luet Fuurtb, weat ride ,A. M. Bodwell J 5 loei Main, west side Jamws Kitson 12 teel Huren. s. side, repairs Dr. W. J. llerdmau . tf Toet On motion of Alclerman Vaoghn, Dr. C. Geoige was allowed $50. tor his services as health oflicer, in aildition to his regular pay of $25. as a member of tüe board of liealtli. Aklermen Vaughn, Higgs and Ei e'e were appointed a committee to revise the ordlaauoe as to the appointment of a board of liealtb. It is the oliairmun's opinión tliat one man sliould bc appolntod city liealtii officer, witli pay ; tliat now Uu re is no adwjuate leiniuieration to any ()ne, tlie sinall amouuts allowed being (üstiibuted among several. W. II. Goodrich, in belialf of various city gardenera, made complaint againtt allowing non-resident hucksters to retail products iu the city without the payment of a license. Thereupoa the matter was referred by the council to a coinmittee coinpo8ed of Aldermen Bijgs, Kearns and Elsele. A reolution to transfer $150. from the contingeiH fuiul to the til'th ward Street f'und, to be re-transferred Feb. 1, "85, was adopted. To the fire depai tinent committee. with power to act, was referred Frederick Wariier's request to erect a barn on his lot on Second Street, ia the second ward. Following the readiHg and adoption of n.„ ;.. „oj i . ¦


Ann Arbor Courier
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