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Sinipi ity and (ril pea ure rtrlklng eliarhCteristics in green npples - Pretzel'ï Weekly. II. B. Cochran, ilruggisr, Lancaster, Pa , has guarantecd over 300 bottles of' I5urdock Blood Bitters for dyspepsia. billoua attack?, liver and kldney. The lovei 'sowsliis wild note. - Wliitehüll Times. "Roiigh o Kuis." Clean out rats, mice, roaches, Uien, ants, bed-bues, skunks, clilpmunka, gophers. 15e. lrugrists. A cafs paw - A Thomas cat. - Seiafors. A ol' time - Au old mald'g. - Tüe Judge. Many medicines on the murket owe what virtue tliey possess to tlie piesence of powerful and potsonous drugs. Hunt's [Kidney and Liver] Ke.medy is purely vegetable and will not lojure tlie fueblest and most delicate person. Every artistloves hissvveet'art:- VVIiitehall Times. Don't Die in tlie Heuse. " ]{oii;li on Rats." t'leaisout rats, iniee, i-oaclies, bed-bugs, Ilies, ants, moles, cliipmönks, gophers. 15c. Bicyclers prefet tlieir iron horsea to tlie living steed. They take tbem for wbeel pr woe.- New York Commercial Advertiger. ï'lieir líame is Legión. Leglona of people have had tkelr livcs made miserable by Tiles. Tliis painful difliculty is often induced and always agirravated by Oonstipation. Kidney-Wort 3 the ri-eat remedy for all affeoüona of tliis I kind. Il acts as a gentle cathartic, promotes a he.ilthy action of the bowels, and sootheaand heals the inflamed surfaces. It has cured hundreds of cases where all other remedies ana applicatioi.i have fkiled. .Sold by all druggists. A rejjBlDlègfioemaEër will never oilcnd Ilia milkman by presenting him with a pair of pump?.- New York Journal. "Uucliiipaiba." Q"irk .completo, ere, .lU aIlnovi Kiduey, Bladder and ürlnuy Diseai Noiight bnt nlce- fl,000,000.- Tnnken StHtesman. Skiiiuy Men. Heam, j;,.,,.,., res lic.illli and vigOT, cures Dvspcpsia Impotence, Sexual Debilay. $1.' ' ' Mexlcan pollcemengo harefoot. Ton can t awakeu a Mezican offleer bv tlckliue bia feet-Loulsville (ourier-Journal Scrofiila. A medicine tli&t destroys tlie gernu o Scrofula and has the power to root it ou taappreciated by the iftlieted. The reinarkable cures of nien, women and chil dren m dMoribed by testimoníalo, pro" Hoods SarwpariJIa a reltable medlcin en itain.tiff remedial urenta which oradl .¦Scrotna f rom the blood. 100 .loso ÍKOO 8o dby all dealers. Cl. I lood A Co., Lowell, M:is8. Il la the carefnl proof-reader, prond o hlspunctuatlon, who "poJnts with prlcte - mcinnatl Saturday Nlfbt Swan's Worm Syriii.'' Intullible, tftttDlees, barmleaa, cathutic Tlie inauwlio called anotlier a d(W apologiud by saying he (lid not do t pon ously.- Gouverneur Heiald Fice Distribiition. " WIkiI raices tbegreat rnsh at Eberbach & Bon'8 drusr store?" The free i, trlbutlonof ampie botüwof Dr.Boaan ko s Cough and LungSyrnp, the most „ L ular remedy forCough, tíóldí, Con.nmpl on. and Bronchitis, now on the raarke Regular .sie 60 cents and $1.00. eD' " ] do btatlnejí on a large ecale," sal,i tlie public weigher, "but I don't .mv,. t . welgto."- Botton Star. JtSTitted ont for Soasan, Dram '¦loaUs, ,:mts stock; nga and all garments an lecolored successfully witb tlie Díamond Dves. Fagblonable colore. Only 10o. at drugglst Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. Afterallthe beanpolels more nsefnl to thla country toan the Nonh Pole.I blladelphla Obronicle Dr. Bosanko. This name bas beeome go familiar with il.c most of pen,, Ie throsghout the Onited 8tatest,atit is l.ardly neoeaiy to state tliat lie li the oiigniiitor of the grent Dr Boaanko Oougli and Lnnjr Syrufc the peo pies favonte temady, wherever known, ror Couühs, ( „kis. Consnmption and al affectlonsoftheThroHtand Lnng ili(e 50 oenu and f 1.00. Bold by Eblrbeoh A as.swNnARD, ton JONES ,.?5!S..sLE? - ire u.-.iin ud Bcm Box 3KGHAMT0N $6O M - - aJlt" s of binghAmton', A '. TIjE r.CUMATIC SSL '- . FRUIT DRIERS. UB Awartíed f fie Siivar Me;!al Q. vti ,1F?,rm Machin8 co„ m . li,.„ws i,„„H Yu


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