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Fot earaclie, Tootlinche, Sore Throat. Swelled Neok, and the rewilteof coldí and nflammation, use Dr. Tiloma-' Eclectric O1- the grcat pain destróyer. If a dog knows a good ttiin jr lien be sees it will lie seize. t when he noíe it. - Portland Transcript. "Soled fignin," mnarked tjie cobblcr,a8 he repaired an oíd pair of boots. - Boston Post. Iu Holland, Mlch., C. J. Doesbury publUhesthe News, and strongly recommenda ! Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil forcough?, ore throat, eatarrh and asthtna. Cure for Piles. The first symptora of Piles is an intense itching at night aftergetting w:inn. This ; unpleasant sensation is iniinediatcly relievcd by an application of Dr BomDko's Pile Kemedy. Piles in all forros, Itch, Salt Rlieuin and Ringworm can be permanentiy cnred by the use of this greal reinedy. Piice 50 cents. Manufactured by the Dr. Bwanko Medicine Company, Piqua, O. Sold by Kberbach fc Son. 1202-1268. ¦ Sinnll fiuits are so rulled fïom size of the boxcs they come In. - New York Grapblo. A siga of good breedins - Getthig the piize in a dog show - PhlladelphU Cali. The latest thinar in pmtaloong - The man who gets up last. - Oil City Derrlck. A "broth of a boy" must be a superior artiele. - iioston Sunday Times. A Pure and Keliaüi.k Medicine -A compoiind llnid extract of rqots, Iravcs barksand beiries is Burdock Blood Bitten They cure ail diseases of the blond li er, and kidneys. The druggist is known by his phixe- Xew Orleans Picayune. A facetious young physiohin says he knovra why it is called a " bucket shop." It is because wtien meu conie out they look so pale. RINSEY&SEABOLT'S IIIÉlJiSÏ AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantlj' on hand, BREAD, CUACKEKS, CAKES, ETC, For Whoksale and Retail Trnde. We shnll alto keep a uupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BB8T White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Rje riour, Bvokwtaeal Flour, Corn Bfel, : Feel, Etc, At Wholesale and Ketail. A general itock of GROCERIES aiii PROTISIliKS Oautut); on hand, which will !ie sold on as reaaonabla terma as at imy athar house n tho efty, f'ash Mld lor BHTTER, EG(;, and COÜKTKT RODlTc-B ionerally. Uooiis dellvered to ui irt of the cuy without extra charge. RIXSEY & 8E1B0LT. OPIUM HABÍT! tho turr lio !¦-. 1. dunn th. pul , ,.,„. ', polndtob. ,.¦.,¦„ „i m.,,,. .,, i,,.,,., ,„ u, ol tiroauaed, ihh) iirountaniounl ui ama iwed pr wwfc s ,¦ ! r'""' T'' ¦ ¦'¦¦ ''¦-'-¦l. 8f..3 lot taTti !,„,„ Icadms phïitawu iad mawautlw nin uid vv u ouid. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IK AX Alt KOK. Should Advertise in THE COURXER,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News