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Bev. A. F. Bourus occupied the fliewiodist pulpit Sunday. The Zlon Sunday School, Germán, have a picnic at Relief Fark to-monow. Mn Jivcob Meyer, of LodL ditd last nVgbtaftM awga"'1Prot'acted illnessAre ,011 ordered to build a nevv side„¦at? See report of Cominoii Councll meeting. The "bucket shop" thinks of cliangjjfits quarters soon to the Cook House tjsement. ____ Weather permitting, Cascade Glen wlll have a party of eighteen plcnicen Frlday iftenioon next. The new stone aiclied bridge D the tirst wurd over AHen's Oreek on State streef, will co=t about $200. The colorcd iiiue of the city vanquishtd the Toledo coloied nine in tlieir match game liere last Friday. . ¦ A jully little party of elgliteen hired the Kink Baturday evening and after a skate tbev adjourned for a rapper at Ilangsterler's. _ At the Ovid bicycle races last PrMay George Keek won the second prize in the lialf mile race. There were six competirs. A faruier on tlie' South Ypsilaiiti road, was seen yesterday morolng enveloped in a heavy overcoat mowing grass with a scythe. _____ Fifteen ladies of Anu Arbor are report - ed to have had their hair banged a la Langtry at oue of the city barber sliops last week. ' The ladies of the A. M. E. Church, realized $31.00 from their Relief Park dinner last Friday, and desfoe to return lliauks for the sume. Ted Jolly's baseball nine lias received t challenge from a Detroit nine, whicli they will accept for the 20th inst perhaps. They play a Whitmore nine at the Lake A farmer just south of the city has discovered a gold mine In the shape of honey in the attic of his house, a loóse clapboard having admitted a colony of uiiinvited bees. A lively game of base bal] played Fridny afternoon between the Main and State Street nines resulted alter seven innings in a score of 20 to 12 in favor of Mam Street. From Mr. Evart H. Scott's oichard we tastecl the first peaches of the season last Satnrday. There are nt many this year, o the scareity makes them taste better than ordinary. James A. Brown, the State streetgrooer, has leased the store and bakery of George A. Douglass, wliere be will open in about thirty days after having closed out his present place of business. The Michigan Central will carry deleantes to (de State Republican Convention, to be held iu Detroit, August 13th, forone and one-third fa re for the round trip. Tickets are good for August 12th, 13th and 14th. Th ree bold fisherinen, Messrs. Jacobs, Ashton and Sleicher celebrated last Fri(lay hy pulling a fine lot of fish out of the water. Some of them welghed 4JL to G pounds 10 oz. The editorial stomach can testify to their goodness. Captain Manly's drama as presented at the Opera House some weeks since by the G. A. R. and members of Company A has been enlarged and is being printed, in preparation for its presentaron here during Fair time in the fa 11. Pred. Schleede will rale his bookI nindery on Huron street six feet and lengthen it eight fect, giving liim a store room depth of forty feet. His binder; work will le done on the secoud floor after the proposod changes are conipleted. There is a certain cat in the First ward which Jias kiltens about as olten as the laiv aliows, and tliey ire always Malteso, iut last week Friday she celebrated Emancipation day by (rotting out a Uack one. 'i'his shows the day is boing obserred more nd more evory j-ear. Weknowof a dwelling Uunse in the city being fin she. I in sycamoie, and it is making one oftlie nicest picces of work we hm seen. It is the purpose of the owuer togivethesycamoreanoil finish, and from specimens of the woodthus Qnished, which ¦ehaveexnmined, sycanmo in t!i!s ncw use has a grand surprise in store for those ho liave not seeu it. The jrratu is exwPtionally handsonie in many pirco?, and "ie color of the wood when flnished is splendkl. ?? Considerable has been sak] wilbitl a 'w weeks past conccrnlng some s'.iht Bfflcnlty at the telêgruphlc school of this % Mveral etudents of the saine endeavOrllg to mako Manager Peterson all the jrouble they could, clmrging tliat he ued to furnish Btudenti t the school ¦ positions on the completion of their lvfk bere, M agiecd, &c. The fiicts seem to he that to competent sUidentn, to ïioni alone Mr. Peterson guaran tee po81t'ons, be has not failed in carrylng out agreement. The feeling on the part e students connecti-d with the affalr 11)8 been aroused, we are assured, by the pulsion from the school of eight stu'ents whse condüct and work made such ion necessary ; indeed, it is these mtwhoare at the bottom of the disus TC1' 'llie sc'")0' 's pi'ogr.ssing as inc& With a Solly number in : - ic== Have you observad the mayores Cleveland lmt? ¦ -- 1 - , Mis. Martha Oulver, Maynard strect, is raising lier house half a story. Pretty oold wave struck u. Mouday Qlght; not very warm last night eithcr. It is said quite a namber of marrlagei will be called soon at Bt. Thomas's church. Local lovers of tlie bicycle will enjoy reading the "Daring Wbeelmen" clipping elsewhere. Charles King won thirty cigars yesterday by imiking, fitting, and putting on a gun stock yesterday afternoon. Oliver Martin is bound to have more light, so he has trlmmed up the Maples at his corner, Fifth and Liberty. The city recorder's official bond for $500., with B. F. Watts and Casper ltinsey as sureties, has been filed. Word has been received from Rev. Talbot, Macon, Mo., to whom a cali was extended by bt. Andrew's, that he is unable to accept. In addition to two electric lights in their clothing store, Fall and llendricks bear half the expense of a Street light iu front of their building. The two Sams next week tear out the rear stairway in their storeoom and replace it with shelving. The store throughout will be repainted. Thirty Ann Arbor conveyances are reported as being at Whitmore Sunday. By the b3'e, it didn't rain there at all during our heavy showers ben. The " Dudes" and Bicycle clubs carne together again yet-terday afternoon in a matcli game of base ball on the campus. Score 22 to 0 in favor of the "Dudes.'1 The city marshal paid out last month the followlng ainounts among the poor: First Ward, f18,99; second, $9.89; third, $25.80; f on rth, $47.49; flfth, 11.89; sixth, $2.89. Total, $116.95. Quite a number of the poles for the electric light are up and the conducting wires in being put in place. It is probable that the light will not be tried until the forepart of next week. The city treasurer's report for the moutli ending July 31, '84 shows the followlng: Amount on hand at last report, 10,110.;8; amount received, $2,704.10; amount disbursed, $5,603.12; on hand, $13,241.36. ____ A lady f rom Evansville, Ind. spoke on missionary topics at the Methodist church Sunday evening last. Slie came home somc sixteen years since i'roiu miMonary work in India, and purposes returniiig there this scason. About eight thousand bushels of nevv wheat have been received up to-day at the three milis lo the city. It begaa coming iu the latter part of July. The quality is muoh betterthan lïst year. Tlie price ranges from 85 to 90 cents. Amounts as follows were allowed b3" the council Monday night and warrants ordered drawn: First ward fuud, $37.62; second, $87.07; third, 493.61; fourth, $13.34; sixth, C.1.93; general street fund, 774.34; general fund, $194.00; cotlngenl f and, $448.35. Total, $2,105.25. The city recortler's report for the month enüing July 31 shows amounts as follows or hand in the different funds: Contingent, $10,171.57; general, $256.50; general street, overdraft, ílOSjfirst ward, $507.40; second, $537.56; third, $400.92; fourth, $9!.1O; fiflh, 21.37; sixth, overdraft, $169.45; city cemetery, $73.G2; dog tax, i delinquent t:ix, $752.41. Tliree weeks ago the sixty horsepower oogine in use for about ten years at Swathel, Kyer and Peterson's milis gave out. It has just been replaced l a new 100 horsepower engine which was started to-day. The flrm's large new building is j rapidly approaching completion and wül be ready for use in about a week. lts storage capacity will be 20,000 bushels. The iinprovement is a fine one. Following the exhibition of fancy riding given in the city a short time since by several gentlemen from Cantón, O. the Evening News contuined an item speaking derogatorily of thfcir reception here. It was supposed by soine that the item orlglnated witli the vvheelinen themselves, but a letter shown us yesterday from one of thein States his own and his friends' ignorance of the article until their attention was called to it by a letter from a gentleman in Ann Albor. They all disclaim having anything to do with the News item, which it is now thought was sent that paper by a member lately expelled from the Ann Arbor Bicycle Club. If so its animus is very clearly seen. D. Lowery, John Duffy, G. Miller, J. C. Stevens aud John Sweet were chosen Saturday night as the rifle team to represent Compuiy A. in the Brighton contest. Tliey left Monday forenoon. Before leaving the boys made 189 out of a possible 250. They compete with twenty-nine teams of iive each, the Tuesday snoot belng at 200 yards, and to-day's, at 500 yards. Considering the fact that bu1 about two weeks have been occupied in practiee by Company A.'s team, Captain Schnli wïs ngreeably surprised on receiviug yetterday afternoon a telegram from the boys stating that they had made 88 out of a possible 125 points, in the 200 yards' contest, and were ahead it the time of sending the telegram. Will the boys win? K. B. Bülington, the Koning Neus correspondent at this place, is thodefendaut in another suit, having been arrested last Monday for larceny on complaint of George Scott, builder. It seems that Bülington was a member of the Hope Lodge, I. O. G. T. here which dissolved recently. Some months since he procured of Mr. Cropsey the key to the lodge room above his store where the effects of the organization were stored, being held by Oeo. Scott for $2-1 rent, and removed the charter to his own room. Mr. Scott meeting Billington on the street last Saturday stopped him a moment in conversation about the charter in the course of which he took hold of his arm- forthis'tissaid, Scott was arrested on Monday for assault and battery. As a retaliatory move Scott had Bülington arrested for stealing the I. O. G. T. charter. A search warrant was issued and the charter found in Billington's room, was removed to Justice McMahon'solIice, where both cases come up to-monow mornlng nt nine o'clock.]


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