MAYER- At the county house, Aug. 1, 18S-), of lníiammation oí' the lungs, Lorenzo Mayer, aged 72 years, il momhs aud one day. Funeral Sunday. MINCKS-Iu theFifth ward, Aiig. 4, 1884, of cholera Infantura, Mattie E., daughter of John W.and Minnle Mincks,aged(i inonths. Kemains taken to Ypsllanti lo-day for burial. PATTON- At the residenceof hls daughfer, Mrs. (iilbert Laflerty, 80Thtrteenth street, Detroit, Capt. WUliain H. Patton, aged 55 years and 8 inouths. Notlce of funeral liereafter. Mr. PattD, who died Jnly 21st, 1884, was tfce only son of Ihe late William Patton, of Ypsilmtl. DAVIS-In Lodi, Jnly 31, 1884, of dropsy, Mrs. Mary Davis, aged 85 years and 28 days. Funeral Sunclay last, at the house. Another of the oíd pioneers, whose nam has ceen prominently identifled with the veifare and growth of our county, has gone over to that sllenl majority that shall only awake and quicken at the sound of the last trump - vi.., Mr.1. Mary Davis, of Lodi. A short synopsis of herlife will not be inconsistent witli one who has seen the ll wilderness blossom as the rose," and who for over half a century has seen arising from the crade wilderness a fertile couuty and the " Modern Athens." Mrs. Davis, whose maiden name wae Mary Geddes, was boru In Séneca county, New York, on the 3d day of July, 1799. When 18 yeais ot age she was married to Randolph Davis, of the same place, and with her husband eniigrated to Michigan, and settled in this county in 1&Í1, on tlr; farm that until her d"ath was ber home, and the birthplace of her chlldren. In 187a her husband died full of years and honor, and since that timu she lired quletly and somewhat retired until lier deuth, which took place at her late home at 8:50 p. m., last Thursday, surronnded by her children and friends, peacefully passing into "the new life, assisted over the dark river by the hand whose iuidance through lile she had always sought, and who in her extrcmity did not desert her. Mrs. Davis was indeed a remarkable woman. Blessed with a etrong constitution, she seemed tireless, raisíng a family of nine children, soven of whom are now living, and performinjf without help all of her household duties ; and, ilthoimh au octogenarian, had never the ueed of a physician until a few weeks previous to her deaih. Her descendants nuniber upward of 50, including children, grandchlldreD, and great-sraudchildren, most of whom were present at her funeral, to pay their last tribute or respect to the dear old lady whose gentle ways and exemplary lile led one involuntaria to say, after Him of old: ''She hath done what she could.J'