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BACH A ABEL'8 COLUMN, BACH & ABEL. Now is the time to buy aumincr dress goods, when regular trade is over and every thing Hgbt is going for little. Tou can quickly look through all we have. This list mayhelp: Broeaded dress goods S, cents now 5 cents. Large variety of half wool dress goods 35, cents now 12J cents. Nun's veilings in all the desirable shades, 60, 65, and 75 cents now 50 cents. Couibination suitings, f 1.50 and $ 1.60, now $1.25. Lace buntings, 20 and 25 c. now 12VÍ c. Some are marked so f ar below value as to be picked up as fast as they are seen by those who ouly half want them. We are looking forward to the time when what are left must be packed away for another yoar. BACH & ABEL. Even now in midsnminer we may waru you not to buy raaterials and till your leisure time with making underwear, or get it made without kiiowiug bow we get it made oursclves. There is need of this caution. Thousands do not kuow yet. You miLht almost as well whittle out your matches, dip them in the frictiontiriig mixture to save 3c. a box. Soin nnderwear, the factory beats you. Whether we are right depends on the underwear. Don't jndge it by what you see In windows, nor by the prices you hear itadvertised at. Judge il by the underwear itsself, and see it here, examine the materials, the sewing, the cutting, the deeorating, the styles. Tou, laclies, know the good from the bad. Not a word about that. We ask your judgment not your favor. BACH & ABEL. Printed linen lawns, ten cents below the usual prices, very few left. Now 25c. reduced from 35c. We are ashamed to keep on saying that we mean all linen wheu linen means the same, lint the naughty prodigality of adventurers makes it necessary to be careful. BACH & ABEL. The great demand for Jerseys still continúes. We have, as we have had all along, by far the largest stock in the city. The qualitics are what they ought to be ; the shapes are all correct and all the grades are here froni $1.60 to $20. Those at $7.50 and under are in your minds; especially those below $5.00. They are every way correct, there is no such other stock in town. We no not nean that nobody else has any proper garments, but, properly speaking, cometitiou with this stock as a whole is out of the questioiv. Below $5.00 our prices ire about half of last year's; but no lowr than a month past, and there is no , occasion to make them lower. If we vere going to single out the cheapest of all we have we should probably hit on hat at $1.69, and this we say rather to ask your most exacting eye upon it. BACH & ABEL. With the laying off of high cut coats and vests dnrlug this hot weather the ouditioti of the shirt front must be lookd into. The large stock we display shows that ve are ready. The " Pearl " leads as the est dollar shirt in Ann Arbor unless lalies' eyes deceiyed them, and when they are deceived 'tis more apt to be their hearts han their eyes that make the mischief. We would like the opinión for good or ad of every lady who passes through lie store on the "Pearl.'" BACH & ABEL. l out li Ii Statement of Countj Treasurer. lielow we give a statement sliowing the financial comlition of Washtenaw county at the beginning of the present month as well as its resources and liabilities. Liabilcei. lties. Delinquent ConntyTax $ 95 95 Ann Arbor City , I 6 18] )eneuH Knumeratorfl 1 2,27 53 iiidgewater Drain No. 1 3 23 Taknown Heirs Fund 5,183 67 'iikU on hand and ia Bank 20,016 84 astern Michigan Asylum ;$ 2,154 30 tenographer's Fund „.. 106 50 [oase of Oorrection Fund 100 03 Teacfcer' InstituteFund 255 45 nterest Fund 502 21 tute Tax Bids 522 24 BridKewater Town 52 Lodi Town 2 82 Mtch Tax _ M7 23 nsurance Fand „ 157 42 urk and Augusta Drain.. 11 63 pencer Marsn Drain 40 88 arors' Fund 3,973 10 rine Money Fond 16 00 alaryCountyOfficers'Fund... 2,808 33 ioard School Kmui. " ... 151 33 fuel Fund 534 37 5ounty Fand 117 26 Public Bnilding Fand 1,184 9i ail Fund 3,430 35 'üDtingellt Fund M 2,248 21 Ddinqncnt Tax Fund 18 23 Witne Fund _ 323 80 Poor Fund 3,080 04 tate of Michigan 1B0 Sa Jor. Branch Bear Marsh Uraiu 38 21 ,ee Gause 9 50 Wanty Add. to Sugar Ureek Drain 18 07 McCarty Branch No. 1 Drain.. 10 95 Miller Marsh Drain 66 wan Creek and Pliney Harria Drain 13 56 North Branch Bear Swimp Drain 8 62 ugar Creek Drain .. 48 71 YorK & Augusta No. 2 Drain 54 54 Bridgewater No. 3 Drain 107 87 DaxterNo. 1 Drain Mary Jane Balie 100 00 Bli.a Balie, Jr 10' 00 Thos. Ilaney, Set. of 4.55h 6b Kdward iSirapson, Bst. of. 427 01 $27,401 18 27,401 18 F. H. BELSER, Depuly Co. Treasurer. Ann Arbor, Auguet 1, 1884. W. TREMAIN, Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store. COR. I1URON AND FODRTH STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburg. CapiUl, Í13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Aesets 600,000. Springneld Ins. Co. of Massachusetts, Cash AsectB $1,800,000. Howarcl Ib8. Conipauj of New York, Cast Aesete $1 ,000,000. Agricultural Ins. Co., Watertowu, X.T., Cash ABsets 1,200,000. Loases Llberally Adjusted nd Promptly Paid.


Ann Arbor Courier
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