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Compiled from Late Dispatches. DOMESTIC. Pevex iii'se-tlii''vrs were on tlie ïflth hunging to tret's at the moutb of a creek In Mi-agher County, M. T. A large band of cowboys werd lumting others, with indications pointtng to a second wholusale lynchinjc. J. C. S. Harrison's rep irt n receiver of the Indiana Banking Company n.licated on the J!U',, a slioiiaye of $85,611.06, and that he pleaded porerty and Inabillty tn make up (he hort ase. Barrigón, who was lyiny ill at liis residence in Iudlanapolis, was placed under arrest on a charge of embexzlement, 'nis bail belng Bxod at W),00 '. The Burlington Eoad is running over its linea a locomoive from whieh the steain and gas escape Ihrough ron pipes at the s:ile, withering weeds and grass for a space oí two feet on eaeh si'leof the track. iKtbeGeorges Creek Valley in West Virginia a Aool the other nicht did $100,000 darosge and drowobd twelre persons. Several houses in tlie vJllages were swept away, bridge and trestlss ruinad, and miles of railfoad track were washodoiit. Hattf.e & Brothbb, oí Philadelphia, wool merchants, have Cailed for $120,000. Crabuï Wkhiht, ,-i gixteen-year-old boy, fatally abot ni fatlier, Joel Laws, a (armer living near Slielhyvüln, Ind., the other night. Laws had quarrel 1 "t!i his wife and tried to sj;t into the Bouse where she was staying. Wr'ght ïvsisteil Laws, and in doins so fired the rn!;il sliot. '. VV. Cülbertson, a biamber of Congress from Kentucky, who was stopping at the National Hotel in Washington, flred live shots into his head oi tlie SOth uit., intlicting dangerotis wounds. The cause was s.-iid to havo been depression from excessive indulgence in liquor. AlTOTHIB hard of cafóle affected with the Texas fever arrived at the Chicago stockyards on the 30th uit. They were proniptly slaughtered. THioentire villagH of Luniug, Nev., except the railroad depot, was dtstroyed by Ilie the other mglil. The Baltimore & Oliic Boad has ap propriated $26,000 icr aiiniim for the payuient of pensions to employés incapacitated from earniiig a livin?. General Hatch, with a cavalry forcé, under instructions of A. lï. Greene, Inspector of the Gañera] Land Office, was at CaldweU, Kan., on the SOth uit., and would inunediately proeead to drive Payue and others from Ind. mi Tenitury. Mbs. 1'i'MttKH, of Ciucinnatl, umlertook recently to split open a rocket with a hatchet. She and her dnughter were fatally injured by the explosión which followed, and iwo children were severely hurt. AVhii.k Captain J. M. Whelton and his daoghters, Lonisa and Florence, aged nineteen and twenty-ooeyearg, were bathing a few evenings ago near Little River Station, Tez., the girls got beyon 1 their depth and wure drowned, the aged father belng unalile to assist them. They were higlily accomplished, and the family were traveling throagh the State in a carriage for pleasure. A sexsation has b:en faued at Omaha by the Cbief-of-Police issuing an order that any woman appearing in the strects wearing a Mother Hubbard dress be arrested and lodged in jail. Paul Stevens, who died in Camlen, Me., a few days ago, was librarían of the House of Representativos under President Lincoln and lirant. Four daughters of Nathan Mi lier, residlng near Marysville, Kan., were killed by lijfhtning while sleeping early the other morning. Two beautifül j'oung girls named Lucy and Tennie Jones, aged respectively seventeen and nineteen, committed suicide near Uadsden, Ala., a lew nights ago by hanging. Disappointment in love was supposei to have been the cause. The balance of trade against this country for the first twenty-nine weeks of 1834 amounts to $74,144.47. Mrs. McCormick, whowascaught in the recent flood at Barton, Md., clung. to a log for twenty-four hours, and was rescued alter drifting four miles. Ü.E MILLIOX silver dollars were coined at the Philadelphia Mint daring the month of July, no other coins having been made. Tue Indiana State Board of H;alth refeived reports on the 'ilst uit. from health ofHcers in over eight3' counties of the State which showed that the eondltion of eounty prlsons was wretehei. The pólice of Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 31st uit. captttred four colored burglars, who had si$ larye trunks containing watches, diamonds, sealskins and silks, valued at $10,000. Thkhe maskeii men entere 1 the farmhouse of Hhody Boyie, near St. Joe, Pa., the other af ernoon, and compelled hini to ilen his safe, (ram which they took J13,UÜO. Then they absconded. 'iheyhadnot been captu'el. The Callare is sunounced nf Jotin Caswell & Co., U-a-tleal Tg, of Nsw York, heretofore ra'ed at $1,0 10,000. Charles Suffrahn, aged eleven years, of Chicago, who was bi ten over nin weeks ago ly a rabld dog, 'iied of hydro phpbia on fchfl -lst uit. A swarm of wild bees altacked a train on the Northwestern Koail, arar Chicago, a few days ago, fl -w througti tlieopen windows, and bafore ttaey c ml 1 he driven off stung a large number oí passengere in a painful manner. A rain and win 1 storm at Baltiraore on the Sint uit. flo ided cellars in the lower seetion, unroofed building! and damaged Bhipping. Tne loss as placed at Í1Ü0,000. A child was killed in a falling house. A kreight train on the Pitchbnrg Railway demolislied a horse-car in Charlestown, Mass., the other day, falally injuring J. H. Wiley, and bruising several womsn and children. ACCORMNÜ to ci'nsus returns obtained trom sixty-iii1"; ou of the seventy nina counties of Mic.ian h 're has been a net increase in tue popula Ion of 187,08" since JfWO. Twelve couiui s huve lost slightly. The steamer City of Yaz oo, with a cargo c cotton and oil, wa-. sunk in the Mississ'jpl a few days ago by collision with s ump near Baton K mge. ví(nie Baktlett, of Busten, a beautiful gi-i, who was infatúa e 1 witb a policemM i'.illed herself with carbcllc acid re(¦¦i-"v because hu l'ailed t-i it , au apIioil'-tn-ïnt. THt, .plosión of a lamp a few mornlngi ago nÁUted in a hre which dest oyed nearly "-v whole buslneu portlon of Hot tipring-, A-t The school census of Chicagn, recently oompleted, indicated a population of 928,'JS5, an increase of Wi percent, within a year. The Chinese number 2!)7 and the colored people 7,517. Two cowboys eng-aged in a shooting affray near Miles City, M. T., a few days ago, and bolh were fatally wounded. The Bradford (Pa.) Glass Works, which ¦hut down on accoun : of the strike recently, resumed work on the 31st uit. with non union men. In the afternoon thestrikers surrounded the faetory, taptured Fortune Dogneaux, the new foreman, and gouged out both of his eyes to prevent him froni doing any more work. Geokge T. Wii.liamh, Secretary of the Chicago Stock-Yaids, reportad un the lst that the Texas fever had been enlirely eradicated by the butchery of the intected herd, and that no further trouble with cattle was expected. The Greely Arctic relief expedition carne to anchor in the harbor of Portsmouth, N. H., on the afternoon of the lst. The party was wariuly welcomed by Secretary Chandler, all the naval vessels iu port and the citizens genf-rally. The wholesale drug stock of Leighton & Clark, at Omaha, was destroyed by flre the othcr morning. Loss, $100,000. The exei utions on the lst includod three young white men at Scottsboro, Ala., for maaai í'jümU v iüUu ir-uWmii ut i';.. Bluff, Alk., for the murder of his wííe; Wilson Stevens (colored), at, Edgefield, B. C, tor killing a peddler; Frederick Cephas (eolored), at Cambridge, M1., for murdaring Mrs. Murphy, and Alexanrier Jefforsoii (colored)i in Brnoklyn, N. Y., for taking two üvps and terribly woundIng a thtrd person. A büildim; in Water gtreet, New York, was daraaged totheextont of JiW,000 'y Ure on tlio lst, and five persons were fotally burnad. Flaines also swept away iiine buildings at Philadelphia, the loss being lOtyjOl). As the resnlt of a fend, because of a runawuy match in the families, Elisha Alexander was killed, bis brother John mortally hort, and Mrs. Cliarlie Poor slightly wonnded in a shooting affair recently near Burns, Ky. Mas. Fraxcks Stegall, a wldow, aged seventy, who died a few days ago near Monroe, N.C, oonfessed to a elergyman, and .fterwards made her confession public, that she had murdered her husband by pouring molten lead into liis ear thirty years ago. She refused to say what was the motive of the crime. Reports for last year from forty-two farms in scattered sections of New England show a profit of eight per cent. on the capital invested, and it is asserted tbat in ordinary seasons farming in that re_ gion will pay eighteen por cent. Jay JEye-See beat the trotting record at Providence, R. I., on the lst, making a inile in 2:10. The Wannamaker Company's furniture factory, Howard's Hotel, a planing-mill, lumber-yard and four saloons at Philadelpliia were destroyed by fire on the lst, causing a loss of HOOfiM. During the seven days endeil on the lst the business failures throughout the United States and Canada numbered -'59, against 'J4U the previous week. The distrihution was as follows: Nüw Englaud Status, BS; Middla ïrl; Western, 7, Southern, 81 ; Pacific Siates and Territorios, 36; Canada and the Proviuces, IS. At St. Louis on the lst Fiod Vooh, a carriage manufacturar, William Oseeh, a laliorer, and Bertha Murphy, a domestic, committee suicide. Wilt. IK Cullinan, eight years old, and Michael Nasterson, his c msiii, aged ten years, of Boston, were drowned on the lst by falliug from a boal". The publio-debt statement issned on the lst makes the followins statemont: Total deht (including Interest of $8,688,062) $1,851,906,95. Cash in Treasury, $4)6,910, 003. Dabt, loss nniount in Treasury, .+1, J4(,036,947. Deciease duing July. $8,998,288. Deuease since June 80, 1888, $105,0(14,269. PERSONAL AND P0LITICAL. James W. Reíd has been nominated for Congressman by the Democrats of the Sixth North Carolina District, and the Democrats of the Third Missouri District have nominated A. M. Dockery. Governor Cleveland was f'ormally notitied of his nomination by tlie Democratie Conveuti.m at the State House in Albany on the !Oth. Nearly all the meinbers of the Notification Connnit'ee aml of the National Democratie Coinmitt;e were present. Colonel ilas, of Wisconsin, made the speech of notifleatlon, to which the Governor iesponded. The Execulive Committee of the National Labor party met at Chicago on the 20th and postponed the coavention whieh was called for the "Oth inst. to July 'M, 1888. The committee passed resolutions that, as the Republican and Democratie partios had endorsed in their ]latforms the principies of the Lab)r party, it was their dn y to accept the endorsement, and the holding of a coovention was unnecessary- Several delegates who had arrived denounced the committee as a frau 1. Rot al Phelps, one of the oldest and best known merehanta in New York City, diod on tha 80th uit., ac;ed seventy-iive years. The Republicans of West Virginia met in State Convention at Parker.sburg on the 30th uit. and nomtnated Edwin Maxwell (the Greenback nomin-e) for Governor, and divided the otlier offices equally, sye that the candidates for Presiden! ial eí-jors and Judges of the Supreme Court are Republicans. The Democrats made the following Congressional nominations on the ."Wth uit.: Virginia, Third District, George D. Wise, renominated; Noi'th Cavolii-i. SitLh District, Risden T. Bennett; ühii Thii-ieünth District, Joseph H. Outhwaite. A PORTION of tho Democratie y.tiflcation Committee waited on Ex-b? Ji-nor Hendricks at a Saiatoga hotel on tls l0t uit. and informed him of liis nomiiistjn by the party for the Vice-Presideney. The death is announced of Mr. Edw,xi J. Holmes, the second sou of Oliver Wua dell Holmes. The deeeasd was at oijo time private secretary of Charles Suinner. The following Congressional nomintions were made on the ülst uit.: Keput Xwn - West Virginia, Sseond District, F. fi. Reynolds; Indiana, Ninth District, C. T. D9ïf3'. Democratie- Mi-iyssippi, Fsurth District, G. G. Barry. Elizabeth Cadï ÏStanton and Susan B. Anthony, President and President of the Woman Suffrage Association, issued au address on the glat uit. to tUi members advising them to use their influence to secure the election of Blaiue and IiOgan. Thomas A. Hejídricks vialtoá Aibutf, N. Y., on the 31st uit., anii was for tli first time iutroduced to Governor Cleveland. Thomas Dicksom, President of the Delaware & Hudson ( 'anal Compauy, diod at Morristown, N. J., on the ilst uit., after a protracted illness. The Democrats made the following Congressional nominations on the lst: Mis' souri, Thirteenth District, R. L. Thomas; North Carolina, Fourth District, Thoinas D. Johnson. The Republicans nominated C. W. Mackoy in the Twenty-seventb Pennsylvania District. F0B.EIGN. Under the Divorce law wnicn effect in France on the 29th no less tlian three thousand suits had already been brought, many prominent families being involved. The Canadian Minister of Customs has instructed collectors to permit no ten-dust from American ports to be landed untü a sample has been approvod by the public analyst. A Ca.vadian surveying party of four men wero drowned in the HpanUh River a few days ago. Forther details on the 29th of the recent collision of the steamer Laxham with the Spanish ship Gijon show that 130 persons died. The Laxham was struck amidsh'ps, and went down twenty minutes after. The passengere and crew made their way the best they could to the Gijon, whieh began to sink soon after. Thehk were twenty-four deaths from cholera at Marseilles, ten at Toulon and eight at Arles during the twenty-four j hours ended at nine p. m. on the 301h uit. A mild formof the disease had appeared I in St. Petersburg andat Charkog and other ! towns in Russia. A priest, presumably of the Greek Church, headed a mob whieh attaeked the Jews at Witepsk, Russia, a few days ago. The military dispersed the mob and made BOmo arrests. Yellow fever was spreading on the "Oth uit. in Sonora, Mexico, anti extra vigilance was urged at ArUona points to prevent its entranee into the United States. Theue were only twelve deaths from cholera at Marseilles and three at Toulon dnrlng the twenty-four liours ended at nine p. m. on the ."lst uit. ín other towns the disease was also reported to be ubating. The customs duties at Montreal for the month of July were $IO),ül)iJ more than the oorreiponditig month last year. General Pinzo.v and nine soldiers wera killed a few days ago while attenipting to escape arrest by the revolutionury forces at Guerrero, Mox. SixrY-FiVE pounds of dynamite were stolen from a magazine neur Glasgow, ÍScotland, on the lst. The thieves were not known, and some alarm prevailed. A dispatch of the lst from Havana chronicles the death of the eral of Porto Rico from vellow fevoc. riVK, I i!,;1 ï))rtng-i or water have recently ninii the ir appearttnce on the drj plains m the cinlty .r Chihuahua, Mex., and in the udjniniug country there is a new ouiflow suliirient to sustain a herd of two thousand catlle. At Itarseillas dui'lug the twdnty-four [ hours endad at O p, in. on Mie lst thora ! we re ' wrnt -si x deaths frow cholera, eigfat ut Arles, six at Aix an.l two at Toulon. ] The discase was reportad at twelve piaros i in Italy. A MAxi'FACTuitY oC explosivo bomba . was diacovered by the policu of Paris ou I the lst, who anested three persons found [ at work. Tuk Brltiah steamei Brittannia, from Ndw Vork to London, was wrecked off Portland, En;;., a few days ago. The I nieinbers of the crew wero saved. The ! cargo, consisting of 8,000 bushels of oats, ' 17,001) bushels of wlieat and B70 pouuds ot i ollcake was a total toss, LATER NEWS. Duhino the twenty-four hours cnded at nine j. in. on the 8d there were sixteen deaths from cholera at Marseilles, two at Toulon, and deatlis were reportad at varions places in Italy. The ports of Krazil had been closed to ve-els trom all port wheru cholera pievailed. Up to the 31 two thousand persons of both sexes suspectedof oonsplrlng against the ppace of the Czar have bten expelled trom Germany. It was announced on the 81 that the surTivois of the tireely eipedltlon would be kept at the Portsmoiith IS'avy Yard lor hospital treatment for two weeks TWENTY business places at Kmporium, Va., were burned a few atternooas ayo, i-ausing a loss Si $300,030. Tuf Illinois Convention of the National Anti-Moncpoly Labor party ts c-alled to meet at Blooiuington Aujtust Ift Xx the four-inilo boa!, race on the LM t St. Joh, N. B., Teemer detVated Ross by a lenjtU In 26:82S', beatlng Hanlan'a and the best record f -7 minutes ."ii socoudi. TBB famous Mountain Home, al Bar Harbor, Me., was destroyed by lire a few evBDÍBgs ag;o. Tul: steamer Dions, fiom London for UUddlesbrough, was ank on the 8d by a collision in the Thomas, and se venteen persona were drowned. Tuk lava ii'Ms north of Snake River, ia Utah Territory, wore on lire on the .')d, and thoiisandi of acrs had been burned over. Theflra threatened to destroy the great river range of Idaho. tl A uu S. trotted a mile at Cleveland, O., on the d without a mate and without urging in 2:i il'. This beats Jay-Eye-See's record (2:10) of the prevloua day, and all otlier records. In the St. Vincent (Minn. ) district on the '-M the"heaviest rain-storm known occurrcd, four anë onehalf Inehes of water falliiif;. The damage to oropa as heavy. The proposed National Conference of Health Boards to be held in Washington on the 7t.h was, on accouni oí th mors favorable accounts from the cholera districts, Indeflnitely postponed on the 2 1. The rear portion of the Uniti l tjtates Hotel, iu Washington, gave way ou the evening of the 01, buryiug seven persons in the ruins, tive of tlioni beinj corered lervants. The structure had long been deetned uitsaf'e. Illiin.Mja f i-eshet recently in War littale Creek, near I,itlla Koek, Ark., an entire Immigrant family, consisting of a man and hls wife and four chlldren, were drowned. A üovmtNMKXT Inspector who has been making a tour of the ludían viltaes ou the Uosebud and Tongue rivera, reported on the Jd that the Indiana were in a starving condition, and that im:n diale as-cittanee was necessary.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News