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Baking Powder Figures

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THAT DON'T LIE! The Royal Iiakitiir Powder Co. try to give the Inference tliat their powder contalm more Creani Tartar and that its LeaVbnlng Power la greater t)lau ny 01 her made, ns stated in their advertlsement on the " Conrparatlve Worth of Baking Powder,' exhlbited by black Unes. Onr name was mentloned in con neetion wlth one of onr cheiiper branda, made of different raiiterlali is the trad tnlght deniand. Onr Crcam Tarlar brand of Andrew' Pearl was omltted, evidantly for a rery good reaaon, judsrlng from the rclativc meril of Andrkw's Pkari " and the Koyiil, as clearly demorwtmted bv tlie Government Cliemisr, Dr. Pktbb Comjhb of the Department of Agricultnre, at Washington, from samples receiveil by liim from dealers who furnislied the samplea from their stocks on baad in open inarket. S li, iivlneri-xfi'ss of Cmun Timar in Andrews' l" D Ofll I I C D C ' A M A I XCIP 'aaag&fflgafty8 tULLIEKb ANALYS1S , -. f - -. U. S. DKPT 01' AORKH'J.TURF. I , s 4 Washington D. C, Maroh 10, 1888. f C. E. AjTDKBWB & Co. - Gentlemen : I received by K from Thog. Lydon and J. P. Harkins & Co., 5 Grand Ave., Milvviiukee, and Harper Bios., CliicaJ BBImSj so, 111 , samples of Andrews' Pearl and Royal Bak n ¦ ¦ BHB '"'- ''"' (-':ins were in good coiulition J IL ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ wiien received and theseals unbrokeu. I ïïnd upon g. C3 I I analysls tliat Andrews' Pearl Baking Powder cony k j 1 ¦ tains ubout four and i balt (J1) per cent. more 3 HBBfiril 8 ¦ crcam larlar tlian the linyal BaUinfr Powder, q; I I Uil ¦ alKl !l proporiionalely larger percentage ï '¦' : (C H ¦ "' earbonie jk-IiI :i. and I liixl it ( he H I ol I f'rce from aluin, and any injnrioiiü ul'40? j 2 R H(;in. : r ' - I 5B ¦ ' Sincerely yours, f) I BH PETER COLLIER, BBP 43 gp l . s. ( heuiist, Dept. of Agiiculture. ümmml Chemist Collier's Analysis as totheLeavening Qnalities. andrews' PEARLBBSBalBHSBBBSaBHBSRBSES ROYAL jBjjWWIMlBSBHWBBHIi No wonder the Itoyal Co. omitted Andrews' Pearl from their " (.'omparative list," as Government ('hemist Collier's analysis sliows conclusively two things: lat, Tliat Andrews' Pearl contains more Cream Tarlar than the Royal, as show n by the cuts above; 2d, That the Leavening Power of Andrews' Pearl is grealer than the Royal , as shown by the two black linea above. CHALLENGE. We wttl iisve the Royal Co. or any one else $1.000 or $5.000 if they can prove by any fair mutual test tliat Andrews' Pearl Baking Powder does, or ever did, contain alom or any injnrious substances, and this challenge id open forever. Andrews' Pearl Baking Powder is sustained by a testimonial asto itspuritjand Strengtta by the only gnuiue conimissioned Governincnt cheinUt, such as the Royal Co. liever have pnbUabed. Tky It. C. K. ASDREWS & CO., 2&7, 289 & 291 E. Water St., Müwaukee. 45 Michigan Ave.. Chicago,


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