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W f' ROYAL.F_SCWïJ Jk AKlHö POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder never varíes. A marvel of purity.stiengthand wliolesomeness. Moreeeouomical ihiio tbe ordiuary kinds, and cannol be sold in competitiun with tbe inultltude ot low test, sho't weiglil. alum or phoaphate powders. Sold only In can ReYAL Uakinq l'owutu ('o., 106 Wall st.. IS'. Y. (iiticira Infantile Blood Purifiersand Skin Seautifiers. A Poslttve Cure Tor Every Form of Skin and BJood IMseases, from l'imples to IScrofula. TÜIFAHTIIil! anl Birth Humors, Mllk Cruet, X Scalied head, Eccemas, and every form of Itching, Scalv,, Scroflilo"S and Inherited Diseases ol the Blood. Skin, and Scalp,ith loas of Uair from inlanry to age, cured by Cuticura Resolvknt, the new llood pnrifler, intemally, and Outicuha and CtTrcURA soap, the ureat akin cures externally. Absoluleli pure anti sae, and may be usedfrom the mozmiit of birth. " OUlt LITTLE BOY. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stebin, Belchertown, Muss., write : " Our liitle boy was terribly atflicted wilh Scrofuia, Salt Kheam and Erysipelas ever siuce hu was l)orn, und iuthini: we could s;ive him helned him until we tried Cuticura Kemkdikb, Mhich grudnaliy cured him, uutil he is üow as lair as uny cbild. " WORKS TO A CHARM." J. 8. Weekt, Kq., Town Treasurer, St. Albans, Vi., s.iys in a letter dated May 2S : " It works to a charm on my buby'sface and liead. Cured the head entircly, and hae nearly cleaned ihefaceof sores. I have leconimeorird I to several, and Dr. PlaLt ha ordered it lor them.' "A TEKUIBLE CASE." Charlej Eayre Hinkle, Jersey CityHeights, N. J. writes , "Myeon,a lad of twelvo yeary! was completely cured of a terrible cajo o) Eczema by the CimcmiA limiiin-. From the top of hie head in tbe soles of bis feet was One mass of scabe." Kverv otber remedy, and phyeicians, had been tried inVaio. FOR PALE, LANCUID, Emaciated children, with pimpljr, sallow skin. the Cuticura Remedies will prove a perfect blessing, cleansing the blood and skin of inherited impunties aud expelliug the t'rins of scrofuia, rheuinatism, cousumption aud evere skin diseasee: Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticura, 50 cents : Heaoli'ent. $1.00 ; Soap, 23 cents. Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send lor ' Hoiv to Cure Skiu Diseases." 'n A TT 6e Cutic.ura Hoap an exquisiteJjtxSj X 'y perlumed Skin Beautlfler, aud Tuilet, liath and Nursery öanative. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR ( AT.VRKII. Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. . rpHE Great Balsamic Dittillation f fc A. ot VVitch Ilazc, American Pine wb C'ABUda Fir, Marigold, Clovery WkCsSt Blossoras, etc.calted Nunford'H SrcK2 Haflicnl 'uro, for the imrnef r diate relief and permanent core.of f k every form of Catarrh, from a V-' simple Cold in the IIeid to Loss fij_. of Hmell, Taste and Smell, Cough Öjtj - and Catarrhal Consumption. Comf'íy píete treatment, cousistiufi; of oue ( bottle Kailical Cure, one box Ca ', - ii tarrhal Solveut and one improved SV'iL " Inhaler, in one package, may now S"(Tii be had of all Drugi?ist8 for $1.00. !ëi ' Asb forSANFOKU'S RADICAL ' CURE. "The only absolute specific we know Med. Tinas "The best ye found ín a lifetinie of sutl'ering."- Itev. Dr. Wéggin, Boston. "After a Ioiil' tru"i,'le with Uiiiarrn ehe Radical Cure has cimnucred."-.ffcí. 6'. W. Monroe, LewMurg. I'a. I have nut found a case that it did not leheve at once "-- Andrsw Lee, Manchester, Mass. FoTTtii Dituo and Chemical Co., rioston. II A pCollInk'VoltalcEleetrte I A I ll '' lnsta iüy affjci9 tne léXuB' Nervous eystem and banishes "lSTHBCKY Piiin. A perfect ElPO.trie of a Bntteryeomliincdwithn c (r„rintrNrv(.r111 flapte r tor 25 SuftenngNerveikiitti I} aunihjiates pain, vitalizas Weak and worn-out parís, strengthens Tired -M úseles, prevent Dlsease and does more In one huif the time Ihau any other piaster in the wcirld. Sold everywhere. 111,950 IN CASH CIVEN AWAY IV,.,,,;,,,,,. Smokere of BlackweU'i Genuino .,,. 1 1.. iö Buil Durham Smokinií Tobacco wül , ' . receive Premiums as follows on JS5OO ternis and conditiona here pecifled : $450 let PREMIUM, $5.000 ggg 2d I $2,000 ;ïoo 3d " $1,000 $275 2other PremlanmashereshoWD. SU 5 O The 25 rircmiums will be awarded fií22i December 22. 18SÍ. lt Premium wTx"", poea to the person fromwhomwo re. T.J()O ceivotbelargestnumberofourempty $175 tobáceo bwn prior tofíoc. 15. Mirto K1 ñO be xiven for the neit larifest number Sil?amUlmn.inthoorderathenumb.-r P10 of empty bag received from each. $1OO to the twenty-flve succcssful con. 9O testants. Each baif must ; beai oiir lfí ..riirinal Buil Durham label ü. S. $O BOT.eDue stamp, and Caution Notice. $70 BíMrt must be done up securely in a (JO i-ackatre, with ñamo and address of 2 "Jí ,nder. and nmnVr of baifs contain. f.'ïï i. l'lninly niarked on the ontode. $4O „„amustbewnt.chaivesprepaid. to 3O lllaokwell'n nurham Tobare SX fo., Durham. N.C. Every Kenuin P-"v m.-katre has picture of Buil. $10 Soe our next aiinounceiucut SUBSCRIBE FOR The Ann Arbor Courier.


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