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From the Herald. Union school opens Monday, Sept 1. John Runciman sold.twelve bushel of bemes at one time, last week. We are pleased to stat; xvev. Mr. Mdlwiiin tillen nis pulpit last Babbath, and as usual, delivered au excellent sermon, Mr. Gabriel Freer reporta a very good yleld of wbeat. From a little over twenty acres he threshed 648 bushels of A. No. 'l wheat. The largest load of huekleberrtes that has come to towu ibis Boxson (ot befare) was delivered to Wooil Bros. last week and coiiBtoted of forty buxhels. Will'. Cadwick, soutli of here, wlll in about three weeks leave for Cadilac to touch at a salary of $70 per nionth. Mr. Charles Foster wlll leave about the same lime for Fowlervllle to aet as principal In the school there at u similar salary. A Blaineifc Logan club has been on'anied with the following officers: President, llon.S. G. Ives; vice-president.Wm. Judson; 2d v-president, Geo. E. DuvU; secretary, W. J. Knapp; Cor. secretary, J. D. Bcbnaitmao; treasurer, J. A. Palmer. A person from a distanee coming mto town from the south may leel dtsappointed when he sees the huckleberry swamp, but tí he is uformed that from about an acre, over twenty bushels of berries have beeu picked this season, lic vvill see Ihat tille land is more valiiaole than ihe best of wbeat land. Mr. Wilkliuon willsubstautiate this statement. DKXTUK. Krom the Dexter Leader. Mis, J. M. Knapp, of Kansas City, daughter of Mrs. A Simpson, of Scio village, is very sick and not expected to recover, caused by the carelessuess of a dru ggist who dealt out poison by mistake insteadof qtiinine. The Dexter schools will open on the first Monday in September, with the following corps of teachers : O. F. Waller, Principal Miss M. L. Taylor, of Anu Arbor, preceptiess; Miss Jennie Gordon, of Belden, gramniar departnient ; Miss Anna Williams, Miss Alta Calkins, Miss Dora Alley and Miss Josie M. Costello in charge of the reniaining departmeuts. At the adjourned meeting held in Red Ribbon Hall on Monday evening last, it was decided to orjranb.e a military company. A constitution was adoptcd and pretented for slgnaturess, forty ñames being attached to it within a very few minutes, with a fair prospect of increasln; the niunber by at least one-half. Tlie organization was perfeeted by the election of the civil oflicers of the coinpaoy, as follows : President, Deforest Litchfield; vice-president, Charles E. Stannard; secretary, Roy Copeland ; treasuier, Daniel Quish. A birthday party for young people is no novelty, but such an one as was gathered list Monday at the residenee of Mr. Tobias Holmes, is. The occasion was the seventy-eighth birthday anniversaiy of Mrs. Holmes's mother, Mis. Lovlna Lanphear. The aftair was an entire surprise to her, the first intimation of it to her being the arrival of the guests who were of course mostly her friendsof olden times. All the guests, with Mr. Holmes,the host, hadseen more than half a century pass away, the average of their age3 being 05, and the total 972. Besides there were a nutnber of younger friends, enougli to make the number up to about thlrty. A bountiful dinner was heartily enjoycd, and later an hour or so was spent In re mark, such as the occasion called forth, by Rev. Mr. Mosher, Mr. Wing, Mr. P. L Page, Mr. Gregory and Mr. Holmes. MANCHESTER. From the Enterprise. Freeman & Burtlesshave bought about 120,000 pounds of wool thus far this season, paying from 12 to 26 cents a pound. Lst week a swarm of bees located at the residenee of Mrs. Lobdell, on Furnace road, in the cornice of the new cook room. directly over the cook stove. A knot hole formed a convenient door for them. SALINE. From the Observer. The three Sunday schools' of the village are talking of excursionizing bood. After a long absence of several nu milis visiting with relatives in the East for the benefit of her health, Mrs. J. II. Kish returned home on Friday last. Tuesday niglit when Rau. Rouse came down to practice with the Cornet band boys, as is bis usual cu stom he tied hls horse in the Baptist chnicli yard, and upon returning later ín the evening to drive home bis horse and buggy were not to be found. Wednesday morningafter considerable telephoning had beeu done, Mchael Alberdrove the rig in, greatly to the delight of the anxiousowner. Mr. Alber fdund the bonte tied to a hickory tree near the road not far from his house, two miles southwest of here, early in the niorning, lic tliinks it was tied there about lOo'clocK Tuesday night. The perpet retors of the act are not yet known. YI'SII.ANTI. From the Commercial. Xo wonder Superior shows up as goine behind 'm the cen-us. The census man dia not visit and en rol I four families in the Southwest corner of the town. The Baptist chtirch of this city extended a very cordial and unanimous cali Thursday evening to Rev. Mr. Simpson of Jacksonville 111., to beeoiBe llieir pastor. Mr. (Jeo. Jackson met with a lUlshap Tlmrsday evening. Diggiitg a vault at the Coum-1 Hall the picknxe struck in the renr and drove the batidle so vlolentiy agaUiSt his knee pan as to disablr Mm and in.ike liim foi a timeíeriously slck. From the YpsilaiKian. The opera house ia nul to be made a roller ski.ting link. A match game of cricket will be played on the Fair Grouhde on Tuesjay next between Jackson and Vj).-ilanli teams. A party of sixteen young ladies and gentlemen from this city and Anu Arbor nttrtlclpsted in a l):irge party down the Hurón to Rawsonvilie yesterd .iy. Beu Joslyu tlie manager of ihe party. The intelligence of animáis is lomething iiicredible, and the followlog will prove not the least interi-sling proof of canine sagacity existing. The otucr day a "eutleinan of this city left his horse staTiding outside the bain while he went in to run bis buggy out. His dog was foliad a few moments later quietlyltting upotl liis haunches with the h:dtcr-strap in his molith holding the horse, whicli was evidently inclined to wander away. Upon the appearance of a person the dog arose, iassed the strap safely to huinau hands, and ran away apparently satislied he had done his duty. The dog had never been trained lo do tricks, to pay any attentipn to other aniinuls, or anytbluK of the kind. The action found its motive in his reasouing power, and is a wonderful proof of unsuspected Sagacity.


Ann Arbor Courier
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