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Among the Hillsdale dclegatlon to the C'...

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Among the Hillsdale dclegatlon to the C'ongressional convention Captain Allen wlU have ten or more. and on the iirst ballot he is pretty sure to leatl all other candidates by having at least twentyseven votes. Miller has not seciired Lenawee solidly. The F ree Press' "vindication" of Cleveland reminds us or Uic woallea '-Ttaïl catión "of Conway, the temperance rascal. It is all blow, bluster, brug and Wholesale dental, but no proofs. For a paper of any character it is surprising that it has the boldness to attempt to cram such thin statements down the throats of intelligent people. Beu Butler is going to make a campalgn speech in this State. We have been informed by leading men in the noithern part of Michigan that he is niaking quite a break for the mlll-and lmiibermen's votes, and that in tnany localities he wlll get as many as Cleveland. That is the kind of news still further to demoralize the Bourbon cohort. It s now prttty generally conceded that the Prohibitionists have the best chance of any party of carrying Maine, Xew Hampëhlre, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Kansas. Iowa, Nebraska, itxisov--.., r,„„r„;a ¦NTorth Carolina. Tennessee, Vermont and Wisconsiu.- uuion Light. (Prohibition.) What we wonder i?, ivhether there really exist Prohibitionists wild enough to believe any such bosh. [f so a gentle little surprise is Hable to be sprung upon theni after election.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News