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Bnftnesi Botton. To tlie Liulies. Boil jour Baking Powiler and f you sniell ammonln don't use it. If you flnd flour or starch left in the water, don't use it iinless you like to be cheated. If it smellsold and tastes bitter, it is aluin, don't useit. Teetevery kind yon can fiiid and then test DcLand'B Chemical and you vvill iind nothiug left in the water, as it contnins nothing but Creara Tartnr and Soda, which meaiis ]ure buking I'owder. In cans only. "No, indeed; I wasn't afiaid of tlie bug,'" said Miss Fus.sanfeatlier, after she had recovered f rom lier fuintiug spell at the cliurch picnic tlie other day. "Butl knew such a horrible shnde of reen wouldn't harmoniza with my new pink dress." - Yonkers Statesman. Form aud Feature, Unless associated witli good teetb, are shorn of half tlie attracUong tliey may otlierwiae ])ossess. Beartog tliis fact in mind, use SOZÜDONT, which will prevent your teeth from losing their whiteness. and will render them spotless if specked and discolored. The tint and hardness of coral are imparted to the gum3 by thii Incomparable preservativo and beautify Ing agent and tlie breath is rendered fragrant as honeysuckle by its use. ít is safe, besides beingetl'eetive. Bold by druggists. fr in 1207-1210. ? Spurgcon tells an amusing story of the old lady who started up when her jrrandson was about to take her unibrellB, exclaiming, " No, now, you don't. I've had that unibrella twenty-three years, and it's never been wet yet, and you ain't going to begin now." A3 a rule the eye is no more a eriterion of character than a single hair is of the strength of the butter in which it is found - New York Journal. Dou't Die in the House. " Rough on Rats.'' Clearsout rats, inioe, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chipmonks, gophers. 15c. The roadster takes his tammer sport industriously. - Yonkers Ga zet te. Cure for Piles. The first syniptrfm of Piles is an intense telling at night after getting warm. Tliis unpleasant sensation is inimediately relieved by an application of Dr. Uosanko's Pile Reniedy. Piles in all forros, Itch, Salt Rheum and Ringworm eau be permanently eured by the use of tliis graat remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactuied by the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Coinpany, Piqua, O. Sold by Eberbach & Son. 12(12-1253. A hen's egg measuring six and onehalf by eight and one-half inches bas been laid on the tableof a Georgia editor. He proposes to keep it and let it rlpon for the ïext dramatic combination that comes lown that way.- Burlington Free PTeaa. I was afflioted with kidney disease, and suft'ered intensely. I wís irdticd to try Hint"s [Kidney and Liver] Kemedy, i md before I liad used two bottlee I was entirely CU red. Kiehinoml Henshaw, Providence, R. I. A man asks a girl for her hand before marrlage and often rets her Hst after it.- i Youkers Statement. ] S. B Durfey, mate of the steamcr Arizonn, had bis footbadly jamtned. Thomas 's Eclectric Oil cured it. Nothlng equal o t für a quték pain reliever. The mosquito s not iiclineil to favor trohlbition. It s unnnimously n favor of open bars, and unalterably opposcd totlie creen law.- Boston Transcript. "The enterprlslng firm of Hood & Co. re üoing a rushlng business in HooU's Sarsnparilla and Hood's Tootli Powder, both well.known and appreotated by thouands who liave tested their effloacy. The barsapartlla haseffected wonáerful cures, ot only in tliis city, but In various parts f New England, where its merits are nown."- Ed. Lowell Daily Citizen. When the frantic leader of an open-air rchestra is flghtlng mosqnltoea wlth liis aton, the trifling public thinks that is bis vay of bent ing time- New Orleans Plcn¦une. Why use a gritty, muddy, disagrceable rticle, wheu Hood's Sareaparllla, so puie, o clear, so dellgbtful, can ba obtalned f 00 doses $1.00. Miittliew Arnold batea todie bccausc lip ill have to go over to the nlüjortty, He ¦ould ulways ratlicr ba a "icnmanl.'' - Lowíll Courier. The policeman is an arrestive soit uta laracter. - Marathon Independent Tliis Idea of Going West ,0 Colorado or New Mexico, for pure air o relieve Coosumptlon, is all a inlstake. Vny reaionable man would use Dr, Bo-' tnko'a Cougb aml Lang Byrup tot Conimptlon In all its lirst stages. Il, nevel 'ails to give relief in all cases of ('oiiglis, oldi. Bronchitis, l'ain In the Cbeet and 11 aflections that are considcred prímary o Consumptlon. Price, SO ceiits and $1.00. old by Eberbacb & Son.


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