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Contempt of court - The f mail boy who hangs arniiml the parlor and makes fao ¦ at his b? listera beau.- New Orieáns City Item. Health Is Wealth. It is worth miirctiian riclies.for without t riehes cannot be enjpyed. How many people are without health who niight regain i: by ttslng RMney-Wort. It acts upon the Liver, Bowels and Kiilnoy?, cleansing and stimulating thein to healthy action. It cures all disorders of these important organs, puritiesthe blood and promotes the general heallh. Sold by all druggists. See advt. The people of Bufïalo propose to bulld a monument to Red Jacket. It is not likely any ono will ever propose to erecta monument to the yellow jacket. - Norrlstown Herakl. tSTDiamond Det uill Color Anythin? any color, and liever fa.ll. The easiest and best way to economize. 10 c. at all druggisis. Welle, Richardson & Co., Bnrllngton, Vt. Sample C.ird, 32 colors, and book of directions for "2-cent itamp. Siimcrville, Mass., has au "Owl Club." It ia understood to have taken i's name from tlie frequent inquiry of the niembers tocach other: "Owl you have youni!1 - Wllmington (Del.) Star. For Burns, Scalds, Bruises and all pain and soreness of tbe flesh, the grand reinedy is Dr. Thomas's Eclcctrie Oil. Be sure you get the genuine. Sinee pantaloons have been selling for sjuao aai a pair Dretroitershave bgun to look qnite drf-ssy.- Lousville Courter Journal. ?'Roiigh on Rats." Clears out rats, mioe, ronches, flies, ante, bed-bugs, skunks, chlpmiioks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. A young lady up towu has hair so long that t sweeps the floor, but the young lady is not at all like her halr. - Merci. nut Traveler. Try It Yoiirsclf. The p roof of tbe pudding is not In chewing the stiinfr. but in baring an opportuniiy to try the article yoiuself. Kberbach & Son, the Uruggists, have a t'icc trial bottle of Dr. BosankoS Cough and Luii": Byrup lor each and every one who is affllcted wlth Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Consumpllon or any Lung Rfféction. It werp a ooDsnmation devoutly to be wished that the girl of the pertod wonld come to a full stop.- Drake's Traveler's Magazine. 13ut she won't; she's Inclined to connna agnin.- Oil City Derrlck. "Mother Swan'g Worm Sjrmp." Infalllble, taateleaa, harmlesa, cathartic, for feverlshnesa, restlessness, worma, constipation. 25c. The friese the carpenters are putting on new houses just now dont seein tocool the weather any. - Kentncky State Jonrnit). Skiimy Men. "Wells' llealth Renewer" restores liealth aml vijror, cures Dyspepsla, Impotence, Sexual üebility. f 1. A whosa knowledge s based on aetual axperlenoe eays tfaat when c&llliig tin tlieir sweatlieaits, yonng men ihould csrry nffeotlon In tbelr hearts, perfectlon in Iheir iiumueis aml confectio!) n their pockett. Adolpli Dalloz, curiijige munufncturer, Buffalo, 8aysi " I was troubled wüli nausea, lick headache and genera] deblllty. Burdock Blood Bitters oured ma." Yoiiiii;' M is. QragSWldow says slie srparitecl from lier liusbaml t'or dlvorced ieasons. - Hatchet. "Buchupaiba." Qulok, complete, cures all anooylng idiiey. Bladder and Urluary Dlseaaes. 11. Drugglgt One of the mlstakes of Muses - Sellini;i ten dollar eoal t'or live dolían by misike - Puck. T'ic Clergy, Medical K.tenliy and Peo le all endorse liuidoik Blood Bitters ri he best system renovatiog, blood purlfyug tonlc in the vrorld.


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