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- Tía: :e - ÁNN ARBOR SAYIES BANK, AXX AliKOlí. MICHIGAN, Transacís General Banking Businesr. CAPITAL, $50,000. Organized nnder the General Bankin? Law nf tbis Slat1, the gtockholtíors are iiidivirluülly liahle tor an additional amouut eqnal lo theetoik held hy theia. thereby creating a Otwrantee Fund lir thr benefit of rs of $100,000.00. Threo per cent, interest is nííowed on all Baring Deposita of one dollar and npwanfr, accordinp t the rules of the Dank atd interest cump unded gemi-annufllly. Moncy to Loan on uninc imheu'd re:il evtftte and othtr good eecurity. DI11ECT0RS : CHRISTIAN MACK, WM D. HARU1MAN, V. V. WINKS. DANIEL UI8C0CK. W1LI 1AM DtüBEL, WILLAKLi B. SM1 1 H. OFFICE Rö: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WINES, Vice-Pn, C. E. HISCOCK.Oashter. BAbfjurVil ONLY TRÜE Sf RON QTONIC j ¦VI11 pnrlfv tlie BLOOD. rejtmn la; 1 ., LI VER .. -I KIDNEYS, ¦B and Hfstoue tuk HKAI.IK aK an4 VIOOS oj YOUIH. l':X ' i lu-nia, AV:tnt oí' Appellte. In¦¦¦ ülfrcst i.)ii. Lack or iStrenptli. ¦ amlTireilKi'i'lhigabsolulely í cartMi. Ü4HUS. tuupok-saiitl L ïierves reeoive ik-w t'orce. Ëulivcns tlie mlnd a"J -r- siinplit'S Hraln Powir. A F i KT fi Bnfferlngfroni camplalan LAUI GO pecullarto üielrlxwlU flnd n DR. HAHTER'S IRON TONIC a tale tai sjjce-ly cure, liivt- a clear. bealtby complexión; Frequent atteninlü ivt countcrfeltliii onl) tu tliu popnlarlty of the original. Du uut expot punt - gel the Original and üfst. (Send youraddresstoThe Dr. HarterMcd.roA St.Lonis, Mo.,for our "DREAM EOOK.'I l'ullüf strange und uteful informatiou, tme-f W1NANS & STAI-FOKD, FIUE CustomTailoi's XO. 1 MAIX SJ'RKFT, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Are showins a fine line of SPRING SUITBÍGS! vercoatings and Trouserings. TIn ... gooda are selecte! from tlie leadlng bmlnea homn of Xew Yorfe, Boston and riiiladelphin, and Inelode all the NO VKLTIES OF Tffl fflASOH. MI.VAXS & STAFFORD, 9 ISouth Main Stroet, - Ann Arbor, Mifh Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT IIAVING BEEN MADE IN THK condttlona of a certnin mortitK exocuied Dï LydlaKlrohhofer.of Manchester, lntteCoun. ly üi Waahtenaw, mul state of Michigan, to Jared S. Lapham, of NorthviUe, Wnyin' Oour.ty, in Bald Btate, hearing date the Seventeentn day ut Apiii K. 1). 187, and rwordud Ia the office of the Reeliterof deëdsfornld County of Vashienaw, m liber.Vï of mortgasi-e, on pa;e."!t, id ly wliick default the power of salo contalned in to mortgage b&Ting become operative, and no fuit or proceedlDg at law or in chaiicery bavlng ban i"s"' tated to recover tho uniount dne on said mortpturei or the note íUTompanyhig ttu' pjtnie, and tiet belnir now clainïed to be due on saldnoteaiid mortgage. the mimi of Two Thousand Two Hudircd and Si-veuiy Dollars and Seventy cents Í1-.-''1 7(i]. Notloa is thererore hereby gtven ttuu f'1 nurtsiM will bo l'oreclosed on Frida the Niteteeutb diiy of September, 1!S4, at 10 o'clock in lk I íorenoon oí that day, by sale at pnitiic auctlonM the hiühfst bidder at the sonth front door ol the Court House in the city of Aun Arhor in said county of Washtenaw, (eald Conrt House briuir tbe place of holding the Circuit Conrt lor sM county) of the mortgtfftd premiey (U'ncribeit In suid niortiiasje. or bo mach thereof as mij i i "¦ esnaiy to s.uisly the amount dtie on irtid nole and mortñce wiih reasontble oms and expeowi whlcn nld mortgaÈed prémlaea are deactiid i" suid mortgHE, as lollows: All those certain parcela ol land situate and being in the Villaje "' ManchsaHr, In the County of u'aslueimw, ud Bute of MlcMgan, known and deaorlbed ut kW mar ( I). ív (5), six yú), seven (71 and olgbl (Sj lo lilock one(l) In Qrannr and Morfran'a additiou t" tho Vlllage ot' Mancheatar, aocordlng to tlie ricordcd plat ol said addition. üatud, June 17th, A. Ü., 1884 JAKJSD B. LATHAM E.D. KINNR. MortgairM, Atl'y for HorttagM. iSOl-lilUI OPIUM HABIT ] Sufrorrrsrrnmthisri'miciomhnhitmlMiiwrlt to to Pk. Illli-ll. Of l)„l„r. llirl,.. h I , ¦ ..,:.! „I,. l,,.u II iho curis ho lins mudf durlnf Itir put ttflv vtan. Tlio l"Bin l'omls t.. b DonimuDlt Kttd rw tlie prtMat sl.ife of hemltli. líiuth Jim Unid, 1 !, . „(i :..,,, ,,„.J r,,r „„(,. SlJrtum T.r.u.Miit hen dlr. l. s 1 fiar tMllmoniib l'om icaJiih: phyuduu mul rpmnuUv tun ji.a womn cuwtl.


Ann Arbor Courier
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