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Ex. Gov. Felch has returned. MlM Clara Mack is at Charlevoix. Chas. Durhcim le In Detroit to-day. Miss Pett is ni Detroit with friemJs. RfiT. S. Haskell is away on a vncHtiou. Jolin Lindonslimklt wil] be homo Sept 1. Chas. II. ltichmond Jr. lias returned home. Prof. B. E. Nicholswent to Lansin to-dny. Steve Fairchild returned Monday from Ludington. Dr. Angelí returned Thursday from the north. Dr. O.C. Jenkins spent last week at the Lake. J. V. Sheehan returns next Alonday from the East. Mrs. R. C. Goodrich, of Picki.ey is visitlng her son Lew. Prof. Délos Fall, of Albion, came over to-day for a short yisit. Miss Etta Doty, of South Lyon, is visitIiiST friends in the eity. Mrs. B. F. Watts returned Fridaj from au extended visit in Flint. Mrs. G. W. Hodges, nee Hattie Whitlartt, is visiting in the city. Dr. T. P. Wilson spoke at Saline Sunuay eveumg on temperance. Miss Mary E. Costello, of Chicago, visited in the city last week. John Croarkm, of Dexter, inteud starting a general store in Detroit. J. Emmet Uobison was the clerk of Adjutant Appleyard in camp. Mrs. E. Lelter anl daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. Swift in Dexter. Kmniet Iiobison went over to the Shaïou farm this morning fora few days. A. L. Noble and family are in Detroit to-day. They went over the Central. Jamos Kobison, son of the County Clerk, came in yesterday from tlieSharon farm. Chauncey Milten went out to the Lake yesterday morning. The tísh „ow must sufler. Will Watts came in from camp Friday to "ride the Knight Templar goat" in the evening. Mrs. M. Spalding, a former resident bat now of Kansas City, Missouri, is In the city. Mrs. J. Bailey returned home Saturday and to-day Miss Fannie goes to South JJeiul to visit. Mrs. N. II. Pierceandson, Natie, are at present, vWHng her youngest sister, at Kellogg, Iowa. Mrs. Albert DaCosta, of Chicago, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Bet-rs ou South Tliayer street. Mrs. A. E. Warden and sou, Karl, In couipany with Mrs. J. M. Wheeler spent Sunday at Whitmore. Mrs. E. E. Beal spent Friday and Saturday in Dexter visitinir her ruother Mrs. N. Keitli and friends. t manual Schmid and two daughters, of Columbus, O., arrived last week to visie relatives in the city. L. D. Wines leaves to-day to meet his wife in New York state and iritta her pass a few daya at (,'hautauqua.' Mrs. G. C. Osgood and son, Frank, are spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Henry DePue, of Pittstield. Hon. C. H. Rich mond, who has been suffering severely f rom an attack of sciatic rheumatism, is reported better. Father Coyle, of Mt. Morris, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Breiman recently. Mrs. B. is a sister of Father Coyle. Will E. Sprague and wife, of Detroit, come out Friday night to spend Simday in the city with relatives and friends. Fred Schmid Jr. and brother, llev. Enianuel Schmid, attended the funeral of a relative at Utloa, Mich. yesterday. Mis. A. W. Ames, now in San Francisco, is havingso deliglitful a time that she thinks of reinaining until Nov. lat. At the YpsilantiCongregational church last Sunday Prof. W. S. Perry read a paper on the grading of Sunday schools. Father Considine, lately appointed to the Northville parish, gave his inaugural dinner at his residence one day last week. Geo. Osius is on the road in the interest of his firm's fall trade. He has been gone about three weeks and returns next week. John Keek will hereafter spend most of histimeat Detroit in connection with tlie furniture tirm of Keek, Winterhalrer, & Co. Clarence Baile}', Walter Booth, Ok Butrón, Ernie Lewis and Will Tolchard began a two weeks' camp at Whitmore Monday. Miss Kusie Moore has accepted a position witli Newcimb, Endicott & Co., Detroit, beginning about the middle of September. Mr. Herboelsheimer, a relative of Henry Krause, stopped oft' this week on his way to N. Y. He is in business in Lincoln, Nebiaska. Mrs. Wilfou returned last Monday f rom her Detroit visit. She will spend some time here jet with her uiother, Mrs X. Chapín, before returning to Chicago. Mis. Abrams, of Saginaw City, mother of Mis. A. W. Ames, is expected here soon. She will prol)ably remain in Ann Albor until Mrs. Ames's return from California. Miss Nettie Norgate living four miles sou th of tlie city left Montlay for Northern Michigan, stopping at Owosso and other places for short stays with relatives and friends. J. J. Quarry, of Uoodyear's, leftyesterday for a two weeks' trip to his home in London, Out., visiting Toronto and Niagara before his return. J. J. has not been home for a year and a half. Ernest Manu and family came from Detroit Saturday to visit his father's. Chas , wlio was in the city last week, returncd Monday with Ernest. Tlie latter's family will spend the week in the city. Miss Julia Gundert returned to Mt. Clemcns Thursday from a visit in tlie city. She was accompanied by Miss Louise Husscman, of Cincinnati, O., who has been visitin; in Ann Arbor rccently. Among those expected here next week to attend M. C. Sheehan's wedding are Mis. P. H. Sheehan, Menominee, Daniel Sheehan and family, Niles, and Messrs. W. E. Armstrong and T. P. Sheehan and families, Detroit. Twenty-eight years ago a young lad ust over from Ireland applied to Wm. Noble, deceased, tbr work. He was taken and proved agood hand, remalnlng sonie mo years. He then began his studies in a Canada college, in preparation for tne priesthood, but afterwardsabandoned the dea. His remembrance of Mr. and Mrs. Noble and the two boys.Geo. and A. L., was very kindly. Mouday last Mr. James Cussick, for such was the boy's name, now about forty-six years of age, spent the diiy with A. L., enjoyini? himself most lieartily, recalling incideuts of the pa9t. Mr. Cussick is now on the road for a dry goods house, his home being in Toronto, Canada. ¦ - ¦ - ¦ ¦¦ I ¦ - Airs. L. A. Howe and Mrs. E. E. Beal spend a week out of the oity, leaving this evening. The forrncr will go at once to Northville, and Mrs. Beal visits in Flint before reaching Northvillc. wliere she will spend the remslflder of the week. Miss Lillian Thompson, of Lansing, tlie guest of Miss Fannie Stecle last week, returned home Monday. Several very delightful parties were given in her honor wñile in the city, one Friday avening at Miss Steele's and one SatunLiy evenui? at Miss Anna Beakes'. A. W. Ames and daughter, Miss Xettie, expect to leave next week for Mlnneapolis, Minn. where Miss Ames will teach the coming year. She will live with her aister.Mrs. Barker.and the school building is but a short distance froni her home. Mr. Ames will be gone a week. Mrs. Geo. Hadsits and family have returned from Minnesota where they have been spending the summer for the benefit of their youngest child, and are now visiting at the home of her father, David DePue, of Tittstteld, beforejieturnlng to their home in Detroit. Q. C. Turner, of the post-ofh'ce, leaves on the 26th to attend the 2Uth anmial reunión of the 42d Ohio, at Lakeside, on the 27th of the inonth. President Garfleld was colonel of this regiment about a year, before being made chief of Kosecrans' stafl". The company was orKanized at Camp Chase, O., m August 1861. The usual attendance at thereunions numbers about 130.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News