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David Wieland to Francia W. Smlth, liaron, 30 acres $1,500 Castle Sutherland to Ada A. Bradley Ann Arbor,lot 4,000 Augustus 8. Gardner to Monroe W. Woolsey, Ypsllantl.ll lOOths acres... 3,000 Joseph J. Ellls to Emily S.Sralth, Ann Albor, lot 2.500 Catharlne E. Adama to A. S. and J. A. Gardner, Ypsilaoti, lot 2,000 Sarah M. Truasell, to R. W. TrusselllMIlau, lot 200 Wra.ïï. Gay to Sarah M. Trussell, Milán, lot 200 Wllson & Warner to'AlbertS. Hayden, Milán, lot 160 Mary Duuning to Nelson Taylor, Milán, lot 850 Jllram Perrin to Jane .S. Phillips, Ann Arbor, lot 1,100 Alva P. Ferguson to R. S. and C. M. Uuderwuou, Dexter, lot 2,000 Jay Everett to Henry Winter, Sharon, 57 acre 1.590 Myron.Cady to Mlnnie E. Cady.Ypsilantl, lot 1,000 George G. Matthews to Geo. M. and Ann Sutton, Manchester, 20% acres 81050 HarrletS. Platt to Adelaide L. Parker, Ypsilanti. lot 1500 R. J. and E. Parkhurst to Ablgall Post, Ypsllantl, lot „ 650 Chas. McCortnlck to Falrchlld and Inward, Ypsilanti, lot 230 Kathan II. Pray to Daniel Douovan, iortlifluld "00 Eüzabeth S. Katou to Einma A. Storms, Aun Arbor, lot 100 MarcuK Ü. ('ase to Chas. Unterkircher, Manchester, lot 200 Catharinr E. Ilowe to M. D. Case, Manchester, loL 175 The Iron Poit states th:it notone Clevelantl uul Ilemlricks flag lias been geen at the niast-heiul of an ore carrier. Tliat leads us to remark tliat we have not yet seen a flag of that deDouiination on the St. Mary 's river. The editor of the Ann Arbor Courier, who was lately here, remarks in his paper that he did not see a democratie flag nortli of Poit Huron. -