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Owfnst to Ihe cry of some prejudiced persons that we charge too much for oar frnods an,1 work, 1 Intend to gire the Ciƶzena of Am, A.-bor ai.,1 Vielnlty a Benefit and stop tliis ererlastlng cry. I therefore rednoe WALL PAPER l liat lias been retailing at 10 cents to 8 cents. Gilt, 35 cents tn 30 ccuts. 15 cents to 10 cents. Gilt, 40 cents to 32 cents. 20 cents to 14 cents. Gilt, 50 cents to 35 cents. Aml all other gooda in like proporUon. I claim lo have the largest and Of Wall ahd Decorattons in the connty, and am eertaln Chat r can glve everyone satlafactlon eltlier In Gooda or Work. The oost of labor reduced In like proportion. J. II. Moriey & Co.'s Btriclly pure White Lead, tlie bost Uad In the market, $6.25 per hundred. I mean what I Bay, so cali and see for yonraelves. Successor to F. & A. Sorg, 2G & 28 E. Washington St


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News