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Comüiled from Late Dispatches. LÖMESTIC. Thw Comptroller of thö Currenoy has authorized tbe Tliird National Bank of St. Paul, Minn., to begin business; capital, 1600,060. Six thousajnd persons gaUiered in the amphitheater at Chatauqua Lake, N. V., on the evoning of the .'ith to epen the leventh sessiou oL the Assomhly, whlch continúes till August "2"). A band of cowboys captured at Rocky Point, M. T., a few days ago a gang of horse-thieves, recovering trom them thirty-two head of horses. The five outlavvs were then suspended from the nearest trees. Hail and thunder-storms a few days ago In Lancaster Coiuity, Pa., seriously damaged the tobáceo crops. Several liuildings and liarns were struck by lightning, and many of the latter were burned. All trains coming into the United States from Guaymas, Jlex., are to be inspectod, owing to the prevalence uf yellow fever. In an election dispute recently at Bradfordsville, Ky., Burr Dean (colored), who opened flred on a erowd, was niortally shot, two negroes and a white man ere wounded, and a horse was killed. A LOSS of $275,000 was occasioned a few days ago by the burning of the Schmidt Label & Lithographic Company's Loilding at San Francisco. Georoe Peakson-, one of the pioneera of Idaho, who mnrdarod John T. Hall in saloon at Boise City, was executed on the öLh in presence of one thousand persons. Breweh & Golden's warehouse, with 50,000 pounds of tobáceo, at Milton, Ky., was destroyed by lire the other morning. Fritz Steixmuller, a nuwsboy of Leavenworth, Kan., feil under the wheels of a passenger train leaving the dopot on the 5th, and was crushed to death in plain view of three hundred persons. A cyclone swept over the town of Wasco, in Eastern Oregon, the other day, and several buildings, including the Methodist Church and a mili, were demolished. A. M. Barnett was caught under a falling building and fatally injured. The estimated corn erop of Kebraska this year is 120,000,000 bushels- nearly 19,000,000 bushels greater than last year. The National Convention of the Amalgamated Association, in session on tlie Gth at Pittsburgh, indorsed John Jarrett forihief of the new Labor Bureau, and requested President Arthur to sign his commission at an early day. Near Fredonia, Tex., the other evening a hori ibia encounter took place between four desperate men, in nii.u „, -o oi.( through the heart, another was fatally stabbed, the third received a deadly wound in the shoulder, and the other wfta shot in the breast. Owing to an old feud Theodore T. Mowry fatally shot Elmer E. Mowry at Manville, R. I., recently, and then sent a bullet into his own brain. The fourteenth annual convention of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America met in Chicago on the 6th, Rev. James M. Cleary, of Wisconsin, President of the Union, in the chair. A Missouri Pacific passenger train was ditched near Whitesboro, Tex., a few evenings ago. Ten perrons were injured, one fatally. Jay Goüld has resigned the Presidency of the Wabash Kailroad Company, and Mr. James F. Joy, of Detroit, has been elected to succeed him. Genekal Hatch encamped on the 6th with six cavalry companies at a point twenty-five miles southeast of Caldwell, Kan., and proposed to clear Oklahomo of two thousand iuvaders. A benzine explosión in Fauke's dyeing works at New York on the. 6th blew the structure to fragmente and caused the burning of a stable, two horses and a saloon. Two men were fatally burned. Wjth the exception of two buildings the town of Laporte, Cal., was consumed by lire a few nights ago. Loss, $80,000. Up to the Oth forty-five persons had been killed by accidents in the ooal regions near Scranton, Pa., during the present year. Samuel H. Drew, ex-County Prosecuting Attorney of Cincinnati, was arrested on the 6-h, charged with eiubezzling $8,000. In a quarrel with bis wite at Troy, N. Y., a few days ago James Masón threw a belt at her. Tiie buckle struck their inf ant child on the head, inflicting a wound from which it died. Correspondente of E. P. Bacon & Co., of Milwaukee, on the Gth reported heavy losses in the barley erop, by hail and rainstorms, in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakota, lowa and Nebraska. Fire was discovered early on the morning of the Gth in a closet of the Capítol at Washington near the clerk's office on the House sido. The damage was slight, but how it started was a mystery. Two squadrons of United States cavalry descended upon Oklahomn Payne's cimp at Rock Falls, I. T., on ths 7th, and arrested the leaders, and started them off for Fort Smith. The women, chiHren and uew offenders wereescorted to the Kansas liue. The boarding-house, drug-store and some other cheap structures were burned, and not a vestige of the settlomont was peraiitted to remain. Two MINERS were killed and a third was fatally injured by the fall of twenty-flve f.ons of top-coal jn a colliery at Shenan'loah, Pa., a few days ago. The defendant iu a "Mother Hubbard" ¦lress case at Omaha was dismissed on the 7th, deference to public opinión causing the Pólice not to prosecute. The style of dress involved was being worn more than ever. The City of San Francisco embarked nlneteen Chinese lepers on the Tth for their native land, givingeach five dollars und paying full fare. While going to camp-meeting a few days ago Sam Faulkner and Henry Allen accosted the two Woodall brothers, near Kredonia, Tex. Firing began, Allen being shot dead, the Woodalls being mortally hurt, and Faulknor might possibly recover. Au American railway company operating in Mexico received Information on the 7th that diplomatic relations betweon that f.duntry and Ëngland, which were suspended on the death of fflaximilian, had been fully restored. Thk Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, in session at Chicago on the 7th, elected Rev. James M. Cleary, of Wisconsin, to the Prosidency. About a dozen white citizons oL Fairfax, Va., on ïvcoiring informatioii receatly that a young lady was being followod home in the country by a negro, rode out and captural tha villain, who was giver. one hundred lashes on tlie bare back. The iron milis at Pittsburgh on tha 7th were etnploying 7,00') men loss than last year, and the doprussion was greatur than ior several years. Governoh Sheldok, oL New Mexico, issued a proclamation on the 7th for the inspection of cattle, 110 matter from whut section, before they were permitted to enter the Territory. At the session of the National Christian Sunday-School Associationat Indlanapolil on the 7th A. R. Bonson, of Indiana, was elected President, and F. M. Green, of Uhio, Secretary. The Secretary of the Interior received word at Washington on the 7th that one thousand Piegan Indians at the Blackfeet Agency, in Montana, were actually starving. The death rate was large. The Grand Jury at Petersburg, Va., on the 7th indicted the ollicers and seveial employés of the wrecked Planters' Bank for misderaeanor or for felony. Neab Wilkesbarre, Pa., a few dnys ago two brothers, David and Holomon Blusher, were suffocatcd by lire-damp. A locomotive struck a carriage on tha 8th containing flve persons, "who were returning from a funeral at Connors Station, Pa., killing four persons and tho two horses and demolishiuLr tbu vuU'uüm. DüBIHOttM asven ilaya inliHl on t.he tu tliere were 2TU business failures in the United States, against 241 the prevlous seven days, and IW tor the correspondéis period of 18S;J. In an attempt to beat his record, JayEye-See at Bulïnlo on the StU trotted without a skip in 2:104. A runaway horse on the 8th dragged exSheriff Colbath and Mrs. Leathormau onto the railway track at Lima, O., and a switching engine killed both of them, the horse escaping. The main shaft of the monument to George Washington at the National capital on the 8th reached a height of flve hundred feet, and preparations for erectiug the roof would be commenced. It was announced on the 8th that in the neighborhood of Point Pleasant, W. Va., three farmers at different points had suffered the loss of wheat fields froni Hres set by incendiaries. Coke operators in Pennsylvania are loud in their complaints about the dullness of the trade. Over-production is the cause of the present depressiou. Texas fever and pleuro-pneumonia appeared on the 8th amoDg the herds in the vicinity of Lancaster, Pa. The infected herds had been quarantined. Holmes, Lafferty & Co., dealers in lire stock at Pittsburgh, made assignments a few days ago with liabilities of $100,000. The Penn Bank suspension caused the failure. One hundred and flfty men in the La Belle Nail Mili at Wheeling were discharged on the 8th, the mill-owners decidlng to procure their steel bars from Pittsburgh, doing away with their forge department. If other milis adopted this plan, flve thousand persons would be thrown out of employnient. The new movement had caused constarnation at Wlieeling. The Posl-offloo Dopartment is makine preparations for a fine exhibit of postal supplies at the New Orleans Exhibition, wliieh will soon be forwarded to that city. Dorothea Gordon was on the 8th found hanging in the woods near Mount Carmel, Ky., with a rope made from lier dress. Foul play was suspected. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The Groenbackers of Massachusetts will hold a convention at Boston September 4 for the nominatiou of State oflicers. In the recent county elections in Utah tho Mormons elected all the oftieers. The following Congressional noininations were made on the 5th: Kepublican - Illinois, Thirteenth District, James M. Taylor. Missouri, Thirteenth District, W. H. Wade. Democratie - Illinois, Twelfth District, J. M. Riggs (renominated). Missouri, First District, W. H. Hatch (lenominated). ühio, Eleventh District, W. W. Ellsbury. Maine, First District, Nathan Cleaves; Third District, D. H. Wing. A State Convention of the Nationnl CfoonhucV T.hor nartv of the State of Iilinois will be held at Bloomington, August 27, for the purpose of nominating State officers. The following Congressional nominations were made on thelith: Democratie' - Maryland, Third District, Wüliam H. Cole; Fourth, John V. L. Findlay; Fifth, Barnes Compton; Sixth, Fred J. Nelson. Illinois, Niueteeuth District, R. W. Townshend (renominated); Indiana, Eighth District, John E. Lamb; Virginia, Eighth District, J. S. Barbour (renominated); Pennsylvania, Twenty-flfth District, J. D. Patton. Republican- Ohio, Sixteenih District, Henry C. Hedges; Iowa, Fifth District, Milo P. Smith. The committee of Chicagoans which made the arrangements for the Republiean Convention reported on the 6th having collected $25,764, of which amount $12,542.60 would be returned to subscribers. General Butler on the 6th sent a letter to the New York Hun stating that he intended to stand by the nominations of the Greenbackers and Anti-Monopolists for President, and hope:! everybody would vote for hiin who thousht it was the best thing to do. The members of the National Cominittee of the Anti-Monopoly party have been requested to meet at Chicago August l(i to nomínate a candidato for President of the United States. The New Jersey Republicans met in State Coiivention at Trenton on the 6th and nominated candidates for Presidential electors. Congressional nominations were made as follows on the 7th: Republican - Obio, First District, Benjamin Butterworth; Second, Charles E. Brown; Eighth, Judge Little. Indiana, Fourth District, John O. Cravens. Iowa, Third District, D. B. Heuderson (renominated). South Carolina, Fifth District, W. H. Weller. Democratie - Ohio, Fourth District, C. M. Anderson. Virginia, Tenth District, J. Randolph Tucker (renominated). North Carolina, Seventh District, Kerr Cxaig. Georgia, Tenth District, Henry K. Harris. Pennsylvania, Twenty-first District, C. E. Boyle (renominated). The National Dental Association at Saratoea on the 8ih elected George H. Cashington, of Chicago, President, and deeidod to meet next year at Minneapolis. John Joürdan, the notorious burglar who robbed the Middletown (Conn.) Savings Bank of $48,000, was captured in New York on the 8th. The Bear, Thetis and Alert, of the Greety expedition, arrived at Governor's blandí N. Y., on the 8th, and were received by Secretary Lincoln, Generáis Sheridan and Hancock, and other officials, the forts firing a funeral salute. The bodies of the dead would lie in state in.the hospital until removed by friends, CongressicíNal nominations were made on the 8th as follows: Democratie - South Carolina, Second District, George D. Tilintan; Third, D. Wyatt Aiken. North Carolina, Eighth District, W. H. H. Cowles. Pennsylvania, Twenty-seventh District, William L. Scott. Greenbackers- Kansas, Fourth District, M. D. Tenny. FOREIGN. China on the 5th refused to accede to the terms of France. The Celestial authorities would pay $700,OOJ indemnity, but no more. The French Admiral, Courbet, was preparing to begin operations against Foo-Chow. The British House of Commons on the 5th appropriated $1,000,000 for the expe dition to relieve Gordon by a vote of 174 to 14. Five dealhs from cholera oceurred at Marseilles and four at Toulon during the twenty-íour hours ended at ninu p. m. on the Oth. The sanitary condition of ltaly was improving, and Russia was declared to be free from epidemie of any kind. Spain had decided to establish a quarantine of ten days against Italian ports infected with cholera and seven days against other Italian ports. The steamer Amsterdam was wrecked off Sable lsland, N. S., a few days ago, during a fog. There were 806 passengers on board, but only threo were drowned. Merchants in Mexico complain that most goods received from the United States are inferior to the samples shown by drummers. The sreamship Oregon arrived at Queenstown on the (ith, making the trip from New York ï ri six days thirteen hours andtwenty-eight minutes, the fastest time on record. During the twenty-iour hours ended at nine p. m. on the 7th there were five cholera deaths ut Marseilles, five at Arles and six at Toulon. There had been a slight increase ín the cases owing to the great number of returning fugitives. A ilisease known as "English cholera" had broken out in the villages near Blackburn, in Lancashire, Eng., and was spreadiiig. A severe hurricane and lain-storm visited Sebastopol, Russia, on the 7th. Twelve persons were killed, and an immense amount of damago was done to property. In the Linz Grein and Kirchslag districts, near Vienna, a storm injured many persons and a largo number of buildings were washed away. The Queen of Madagascar on the 7ih proclaimod negotiatious with France at an end, and ordered her subjects to prepare for war. Fudr shocks of eartbquake were feit on ¦ i.i tue 7tü ín a Une or Itaufin tuwn p' milos southeast of Rome. A RACING scull was swamped on ! vidi Lake, N. F., a few afternoons go, three of tbe oarsmen being drowned, the fourth, who was rescued, dying the next morning. Disi-atches of the Tth from Foo Choo aaserted that the trouble between France and China was certuin to be nettled. John Russen Young, the American Minister, was to be arbitrator. Stellmacher, an Austrian anarchist, who was executed on the 8th at Vienna, participated in the brutal murder of , bankei' named Eisert and his two gons, and also killed a detective named Elock. During the twenty four hours ended at nine p. m. on the evening of the 8tb twentyfour deaths froni cholera occurred at llrseilles and two at. Toulon. LiGHTMNGon the 8th started a conflagrtion at Villard-Lurin, France, whichraged until ninety houses were destroyed. LATEE NEW8. A skvere shock ot earthquake was feit along the Atlantic coast on the lOth a little nftor two p. m., extending from Philadelphia to Portland, Me., and as far inland as Cleveland. The shock lasted about ten seconds and caused very serious alarm, particularly in New York City. No serious damage was done, thougb houses were badly shaken, sorae ceilings were cracked, and the people were terribly frightened. A second shock was feit in some places. ¦ AsnnSwu. Tex.. on tue 3tu K. A. Lindsay entered tue nouse 01 ma svupiather, James A. Wright, and shot uim dead in bed. Then he killed his stepsistei- Fauny, flred several ineffective shots at his fleeing sister, and escapod to the woods. ïke eau -e for the murders was a mystery. The Ureeubackers of the Seventeenth Illinois District have nominated Eider Jumes M. Morgan for Congressman. By the falling in of some walls on tüe lOth during the progress of a fire at Carlotsbuig, Ky., three men, Bob Miller, John Gruham and David Kinner, were killed and a number were seriously wounded. The damage to property aniounted to $7li,Ü00. Thb Missouri Kiver boat Martha Stephens sunk on the morning of the flth between Bonneville and Arrow Rock, liv-e persons being drowued and two scalded to death. Tiieke were fourteen deaths from cholera at Slarseilles during the tweuty-four hours ended at nine p. m. on the evening of the iüth, and four at Toulon and twelve at Gigean. It was reported that the epidemie was slowly spreading over France and Italy. Foh posting Socialist proclamations, three men were flned five dollars each at New York on the 9th. A notorious Communist paid the fines. The pólice of Vienna were alarmed on the Wth over the prevalenen of incendiary fires, and they believed thut a conspiracy had been formed to destroy the main buildings of the capital. An unknown man on the Wth came out of the bushes on an island in Niágara River, handed a stranger a watcb, leaped lnto the rapids, and was hinried over the Horseshoo f all. 8evehe thundei" - storms prevailed tlirougliout Enylaud on the 9th. At Ao crington hail-stones feil three inehes long and an inch thick. Houses, churches and milis in an area of two miles were wrecked as by a riot. Two persons were struck dead at Burnley, two at Barusley, one at Darwen and oue at Nottingham. At PesÜi many houses were also wrecked.


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