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iimiMiiiwi"""""""""1""1" n 5T%OOK OFMARTYBS" I . f 1 ' l contalna many mpKF"1 1 I lul storles oí rootrt $g I I J nlzliiK sufTWlna. Wtt I v V V- tx)tbln, ettlier m tow or pioture, cnn be mor dlstrvstul Uian Op ¦iian), Bövere, sluxitluu polns daHy anii rütrWSr uturi'il by hos wlio are niartjT to thiU rtm -rrBu tornwnt, Neuralgia. TO gul rM o Jf mnrty n kn te the ürat, business ol all who miTefl Athlophokos Hirtii naiil nwrY, oixldttrwa Ow Jmini ol Vvirmitrt Athlophobos gives haiilüi KWsati sufferors whom Ue mart WM1 pnynUl lui vu aot boen able to HbuL Athlomjobos operates on the blood. niutém. and tointa ; and wtvlng the acíAt Mía a3u Knoünatlaiu, removes Wieia frotn lt Atih-ophooos is pronoiinceil hï all who mb M uu ítarKJ'i'1 pecltfu ror these Read the testimony of one of the sufferers. David Little, Sumner, Benner Co., lowa, writes: ' I am put 77 rem of tge. hve hd the Rheumattsm thrae yor and eijf ht mouthB ; lost ono-third of my could not walk, but huffled alouu on orutohea; oould not leep; nerven nhattered, no ¦tremrth in my hand, wristo, kneus or feet. But thankBbetoGodforyoursrreatdlscovery! Tuemedicina arrived Saturday ni(fht. 1 toot a dono Suuday morulng. feit lt aU over me. and kept on with ït. Monday mom i uk I got up and dressed niyself, and walked out into the kitchen without tlie id of crutch or cano, and wiahed theniallahappyNew Year. I rest well nihta, ani RainlnK in Btrenyth, and oce more enjoy liio. Wish I could put Athlophoro in the handB of every iufferer f rom tkis terrlbla dUease." If you cannot sret Athlophoroboí yourdrupwt. wo will eend it expresa paid. on rocii't of recular price-oii doUr ir bottle. We prefer thatyou buy it from your druKÍt, but if he lmnn't it, do not be persuded to try aouiethinK elnu, but order at once f n i iw oh directed. ÍTHLOPHOROS CO., N2 WALL ST., NEW YORK. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. I South Main St., Aun Arbor. Tlieoldest iigency in the city. Established a quurter ol a oeiilury Bgo. Repieseiiting the following flrst-elasscoinpiinies: Home lus. Co. of N. Y S7.-í8S,45 Continental Ins. Co. ofN. Y.... 4,807,442 Cascara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,874.024 Qlrard Ins. Co. of l'hila.lelphm 1,259,97 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford 1,419,522 ('oniiiiercial Union of London . .11,043,943 Liverpool, T-oiulon and Globe. .34,402,085 Rales Low. Losses Liberully Adjustt'd anti Proiintly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. THEODORE BIGALKE, PnOrKIF.ToR OF TUK Ann Ártor Central Flour aud Feed STORE, Xo. 29 E. Washington Btreet. Dealer in Gniccries and Provlfion?, Tobacco, Cigars and Confcclionariee. Sole airent for r lei-ch mann Jk Co. 's Uompresfed Yi'ast. Tlie only plnct in the city where you eau buy thettenuiue Fleisrbmann & Co. 's Compressed Yeast, fresh, dnily Goodï delivered Iree to any part oí ttie city. B. F. BOYLAN, PAINTER, And Dealer la ; French, American anfl Plate Glass. Slgn Writing, Paper Hangliife', Deeoratlutf, ïrescoiug, Etc. 16S.MAINST.,SEC0NDFL00R i , W. TREMAIN, EEKL WMM IHjl OFFICE : Oyer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COK. HURÓN AND FOURTH STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinburg. Capital, $13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Assets $600,000. Sprlngfleid Ins. Co. of Massachusetts, Cash Assetg {1,800,000. Honard Ihs. Company of Nevr York, Cath Aseets $1,000,OUO. Agricultural Ins. Co., Watertown, N.T., Cash Assete $ 1 ,200,000. Losses Liberally Adjusted and Promptly Paid. RINSEY & SE ABOLT'S IIUI1MÍI1 - AND - Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, ! BREAD, C1UCKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retnll Trade. We shall alao keep a supply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! ¦ ti'ihi Flour, Kye Flour, Bliek u-licut Flour, Corn Moal, Feed, Etc., t Wnoleeale and Ketall. A general stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Conitantly on hand, which wlll be pdW on as reasounbU' tertiiH a at nny other liouue tn the city. Cacti pa'd Tor BUTTKR, EO(,", and OOUNTKY PRODtTCK generally. Uoodx d-livered to auy part of the ciiy without exlra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN ANN II UOIt Should. Advertise iix THE COURIER. THE PNEUMATIC íBE'ffi FRUIT ARIËRS. ñ m(: Awarded the Süner Medal fei rÈ over all rom pti tors at huw IjtMI BBgall Kn-luinl Fair, 1&Ö3. IW l?53fcr;3 ' '' tl0 operutloil ÍH piich t li:i t U tbey retiini tho mtunl fruit HfflBT Weiimuilia.TturctbobcHi Lvniio HL- . .. ¦ƒ r:t' 'Th inr ui.mK'. iil'A il' Ji'lly v''S Vt. Farm Machine Co., 120'J-mi.


Ann Arbor Courier
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