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Michigan (Tentral The JJiagára Falls (Route. Central Standard Time. M.-iy ÍS, 1884. KA9TWABD. tí 11 ti l STATIONS. Kg. 5 i o L 3_ 5L L_ L3 A. M. A.. P. P. P. A. a. Chicago. Lv. 645 K55 4 1") :f4Ü 8 4U (1 55 ITw'tysecSt. 6 57 9 07 4 5 852 8 54 10 07 ! Kensineton.. 7 35 9 4r, 4 50 4 30 9 25 10 45 I Hammond.... 7 47 501 Tolleston 8 03 5 3b Uke 81810 554 1003 1127 Michigan City 8 58 11 Oti (i 02 6 4 10 42 12 10 New Búllalo... 20 1127 7 12 12 35 ThreeOalts... 9 37 7 25 Buchsnan IOOóp.m V 51 124 Niles 10 20 12 l.J 59 825 1140 140 Dowagiac 1046 8 5 20ó Iawtob 1127 928... 243 Osltmo 1152 948 P.M A H. .:... A.M. KalHmazoo... 12 i 145 8 10 10 (X) 1 0U 3 17 6 45 Ualrsbiirg 12 25 g 7 03 Battle Creek.. 105 2 23 8 47 gB 142 4 05 7 33 , Marshall } , M 3 ( "'oi t & 'i'Ó9 'Ï32 'Ï 00 Albion 2 15 3 25 -? 2:& 4 57 8 27 Parma 236 a. m 5 16 8 50 Jackson 3 05 4 03 10 00 7 00 3 25 5 45 9 25 Jacks'nJunc. 3 09 7 05 GrassLake.... 3 30 7 22 6 07 9 45 Francisco 3 38 7 30 Chelsea 355 7 42 6301003 Deiler 4 10 7 55 6 43 10 13 Delhi Mills... 420 805 Aun Arlor.... 4 32 5 12 10 54 8 17 4 35 7 00 10 33 Ypsilanti 4 50 5 25 11 07 8 38 4 52 7 15 10 47 VVayne June. 5 15 5 40 9 10 5 13 7 38 1107 Wayne 5 17 9 12 Deatborn 5 35 930.... 7 55 Springwells.. 5 55 6 15 11 50 9 50 R 45 8 10 11 35 Detroit.. Ar 6 05 8 25 1 1 59! 10 00 5 55 8 20 1145 Detroit Lv 7 30 12 15 6 15 1159 St. Thomas 11 15 3 25111 III 10 05 3 20 Weiland 2 03 6 0l 5 25 1 2(i 55H Falla View 6 33 151 6 23. ... NiaearaFalls 2 31 6 3i 158 6 28 Suso. Bridgé 2 45 6 50! 2 15 6 40 Buffilo 3 40 7 50; 6 45 3 10 7 35 WKTWABD. d A M. M stations. ! 1 =1 o : : j g a m o. o 2 i : S o _O_ _ S_ _S_ : : il'.M. P.M. A.M A.M. A.M BuffillO 18401130 6:6 6 15 1130 Suíu. Bridge. 9 40 12 25 7 30 12 2; Ñipara Filie1 9 50 1236 7 41 12 39 Falla View 7 46 i2 44 Weiland 10 12 12 59 8 05 ¦; 25 105 Si.Thomae.... 1 25 3 50 1045 1140 4 10 Detroit. .. Ar. 5 30 7 55 2 5UP. m. p.m. 8 30 Detroit. . . Xv. ti oó 9 00 4 00 ' 8 00 ' 860 'i)'(Ó '. '. '. '. '. SuriugwellB.. 6 19 9 10 4 10 8 12 8 10 910 Dearooro .... 6 27 4 24 8 27 8 25. Wuyne 641 642 WaytieJunc. 43 9 38 4 38 6 44 8 40 9 4o Ypsilanti .... 7 15 957 4 68 7 07 9 03 10 02 AnnArhor... 7 30 1012 5 12 7 23 9 20 1018 Delhi Milla.. 7 42 937 Dexter 755 5 30 7 43 9 50 Chelsea 8 40 5 42 8 0(1 Francisco.... 825 8 15 1010 GiassLake... 8 33 r.M. 607 8 25 Jacks'nJuuc. 8 53 845 1032 A.M Jacksou 9031130 6 50 8 50 10 35 1156 Patma 9 25 7 15 o 1100 Albion 947 1205 7 38 = 11221241 Marshall.. ' L 10 1:J u ''j et 11 48 'i'ÓS '.'.'.Y. Ballle Creek.. 19 43 105 8 47 ¦% 12 15 142.... Galesburg. . . . 11 15 9 20 M 12 42 Kalaniazoo. . . 113 145 a 40 4 45 107 2 27 Mattawáu"" 1207 :.'..'.'.! '.'.'.'.'. '5ÍÓ ti'sS Y.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'. Lawton 12 15 5 18 145 Dowagiac... 12 5 5 58 +2 32 NileB 140 3 1U 640 3 ÜU 4 05 Hnchmian.... 153... 6 54 3 15 Tlirce Ü.iks.. 221 7 22 3 45 Ni:wBuffalo.. 237Í401 7 35 4 12 MichigauClly 803 4 27 8(3 4 5 18 Lnke 345 6W 8 511 5 37 6 07 Tolleston .... 357 05+5 55 Hammond... 4 15 S27+620 Kansiucton.. 183 6 00 9 45 6 40 7 0 .... Tw'ty-sec.81. 5 13 6 38 1013 7 18,7 43. .. Chicago.. .r. 5 25 6 50. ÍI030 7 3li 7 55 t Stops only to lot ofl' pMMDgun. ; Stopa only on siifimls. O. W. HUGGLK8, II. W. I1AYRS. G. P. JfcT. Agent Ai;t.. Alm Ailiur. Chicago. Detroit, Mnekinnc & Murqnottc K. 1!. Junk 1"), 1884. Pioneer E:ist and "West Llne througli tb Uper Península of Michigan. KAST. STATIONS WKST. II I 1 Ú l A.M p.M P-M I,p. Air A.M P.M. 1', M 7 00 2 15 9 IX) Mimiuelte 6 55 4 50 8 00 A.M 11 60 5 40 1 35 Seney. 3 03 1 30 2 03 P. M 1 501 2 56 Newberry. I 1 I'1 ¦- 80 20 Arr. LveP,M A M a. m. 6 K 8 50 5.45 St. Ignace. 1 10 1010 00 7 35 Tialns nin by Central Stiuulunl Time. ! I). MoCOOL, F. MILLK1AN. Uüii'ISnp't. Gen'l f'rt i PMS, At Murquetie, Mlob. Marquotte, Mich. JOSEl'li BBKKV, The PiiK-tUal TAILOR AND CÜTTBR, Of the lata finn of WINANS A BBRRÏ, has lüCAted hie place of btUt&OM at NO. 7 HURÓN STREET, W1TH A Kl'I.L UKI OF Suitings and Trouerings, And would pny lo lils oíd fricml ntid nw onet that II they want a GOOI) FIT aml NolïllY FIT at REA8ONAULK Í'HICKS, cali on hlm and Ihej i will lw siire to ({et ono.


Ann Arbor Courier
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