County Items

From the Herald. Out of a total of 439 cali boxea in the postoffice at tliis place, theie 8 but one marked "vacant." A car load of hogs was saipped from Hitó place last Frlilay night by James nmh and Frank Judson. The Lutheran parsonage, on Sunimit street, is receiving extensive liupTóvements. The suin to bc expended will probably reach $400. Miss Eva Arnold. of De x ter, and Miss Matie and Carrie Potter, nf A.1111 .Vrbor have been haring énjoyable time at Mr. James McLaren's the past twoweeks. Quite a eurioíity has been on exhibition at the Chelsea savings bank the past week. It is. a blography and portralt of Abraham Lincoln, and 'is the propertv of llon S. G. Ives. The blography is In 'pen text, and the portrait is shown by the writing beiug in a heavier shariing. All in all it isa line work of art, and to be ap preciated must be seen. Ground bas been broken usteasrnf the Qranga nulmuw tut a two-storv and basement building to be Used for eva'porutingfruitsand Jas. L.Gil hert. Jas. Baelmian is building the evaporatois whicli will have a capadty of 00 bushels of apples per day, 24-hour. Mr. Bachman will aleo run bis factory at a rate of 100 bushels or more per day. DEXTUK. The Teacher's I'istitute is now In sessionat tlie High School building. From the Dextor LeaJcr. At tlie special electlon electlon yesterday, for justice of the peace, A. ü. Craue was uiianiniously elected. Marrled, by Rev. W. II. Benton, at the M. E. pursonuge in this village, ou the eten ir. (f of the 12th inst., Mrs. Mary J. Ryan to Mr. Henry A. Kirby, all of Dexter R. J. Langdon's house narrowly escaped destruction by lire yesterday morniug. Cause: aii oil stove left burning under a shelf. The hoiue was in charge of two y ou ng daughters. They had stepped out for a few moments. The fire was discovered by Mis. Robblng, and exlingulshed. J. R. Joyner's bartl on A street was cousuined by lire Monday morning between 12 and 1 o'clock, together with buggies, a sleigh and cutters. The barn was uot very valuable, and was uniusured. It has been a rendezvous for tramps all sumtuer, and the probability is that it wasjaccidentally set on tire by one of those who occupied it that night. It is rumored that Thomas Birkett will build a hotel worth from $2,500 to $Ü,000 to be used as a pleasure resort, at Base Lake. We do not see why an establishment of that kind would uot pay during the summer season tbere ; nor do we see why the chafó of lakes. up there may not be soon made a pleasure resort tooutrival Whitmore or Cavenaugh lakes. A narrow gauge road from Dexter up to the lakes would iix matters "solid." Rev. R. C. Mosher, who has been serving the Baptist church in this village for the last three years. tendered bis resignation ofthe pastorate last S.tbb tth mor iiiv. The resignation is conditioned apon the church increasing his salary to $1,000, and one week is allowed the church in which to determine that point. The probability is that the condition will not be met, and if not, Mr. Moslier will leave between this date and the first of October next for Minnesota. We understand that a pastorate awaits hlm at_;Herman, Minnesota, which will yield hlm the above salary in addition to the amomit rpqnired to move his family and efl'uots tliither. MANCHESTER. From the Enterprise. They are moving the dirt and getting ready to lay the foundation for the Watkins block. The building will probably be only two stories high. While digging a cellar in Waterloo a trunk was Ibuud containing a human skeleton, supposed to be the renviins of a man nanied Suttler, who (Hsappeaied a few years ago. The next meeting of the S. W.Farmer's club will be held on Prlday, September 5th, at the residence of Benj. G. Eugliah. The question for discussiou will be - What changes, if any, would it be advisable to make in our rotation of crops, in view of the present and future markets of theworld? Papers on the question will be read by C. M. Fellows and V. W. Hess. Select reading by Mrs. (!. S. Hawson. SALINE. From the Observer. A. 1. Van Duzcr y.esterday received a golden eagle, seven feet long from tip to tip of wings, from Chas. Burg, nuw in Montana. On September Ist Jerome Johnson wil] take charge of the Aun Albor toll gate. His son will Uien assume control of the Ypsilanti gate, in his stead. The oat erop now beingharvested is excellent both in yield and quality; and if tlte corn erop is secured in good condition onr farmers will not have to liypothecate their future crops to lmy feed for their stock, as many of them had to do last spring. E. W. Ford & Son liave decided to build a skating link, in size h'fty by eighty or one hundred feet. The exact plan and location not decidedj upon yet. Mr. E W. Ford is now absent inspecting other rlnk buildings, and will return to tommence work at once. It is their purpose to have it fin ished by October first, or löth at the latest. The followlng are the teachers in the Saline Union School for thecoming year: Principal, Prot. Chas. L. Blodgett, of Eaton Rapide; preceptress, Miss Caroline Cleinents, of Ann Arbor; second grammar, Miss Ida L. Webb, of Saline; tirst grammar, Miss Ida L. Boiroughs, of Saline; second priinary, Miss Kjttle Iloyt, of Saline; tirst primary, Mrs. Alyra LaWrence. On Tuesday afternoou lightning slruck the graln barn of J. Daucer, of PitUfleJd, three miles northeast of here, and burned everytbing to the ground. The barn eontaine"d considerable hay and 838 bushels of wheat, just threshed and some oats. No insurance. We learn that Mr. D. works the tarm by the month, and that the loss will fall upon the owner, a Mr. Graves, of Flint, a very wealthy gentleman. Wednesday as Len Laeey wns working at the edging machine in Sturm & Oavenport's mili at Cone station, by a defection in the board a piece flew and hit hini in the stomach, prostratig him to the floor in an instant. His fellow workmen picked hiin up, but he was severely hurt ternally. Between gasps lic would spit U large qiiaiitiUes of blood, and ttougll h? was alive at last accounts (last night) the doctor says tliere Is no hope for his rocovery. Saline is entitled to the recognition of being the habitat of the fastest and most cmlnring bicycle riders iti this part of Michigan. One evening last week yotiag Verine Bassett made the trUnffle, via Ann Arbor and Ypailanti, ubout 20 miles, in two boa and twenty minutes. The distance irom A. A. to Saline has been made in less than 40 minutes. ,9U imles. Last Monday F. D. Ford and 'iSÜ. Ryckman rode tlicir bicyeles G5 miles. They came from Detroit, 40 miles, in live and onehalf hours, and made the last eleven miles, Irom Vpsilaiiti, In ") minutes. Let A. A. boys speak up now. The aboye gentlemen also rode U miles in 5ü minutes on Monday last. YrSII.ANTI. From the Sentinel. A buggy standing in front of Aments Saloon ou Congress street, was smaehed by the contact of a run away team from Aun Arbor Tuesday. The question of OSmageSWllI probably cause a law suit. New wheat arrivés In moderate quantitio?, and brings about 85 cents. It is evident that iew farmers in this section. are so pinched for nioney that they need liurry tlielr wlioat to market, and the relief of business, by the sale of wheat at 8ö cents, will come slow - especially while the corn prospect is so uncertain. Frora the Commercial. lliss Helen Post, so many years at the head of the Grammar department, has been transferrea to the Normal proper. A deserved promotion for marked tidelity. Thieves broke into the Follett House, Wednesday night. Most of the damage done was in breaking the money drawer open, as they only obtained a few pennies. Capt. Spencer was in the city to attend the funeral of his brother. We saw him for a few minutes at the Detroit depot. He is looking well and in good spirits, and likes Lausing very much as a home. Mr. John A. Cresswell, the publislier of the Evening Telegraph, Buftalo, N.Y., who lirst gave the Cleveland disgraoe to the world, made us a cali Saturday. He is visiting his oíd preceptor, Prof. Hopkius, on tlie plains. Prom the Ypsilautian. A fine stonebrldgn is heing put uj) over the creek on the soutli road from Ypsüanti to Ann Arbor. Many of the Guards wöar medalg, eitlier iewter or leatlier, as souvenirs of the fun at camp. While Forbes Ballard of Augusta was in the city on Satunlay niorning, bis son, aged 12 years, got hold of a revolver and proceeded to investígate. He found it was loaded, and the ball is now in the head of his tliigh bone, wbere it will remaln. The lad is doing well and will be about In a short time. Mr. Dunlap of Detroit was in the city Tuesday making arrangements tor on attack of the Salvation Army on this stronghold. If th-y come, they will be a detacliment from the body already in De troit. A hallelujah barracks will be establishedand knee drill with the other quaint forms of the organlzation will be a coiumoii thing among us. Chas. McCormick at the depot is excavaling for the foundation of a building. He says he doesn't know what t will be tor, but it will be of brick. The site is the Watts" property, oppotte the Follett Houae.
Follett House
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Forbes Ballard