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Literary Notes

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We ure iu receiptof the flrat iiiunberof the "Chautauqua Voung Folks' Journal," a new montlily publication to be issued by D. Lotlirop& Co., Boston, in tlie inteiests of the C. X. F. R. U., Chautauqua Young Folks Rcading Union. The new journal has au attractive cover, and the table of contcnts of No. 1 is a strong one. Typographically, the issue is fine. lts pcloe per year is Imt 73 cents. This first (October) niiinbei" lias been ísíiieu oury n time for circulatiou at the suminer assemblies. To all desiring to see a copy, the October number wlll be sent free if application is made to the ptiblishers between July lst aud September lst. Cassell & Co., New York, are doing a good work for art in their publication of "The United States Art Directory and Year ]5ook" - the present is its second year. The volume, typographically very neat, is made up of 221 pages of reading matter proper, and perhaps 100 pages of illustrations of various piclures of 1883's art exhibitions. The work "aspires to bc a practical guide for all interested in the progress of art - art patrons, students of art and of its history, artists, and travelIers of an artistic turn of mind - by pointing out to them the facilities existing in tlie United States for the enjoynient, the study, and the commerce of art." A uuniber of attractions have been added to the seeond issue of the Directory, wuich is compiled by S. B. Koehler, and among them is the "Chronicle," givmg a quite f uil and concise account of the past six year's art events; the illustrations, too, wblcb we have airead}' spoken of, many oi' them beiiig fnll-page, are a new depurture. The entire inlormation of the book is carefully revised clown to date of issue. We take pleasure in cominending it to any one interested in art matters. Price, $3.'o(). For sale by Geo. Osius ('.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News