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Republican Platform

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The following s the platform of principies, as amended and adopted by the iepubiican state oonvention at Detroit on Wednesday : The republicans of Michigan, in state convention assem bied, declare anew their dcvotion to the principies aiul or"anlzation of the iiational republican party, and adopt as their own, the phitfonn of the national republicau coiiyention upon tlie question of national policy and pit die their utmost effoit for the suecess of the platform a ml eandidutes. Tlie republican party recognizes the need of more efficiënt lawa to protect the rights of Uie laboring men of tlie stato in obtaiuiog the jast rewards of their labor, and therefore promises that it will favor the euactment of such lien laws and other tneasuiesas will carefully guard and promote the interests of the laboring men. Tlie republican party pledges itself to resent the practke of Importing into the state the convicto and contract laborera of other states, territories or eountries. It is the fundamental rlght of the peopie to alter, from time to time, the organic law of the state, as new circumstances or growing evils may rtquire, laying its foundation on such principies and organizinjf its powers in such fonn as to them shal! seem most likely to effect their safety and happiuess. The evils of intemperance have become so great that in the name of patiïoiism the most efficiënt measures ought to be taken to reduce those evils to a minimum, and, as the members of no politica! party are wholly agreed as to whether tilia can best be done through prohibición or the regulation of the traftic in taxing liquor, and as tlie people are and ought to bi the final arbitrators of this question, and as the morUand intelligent people of the state haveasked that the question be put to the subrnission to them oí a proliibitory conftitutional aniendment, we declare that we believe that it would be wise and pariotic for the next legisla-ture to submit such an ameudment to a direct vote of the ptople, and we deinand that it be so submitted. For thirty years the Kepublican party has administered the altairs of this state with such wisdom, Integrity and economy and efficiency as to assure prosperity at home and honor and credit abroad. It has fostered and promoted educational and charitahle institutious. It bas stood tor the integrity of the nation and the liberty of the nation. It bas developed all the graat industries and resources of the state. The history of its adininistration in the past is ts best pledge and promise for its conduct in the future.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News