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BACH A ABEL S COLU M N . Il A til & ABEIA Now is the time to buy BUmmer dress goods, when regular tratle is over and ev;ry thing light is goiug ior littlo. You can qalcklj look through all wc have. 'f kin lint may help: Brocaded dress goods 8, cents now 5 cents. Large variety of huif wool dress goods '25, cents now 12) cents. Nun's veilinga in all the desirablc shades, 60, G5, and 75 cents now 50 cents. Combination suitings, $1.50 and $1.00. now $1 .25. Lace buntings, 20 and 25 c. now 12J c. Some are inarked so far below valué as to be picked up as f ast as they are seen by those who only half want them. We are looking forward to the time when wliat are left must be packed away for another year. BACH & ABEL. Even now In mldsummer we may waru you not to boy materials and 1111 your leisure time with making underwear, or get it made without knowing how we get it niade ourselves. There is need oL this cautlon. Thousands do not kuow yet. You mjght almost as well vvliittle out your matches, dip them in the frictiontiri.ig mixtuie to save 3c. a box. So in underwear, the factory beats you. Whcther we are right dependa on the underwear. 1oiA judge it by whatyou sec in windows, nor by the prices you hear itadvertised at. Judge it by the underwear itsself, and see it liere, examine the materials, the sewing, the cutting, the decorating, the styles. You, ladies, know the good fiom the bad. Not a word about that. We ask your judgment not your fvor. BACH & ABEL. Printed linen lawns, ten cents below the usual prices, very few left. Now 25c. reduced from 35c. We are ashamed to keep on saying that we mean all linen when linen means the same. But the natighty prodigality of adveiiturers mak 68 it necessary to be careful. BACH & ABEL. The great deman] for Jerseys stili continúes. We have, as we have had all along, by far the largest stock in the city. The qualities are what they ought to lx1: tllíí sllSIlí'S n pp uil nrtrinrt .,iil ..11 ïrt v. , iit oii(i(jto íiic ivii uuiiuut mu au uie grades aro here from fl.C'J to $20. Those at $7.50 and umlcr are in your miuds; especially those below $5.00. Thcy are every way correct, tlicrc is uo sucli otber stock iu town. Wc uo not ineau that nobody else has any proper garments, but, properly speaking, competition with tliis stock as a whole is out of the question. Below $5.00 our prices are about half of last year's ; but no lower tban a inonth past, and there is no occasion to make them lower. ]f we weregoiug to single out the cheapest of all we have we should probably hit on that at $1.09, and this we say rather to ask jour most cxacting eye upon t. BACH & ABEL. With the laying off of high cut coats and vests dnrlng this hot weather the coudition of the shirt front must be look ed into. The large stock we display shows that we are ready. The " Pearl " leads as the best dollar shirt in Anti Arbor unless ladies' eyes deceiyed them, and when they are deceived 'tis more xpt to be their hearts tban their eyes that make the mischief. We would like the opiniou for good or bad of eyery lady wbo passes through the store on the ".Peari." BACH & ABEL. HmI Sarsaparilla Is designed to meet the wants of a large portion of our people who are eithcr too poor to employ a physician, or are too far removed to easily cali one, and a still larger class who are not sick cnough to require medical advice, and yct are out of sorts and need a medicine to build them up, give them au appetite, purify their blood, and oil up the machincry of tneir bodies so it will do its duty willingly. No other article takes hold of the system and hits exactly the spot liku HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA It works like magie, reaching every part of the human body through the blood, glving to all renewed life and energy. My friend. you need not take our word. Ask vuur neighbor, who has lust taken one bofte. He wfil teil you that " lt's the best dollar I ever invested." - . Lebanon, N. H., Feb. 19, 1879 MESsrts. C. I. Hood & Co.: Dear Sirs - Although greatly prejudiced against patent medicines ín general, I was induced, from the excellent reports I had heard of your Sarsaparilla, totry a bottle, last December, for dyspepsia and general prostration, and I have received very gratiiying resultsfrom its use. I ani now using the second bottle, and consider it a very valuable reniedy lor Indigestión and lts attendaut troubles. VüUrstruILc.cnui:ciiiix, (Firm of Carter & Churchill.) Or A gentleman who . Qfjinpff has been sufferlng from wul" the Debüüy and Languor 1f) Pn,,nrlo pecnliar to this ceason, rUUilUb says: "Hood's Saiïsapauilla is putting new life right into me. I have gained ten pounds sinco I begaa to take it." Has taken two bottlcs. IIood's SARSArABiLi-A is sold by all druggists. l'rice $1 per bottle; six for $5. Trepared by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Lowell, Mas. Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE conditions of a certain mortgage executed by l.ydiaKirchliofer,of Manchester, in the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Jared S. Lapham, of Northville, Wayne County, In sald State, hearing date the Seventeenth day of Apiil A. D. 1879, and rccorded in the office of the Keeister of deeds lor said Count; of Waehtenaw, in fiber 55 of inortgagee, on pageoSW, amd by whick del'ault the power of sale contained in said mortgaye haviug becoine operative, and no suit or proceeding at law or tu chancery havlng been lnstituted to recover the amount due on sald mortgage, or the note aecompunylng the same, and there beinc dow claimed to be due on said note and morlgaue, the sum of Two Thousand Two Huurt red aud Seventy Dollars and Seveuty cents [$2,270 70]. Notice is therefore hereby given that said murtgage will be l'oreclosed on Friday the Nineteenth day of September, 1884, at 10 q'olock in the furenoon of that day, by sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the south front door of the Court House iu the city of Aiin Arbor in said county of Washteuaw, (said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court lor sald connty) of the inortgaged premisee deaerfbed in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necesnary to satinfy the amount due on sald note and mortgage with reasoiiable costa and expenses; whicu said mortgaged premisee are described in said mortgage, aa follows : All those certain pareéis of land sitúate and being in the Village of Manchester, iu the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and described as loto four (4), flve (5j, six (6), seven (7) and eight (8) in block one (1) in Granger aud Morgan's addition to the Village of :Mauchester, according to the recordtd plat of said additiou. Uateí June 17th, A. D., 1884. JAKiSD S. LAPHAM E. D. KINNE. Mortgairee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1201-1213 ÖPIÜMEBiï! Mknn frc.m Urii ixniMoni will .lo ril tu wriir in UK. UIHI, ..r li, rh., ho hu .v orld ile ri-,ii.(..ü.n f.,r tl, o cure lic bu nuda duran Ul pul I ¦¦ly '¦r. 1 l,c nirun noints to lo cjiniiiiiiiKiitwl nn: tl? pmmtStVl "t liealHi, leiu'tb f tima UM-i. nl pnant aniouilt of druif laad I'" t Saiütarhiii Trentnifiit whill deuiml. M f'r te-'ini..iu;iH trom leaiUiie iiliyai111:' lltl wpraaantrtWl uien mij wnw cured. Cure for Piles. The iirst symptom of Piles is au intense Helling at nlght aftergettlng warm. This unpleiisant sensation is iinmediately relicvefl by an application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Reinedy. Piles in all fornis, Itcb, Salt Rheuna and Ringworm eau be perinaiiently curcd by the use of this great reiiiedy. Pnce 50 cents. Manufactured by the Dr. Uosanko Medicine Company, Piqua, O. Sold by Eberbnch & Son. 1202-1253.


Ann Arbor Courier
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