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Allen For Congress

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To the satisfaction of the republicana in the second congressional district, last week's convention passed offhaiuioniously, and to their furtlier satisfaetion they were given a man for vrhom they can have the greatest entlmsiasm. Captain Allen's canditlacy suits all and alieuates none. He is broail mlnded; large in bodj', brain and heart ; truc to frieuds, to party and to principie ; endowed with a line voice for speaking, a supcib pliysique, and well traincd ïeasoning powcrs joined to solid common sensc, he will niake a model congressman, of whoni the district will feel prond. Lot us all turn in and give hlin a big majority. Wliy is it that every prominent paper in the United States, controlled by Euglishmen, opposes Blainr. Britbh free trade is the cause. Kepublican pollcy opposes that. Thatgreat grecnbacker ofMaine, Solou Olíase, has come out squarely and emphatically for Blaiue, and "them steers" will steer clearof that "pure" OlevelandHalpin candidate. The circulation of Harper's Weekly is said to have fallen oft' with astonishing rapidity since the traitorous conduct of its editor, Geo. Wm. Curtís. That's the only true vvay to test the popularity of a inovement. How strange the words sound. A republican elected as Appellate Judge in Kentucky, in a district, too, comprising 41 counties. W. II. Holt, republican, re. ceived a majority of 625. Yenl3-, the lght does sometimes sliine in dark places. It may puzzle some of our readers to keep track of the numerous candidates tor president. Here they are : James G. Blaine, republican ; Ben. F. Butler, greenback, labor, etc.; Grover Cleveland, detnocrat; Samuel C. Pomeroy, American (or anti-secret society) ; John I'. St. John, prohibition : Jonatliau Bianchard, national chiistian. That pure patriot and grand poet, John G. Whittier, has put his hands down in lus own pocket and contributed to the campaign fund of Blaine and Logan in Massachusetts. Thi act of thU grand old poet, will do more to form public opinión than all the bolting self-styled "independents" in the wuole country. Hark the jirediction. Tliere sn't the least doubt but that England would give a rousing okl majority for Clevelaud could her people be allowed to vote in our presidential eontest. Xot an English paper, or an American paper owned by Englishmen, but is solid tor Cleveland. Ireland will be lieard froin probably, on or about elección time, or some of lier American descendant may. Our temperarice people can surely trust sucli testimony, by Francis Murpliy, the originator of the blue ribbon tetnperance revival, who opposes a third party prohibition ticket. " I ara not," he says, " a political temperance worker, but a gospel temperance worker," and while he has only kind words lor those from iioni he dissents lie has no liesitation in saying with all positiveness, in the light of experience, that the cause to which his life is devoted will be injured and its success retarded by the organiation of a third party. He alindes to the fact, so fresh in the public miad, that the victories won in Iowt, Kansas, llaine, and Illinois wereachieved without any such agency, and further says: "I have never known duriug my experience as a temperance man, where the organization of a third party has ever helped the cause of temperance, but it bas always injured it." According to the Detrott Erening News, the brewers are in a sad state of ruind politically. Ilere is how they are atflicted : "A gentleman intimately acquainted with muny of tlie brewers and their followers iti the eastern part of the city, said to-duy that they would probably not yote at all this year tor governor. Last year they did heavy work for Begole, but they are satislifcd now that lie is a ' temperenzler,' and they caiinotcoiigistentry support him. On tlie other baud, they have the prohibitlon plank In tlie repnblican state ilatfonn staring them in tlie fase. Tliey propose to show their disapprobaüon of both the democratie candidate for governor and of the republican party's action in thlg state by not voting at all.'1


Ann Arbor Courier
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