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Second District Convention

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Tlie repiiblican eongresslonal c.onvention lor tliu 2Ú district met at Deau's opera house in Adrián, at 10 o'olock a. m., of Tluirsday last. Every delégate was iü bis place, not a vacancy recorded. Called to order by Hon. Barton Parker, of Monroe, who culled Hon. Cieo. A. iSmitli, of Hillsdalc, to preside temporararily, Dr. Nelson, of Leoawee being made tcmporary secretary. The following committees were chosen : Permanent Organlzation and Order of Business : Monroe, Burton I'arlcer ; Washtenuw, ür. F. K. Owen ; Lenawee, Samuel Morey ; Ilillsdale, C'. M. Barr. Credentials Monioe, Joseph Claikson ; Wiiahtenaw, Col. H S. Dean ; Lenuwee, D. B. Morgan ; Hlllsdule, Jas. Leonardson. Tlie convention then adjourned uut il 1:30 P. m. Upon reassembling the various committees reportad, tlie temporary oificers were made permanent, and an order of business adopted. The following congressional committee waselected : Hilltdale :-Geo. D. Harding. Lenawee - Fred. Bay. Monroe- M. B. Hainllton. Waxhtenaw- John F. Lawrence ; and Hon. Geo. A Siultü, of Hlllsdale, memoer at large. The presentation of candidates being next in order, Mr. J. D. Ronan, of Monroe, presented the name of Gen. George Spaulding, of the same place ; [Ion. A. J. Sawyer, of Ann Aibor, presented the name of Cupt. lidwaid P. Allen, of Ypsilanti : and W. S. Wiloox, of Lenawee, told of the uierits of C. lt. Miller, of his county. Each speaker earnestly portrayed the excellencies of his favorite, and brought out their strong points in a forcible nianner. Then canie the real business of the convention, balloting for a candidate. The result of the rirst ballot stood : C. E. Miller, 20; Geo. Spaulding, 15; E. P. Allen, 28. Aiter this ballot a recess of thirty minutes was taken, after whieli Lenawee connty withdrew the name of Mr. Miller. A second ballot beingordered, the figures showed the following result, bycounties: Allen. öpauldlng Lenawee, 14 S Jliilsilale, 13 Monroe, 11. Wushleuaw, 17 44 ia Upon motiou of Mr. Parker, of Monroe, the nominatioii of Mr. Allen was made unanimous. A committee, consisting of Mossr?. WÜOQK, Parkei' and Sawyer, was appointed to to notify Mr. Allen of liis nomlnatlon, which they did, and tbfct gentleman appeared and thauked tiie convention in an eloquent speech for the honor conferred upon him and his eounty. Mr. Miller also addressed the convention, pledging the hearty co-operation of of himself and fiiends. Gen. Spuulding being obliged to take an early train home could not mnke a speech upon the occasion, but delegated Mr. Miller to do the honors for him. The honr getting late, the convention then adjotirned and the delegates made baste to catcli the out-going trains.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News