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Those lio take part in the military drama, to be put on tliu stage during the fair by ttie members of the G. A. R. of this ciiy, will meet for rehersal In Capt. Manly's office, to-morrow, Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. sharp. Justice Miner, of the Detroit pólice court, has opcneil up on a set of rascáis that have long ueeded the full extent of the law. He recently gave a yomijj man a sentence of oO days for insulting young girls 011 the street, and proposes to keep right on doiug the same thing for like oft'enees. Good. In conncction with the farmers' bulletin publlshed jointly the war and postofHee departments, it has been decided to exhlbit a cold wave Qag from each postortice in the United States when a cold wave is approaching. The Ilag will be ol white with a black square in the center. Will that help the corn erop f Watermelons are justabout rlpeenougb for coonin' - but its a dangerous business, boys. Bull-dogs, shot-guns and such like lurk in the shade of every tree around the melon patch - and besides that, meions ain't healthy ; they're unusually full ot cramps and cholera morbus this year. Does your mind grasp the sltuation, eh ? Considerable truth is tucked away in tlie words composing tlie following brief story : Life s too short to sit down and wait for trade. The liberal and judicious advertiser s not obliged to. Au enterprising merchant knows how to attract customcrs to his store, even in the dullest times. The "early bird catehes tlie worm." tío does the "early and often" advertiser catch what business is inoving. The following extract is frora the News, published at Sault Ste. Marie:- "Miss Annie Adams, of Ann Arbor, who is visiting Miss Jennie Lyons, has ou exhibition n W. A. Dennis' wlndow a painting of the rapids. It is paiuted on tlie iiiside of a dropping bowl, but is unique and exceedinly well puiuted. Miss Adams is a thorouifh artist and lias made many admiring friends during her summer's visit here." The branch of the wasp-faniily known as "yellow jackets," are quite numerous this year, and have taken up tlieir abodes under plank sidewalks in various parís of the city. Of course boys and yellow jackets can't agree very well, consequently the war waged between the two is often quite tiercé, and the bandaged limbs of the boys we so frequently meet ehows that the iiisects put in their stings where it wiil do the most good, quite often. A feminine feniale, claiming to liail from Detroit, and well filiad with "budge," was haUQting the various oilices in and about the court liouse yesterday, leg(iiig for moncy to take her back to "the beautifiil city of the Straks" once more. Slie had a tonque that clattered like a half-worn threflhliig machine propelled by a new englne with full bead of steain on, and the manncr in which the officials in that vicinity tnniiufacturcd pressing engagement.", as slie approacbed, was quite ainiising and Ingenióos. ¦ An old tractsays: "Tlie jury of twelve was adopted becausi; the propbeta we re twelve, the apostles mimbered twelve, there were twelve Jewisli Jndges, twelye pilláis of the temple, twelve patriarclis, twelve tribes of Israel, twelve stones on Aaron's breast-plate, Iwelve gates to Jerusalem, twelve ïnontlis in the year and twelve sifrns the zodiar. When juries were first established, the Judge took the jurors about with bim in a cart until they asreed. If they didot agree, they were flned and imprisoncd." As tliis is the lust week of school vacatlon, parents should see to it that thelr cblldren are in reailiness for school next Monday. School boards also have a duty to perfonn In the matter. They have the xnver to enforce attendance upon school whero parents are too careless, ignoratit or governless to seinl their children. The aw emioted by the last legislatura gives considerable power to a truant oflicer who 1 shall be chose'i by the school board, to compel children to uttoiul school. And n view of the afamnlng increase of igno¦anee, as shown by the last census, woulü t not be well to have the law enforced in hia respect? It is far better tor corainuïlties as well as parentl to have their chillren brought np in a reíined and educatud naiiner than to have thein loiterinj lbout the streets in idleness, learnlng essons in crime, and fitting theniselves for lie prisons and woik houses. The records in the probate office are climbing up Into the big figures. Deputy Register Doty informeel nsto i:y tbat lie had just entexed the Hve thouMindtb estáte. The Michigan annoal confcrenee of the M. E. cliurch occuri ut Lansing on Sept. 1Oth. Tlie Detroit conference convenes at Bay City, fluringthe week-picvloa?. Prof. Aiidrew I). White, of Cornell unlverslty, weli knowu in Ann Arbor, denlea the assertion thut he is an "Independent," but strongly mges the electlon of Blulne :uul Logan. Here is ood advice if it is in rhyme: No matter how well tlie track is luid. No matter how strong the enine Is mude, Whpn you find yourself running dovvnward Ki'fide, Put on the brakes. A minature Jcsse James gang of hoodluins liave got a rendezvous somewhere on Catberlne streef, a Iittle west of Main street, antl on Wednesday moniiiig last, at about 4 o'clock, they saunteied out of tlieir luir aml Immediately proceeded to tnake the remoinder of tlie niglit hldeous by 1 he use of tin liorna and other "musical" instrumenta. Tbey were evldently on the war ptth, lighting n imaginary battle witli a band of Arrapaliocs or Digoer "Iiijuns.1' A savage policeman wnuld perform a gnitcfnl act for residente of the locallty by swooping down upon and gatliering tliem in. H mljfllt prove B good thlng fr the boys in the end, also.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News