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FAC-SIMILES OF U. S. TREASURY I V M NATIONAL I1'.M BILL.S, Conslsting of nine exact itnitations of United States Treasury Notes, and nine of i tioual Bank Bills, eighteeu In all, of various ' denominatioos. Asa rare meauH of detecting counterfel'. money tliey are invaluable. Postal cards not auswered. A. LANSING, 381 Bowery, New-York City. RUPTUHU! EQAN'S IMPERIAL TBUSS. ssaei mdpimdiii jlaldttowaymoaoapnMBlBg v the barnta alwavs. Won day andnítfíí wilh cnm1 'l "i '¦ " -nton Trial. Siainii h.r fin ulur. Dnd in both Unlvenlty Hoapitali. fC1í'S IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., Box 2288, Ann Arbor, Mteh. Oflïce, Ilamilton Block. Ann Arbor. A FINE SUITE OF ¦ Booms fop Offices OVER THE NEW POST-OFFICE. SUl'PLIED WITII WATER AXD blEM. Tliose reeently occupied by De. Wit.sox can now be rented by Inqalrlng at the COURIER OFFICE. LTJMBERÏ LX7MBEK! LUMBER! II yon contémplate buUdlQg, culi at FERDON IMIEI lilü! Cornet' Fourth and Depot Sts., and ge onr iigures for all kinds of LUMBER! Wc manufacture our own Lnmber and guarautec VERY LOW PRICEá 4íGive us a cali and we will malte it to your interest, as our lurjje and well raded stock lully sustains our assertion. Telephone Coiincctions witli Office. T. J. KEECH Supt JAMES TOLBERT, Prop' pEPORT OF THE CONDITION - OF THE- FARMERS' i mm I IE AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, On monday Juli. 7, 1884. fadp in accordance wlth tlie General Bankiug Law of Michigan. KKSOURCKS. T,oansand Discounts_ fl33,2 78 Overdrafts 59 Furnlture and Fixtures 3,497 00 Checks and other Cash Items 1,172 07 Dae from Banks and Bankers 15,960 6a Legal Tender and Bank Notes . 00 Gold „ 8,449 80 Sllver. Nickels, etc 1,421 09 Bonds, U. 8 3,800 00 School Donds 997 31 Premium ou U. S. Bonds 5ÍI2 25 8178,tü8 57 LIABII.ITIES. Capital paid in 8 50.000 00 Surplus Fund 1,303 77 Proflt and I.oss 43 05 Due Depositors 125.561 75 Dividends unpaid 1,760 00 Í17-1,W 57 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my kuowledge and belief. William A. Tolceiabd, Cashier. Subscribed and sworu to beloie m, this seveuth day of Jnly, 1884. W.M. W. WBXDOK, Notary Tublic.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News