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Compiled from Late Dispatches, LOMESTTC. The price paid by Robert Bonner to W. H. Vanderbilt for Maud S. was $40,000. Khe will be retired from the track. It was reported on the l!Hh that heavy rains along the line of the Northern Paciflc in Dakota had serionsly damaged the whoat erop. All. the cotton-mills at Fall River, Mass., that had been closed down were reopened on the ]!)th. The Great Falls Mili at Dover, N. H., would also resume tlie lst of September. Louis R. Knott, undnr death sentence at Colfax, W. T., for murder, was taken from jail by a mob on the 19th and lynched. A. D. Si.t was arrested at Minneapolis on the lOth for robbing the American Express Company at St. Joseph, Mo., in September last, of $10,500. He confessed his guilt. Mits. Hknkt F. Wiiitixo, of Atlanta, Ga., died a few days ago from swallowing tobac-co juice. The authorities have no fears of yellow fever at Key West, Fla., and have discontinued quarantlne. Twenty people were prostrated by the heat in New York and Brooklyn on the 20th, four of the cases proving fatal. Thu firra of Warner & Merritt, fruit importéis at Philadelphia, failed rec-eutly for $300,000. Couxterkeit ten-dollar national bank notes on the Third National Bank of Cincinnati were in circulation in New York ou the 20th. The note has a browii back and is of the series of 1882. Paul Patulorum, for many years doing a large business in Chicago as tanner, bas failed for $800,000. The Governor of Kentucky on the 20th pardoiied a horsethief and a homieide, who was serving a life sentence, for timely assistance rendered the offleers of the State Prisou during the recsnt outbreak. Agent Dveu has informad the Indian Bureau at Washington that the Cheyennes and Arapahoes abuse boys who have returned from the school at Carlisle, Pa., not wishing their people to be educated. All but three States were represented on the 20th at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., iti tLe animal meeting of the American Bar Association. The Commissioner of Agricultor announeed on the 20th the existence of what was supposed to be eontagious pleuropneumonia amons several herds of Jersey attle in Illinois, and requested owners of Jersey stock to stop shipments anti] after October 1. The Northwestern Lumbennan's Association, representlng íó00,000,ooo capital, held a meeting in Chicago on the'JOth, anci, after a long debate, resolved that it would not be wise to close the milis before NoTember 1. ""¦' " A FIRE broke out in a villagetliirty miles east of Wheeling, '. Va., cm the night oí the 21st, and before assistance could srrive forty-six houses were consumed. The loss would amount to $75,030. Reports received Id Boston on the 21st from 325 points in New England indioated that the hay crop this year would be about thirty per cent, less than it was a year ago. Mrs. Celia Víctor, an aged widow, her daughter, Mrs. Tree, and hertwo-year-old grand-daughter, Maudie Trees, died on the 21st some miles east oL Shelby ville, Ind., from the effects of eating biscuits in which Mrs. Trees put arsenie, mistaking it for baking-power. At a meeting on the 21st of petroleum producers at Oil City, it was resolved that drilling be stoppedfor the year, on account of over-produetion. A FiRE at Swayzee, Ind., recently de stroyed the principal stores in the village. The directors of the First National Bank of Albion, N. Y., were on the 21st forced to suspend business, owing to the continued mysterious absence of the Presiliiiit, Albert S. Warner. The óVeposits aggregated $154,000. A young girl, Lizzie Watson, was brutalty assaulted and then choked to death while returning to her home from market at Yorkton, Salem County, N. J., a few evenings ago. Three oolored men had been arrested on suspicion. The property of the Sprague Manufacturing Company at Augusta, Me., which fifteen years ago cost $2,000,000, was sold at auction on the 21st for about $200,000. The Postmaster-General, after a thorough investigation of the factory, has annulled the contract with P. P. Kellogg, of Springfield, Mass., for furnishing envelopes and tags. The Government launch Daphne exploded her boiler the other day at Memphis. Paymaster N. Godden was blown overboard and drowned, and the engineer, pilot and two others were seriously injured. THEinanufacturinscompaniesof Lowell, Mass., have decided to shut down for a week, eommencing September 1, by reason of the accuTiulation of goods and low prices. Seven men and eleven mules were killed by the fumes of gas while tunneling in a mine at Shamokin, Pa., on the 21st. Two FREIOHT traius collided on the 22d in the yard ot the Pennsylvania Railroad at Columbia. Four cars filled with sheep and hogs were smashed. The wreek caught tire and upwards of eight hundred animáis were killed. A RAILWAY official from the East made a statement in Chicago on the 22d that the Kaltimore & Ohio Road had offereJ $23, - XW.OOO for a controlling interest in the Illinois Central. I.v Cedar Hill Cemetery, at Hartford, Conn., the recent burning of a temporary staging used by the carvers ruinei the elabórate Italian marble column at the grave of the late Governor Edwin D. Morgan, of New York. During a recent thunder storm at Dover, N. H., many cattle were killed, and miles of telegraph and telephono wires were torn down. Considerable damage was also done to the crops in the Connecticut Vallev. There were 208 business failures reporter] in the United States for the seven days eitded on the 22d, against '2(i4 the previous ieven days. la Canada twenty-two failiires were reported. The United States SteamshipTallapoosa, with one hundred and forty persons on board, was raak a few evenings ago off Martha's Vineyard, by collision with the irhooner James S. Lowell. The lives of ill but f'our persons were saved by other ressels. The Tallapoosa was on her wav 10 Newport to take Secretary Chandler on board. A cyclone In Chesterfleld County, Va., on the 22d uprooted hu ge trees and leveled fenes and out-buüdings. Kopersons were injured. Chicago millers complained on the 221 of the appearance of "smut" in wheat receiyed from Southern Minnesota and Southern Iowa. The "smut" renders the vrheat almost useless for flour purposes. The annual sun dance of the Cheyennes on the Canadian Kiver, Indian Territory, whloh continued without cessaticn for three days and nights, carne to an end on the 22d. Eiamineu Williams on the 22d took charge of the First National Bank of Albion, N. Y. It was learned that Albert S. Warner, the abseonding President, had been speculating in stocks for the past live years. Thk agricultural products of California for the year are estimatedat $81,000,000, of which about sixty per cent. will be exportod. DuBiNf} a hail-storm the other afternoon several houses were struck by llghtnlng in Lansingburg, N. Y. At Oreenbush lightning struck the house of Clark Lapo, and Miss Ida Lee, one of the inmates, was badly burned. The house of John Mattison, at Cambrldee, was struck. Sarah Allen itlled, and daughter of !¦¦ njured. PEESONAL AND POLITICAL. The New Jersey Democratie State Con ventioil met at Trenton on the 20th mul selected an electoral ticket. Archbishop Ryan was installed as lioad of the Roman Cathoüe See of Philadelphia on the SOtb. The Texas Democratie State Convention , was held at Houston on the 20th, and (invernor John Ireland was renoininated by acclamation. JUDOE Hoffman-, of the United States Court at San Francisco, decided recently bat a Chinese laborer who left the United States prior to the passage of the AntiChinese law, and who attempted to come back subsequently, was properly rofused ! readmission. The Connecticut Republicans met in ! State Convention at New Haver, on the j 2üth and nominated Henry B. Harrison, of that city, for Governor. Mr. Hendricks on the 20th made public his letter accepting the Democratie ïomination for Vice-Prosident. Clement R. Markham, Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, who served in the Arctic expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, has published a letter strongly denouncing the conduct of tho American journals which have accused ïhe survivors of the Greely expedition of murder and cannibalism. He says that similar charges were made against Sir John Franklin's expedition, and those who made them were severely rebuked by Admiral Sherard Osborn, who commanded the Franklin search expedition. The Democrats of Michigan met in State Convent ion at Grand Rapids on the 2Dth and made the following nominations: For Governor, J. W. Begole; LieutenantGovernor, Matthew Maynard, of Marquette; Secretary of State, William H. Shakespeare, of Kalamazoo; Treasurer, James Blair, of Grand Rapids; AuditorGeneral, Colonel George P. Sanford, of Lansing; State Board of Education, Rev. Christian Vanderveen, of Ottawa. The following Congressional nomina ,ions were made on the 30 th: Democratie) -Ohio, Tenth District, Frank H. Huid (renominated) ; Fourteenth, J. L. Vanee. Missouri, Fifth District, Aloxander Graves. Pennsylvania, Fourteenth District, li. S. Bent. New Mexico, Antonio Joseph. Republican - Mississippi, Seventh District, J. B. Yellowby. The Republicans of Iowa met in State Convontion at Des Moines on the 20th and nominated Frank D. Jackson, of Butler County, for Secretary of State; J. L. Brown, of Lucas, for Auditor; Captain V. W. Twombley, of Van Buren, for Treasurer; J. R. Rothroclc, of Linn, for Supremo Court Judge, and General Baker, oL Appanoose, for Attorney-General. The Greenbackers of Michigan met at Detroit on the 2üth and adopted a plan for fusión with the Democrats on the electoral ticket and nominated J. B. Bogóle for Governor; Lieutenant-Governor, Matthew Maynard; Attorney-General, Francia M. Cook; Cominissioner of the State Land Office, John H. Dennis; Superintendent of Public Instruction, David l'arsons. The Greenbackers of Missouri met in State Convention at Kansas City on tho 20th and nominated Nicholas Ford for Governor. The nomination of other State oflicers was left vrith the Central Michigan Anti-Moiiopolists convened at Detroit on the 20th and nominated Wildeman Mills for Governor. Mr, Mills deilined, and Govoruor Begole was then nominated. The following Congressional nnminations were made on the 21st: Republican - Nebraska, First District, J. W. Weaver; Second, James Laird; Third, G. W. E. Dorsey. Michigan, Second District, E. P. Allen. New York, Nineteenth District, A. X. Parker (renominated). Democratie j - Ohio, First Viscrict, John Follett; Second, A. A. Kramer. Indiana, Ninth I trict, T. B. Word. Texas, First District, Charles Stewart (renominated). West Virginia, First District, John Bannon. f Missouri, Second District, John B. Hale. The Democrats of Kansas met in State Convention at Topeka on the 21st and renominated Governor Glick. The platform adopted indorses the action oí the National Convention at Chicago ; commends the administration of Gov. Glick; denounces the policy of prohibition, and dumands Hut the Prohibitory amondment be ' mitted to a popular vote. Official returns on the 21st from the Frankfort (Ky.) Judicial District election showed that W. H. Holt, Republican, had 6A" majority oyer Riddel, Democrat, for Appellate Judge. The district comprises forty-one counties. President Arthur on the 21st recoivod the otBcers of the Greely relief expedition at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. Secretarios Chandler and Lincoln and General Butler were present. Jacob A. Ela, Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-office Department, died at Washington a few days ago of er3rsipelas. He was formerly a member of Congress from New Hampshire. Patrick Eoan, President of the lrish National League of America, declines to receive the $3,000 salary attached to that office, preferring to give his services to the caus eratuitously. At a moeting in New York on the 22d of the Exocutive Committee of the NationiJ Labor party the Committee on IegiBÏatlon reported that the principies desired by the National Labor party had been incorporated in both the Republicau and Democratie platforms, and they recommended co-operatioD in each and every Legislativa district with one of the regular parties for the election of men pledged to legislate in the interests of working classes. The American Bar Association, in ses sion at Saratoga Springs on the 22d, elected John W. Stevenson, of Kentucky, President, and Edward Otis Ilinkley, of Baltimore, Secretary, General Leroy Pope Walker, the fïrst Secretary of War in Jefferson Davis' Confedérate Cabinet, and who gave the order for flring on Fort Sumter, died at his home in Huntsville, Ala., on the 22d, after a brief illness. Frank Powers has boen nominated for Congressman by the Democrats of the Ninth Kentucky District. F0REION. By an accident recently In an underground canal at Braye, Flanee, seventeeu laborers were suffocated. The United States Consul at Barbadoes telegraphed on the 19th that the ship Bracadaile was en route to New York from Calcutta with twenty-eight cholera cases on board. Qt. een Victoria was presented with an elephant and a monkey on the 19th by three Abyssinian Envoys who arrived in London. They were the gifts of King John, whose predecessor Theodore, it will be remembered, proposed marriage to her British Majesty about eighteen years ago. Montreal on the 20th reported a high rate of mortality among iufants, caused by the intense heat. Salvatio army riots occurred on tho 20th at Worthing, Eng., the disturbance being so great that the riot act was read. Calcutta advices of the 21st say that the authorities of Upper Burmah had captured 235 robbers between Mandalay and Bhamo, and flfty of them were crucified. Durino the twenty-four hours ended at eight p. m. on the 21st eight cholera deaths occurred at Marseilles, flve at Tmilon, and in the southern department of Franc the deaths were: Gard, flve; Aude, two; Eastern Pyrenees, sixteen. Tlie deaths in Italy were: Bergamo, four; Campobasso, three; Castelnuvo, three; Parma, one. A dispatch from Pekin of the 21st says the French Consul lowered his flag at ono o'clock, and that the interests of th French subjects were intrusted to the Russian Minister. China absolutely rofused to admit tho French claims, and professed to be prepared for war to the bitter end. The drought "and the locust plague in Mexico had on the 22d caused an ad vanee of flfty per cent. in meat at the capital and driven corn to $7.50 per bushei at Chihuahua. Beans were twelve dollars per bushei "! llltfMIlUi: baf .ii (.iiihibitml from holding n)3Ctinga " fchfl cnnton of Berue, Switzerland, on the ground that the iiM-i't ings are not roligious. Parí eablesrams of the 22d state tbat Admiral Conrbet bad [nstruotions to hombard the arsenal at IToo Chowt land trnops and deaferoy the rast atores of war material. The French forces at Keelmig were ordered to occupy the fort and hold the coa] inim-s as security for the indemnity demandad. This nction was considered equal to a declaratlon of war on the part of France. J)i Ri.NG tlie twenty-four houra ended at nine i. m. on tlie 2-'d there wore flfteen deaths from cholera at Marsuilles and four at Toulon. ín the southern departments of Frailee the deaths were: HereauU, four; Ande, five; Hard, two; and the Eastern Pyrenees, twenty-four. Owing to the prevalence of the disease the holding of fairs, markots and public festivals and processions had been forbidden througuout Italy. LATER NEWa Tiieke were fourteon deaths trom cholera at Marseillesand flve at Toulon dui-ing tho twenty-four hours ended at nine p. m. on the 24th. In the southern departmonts of Franoe the deaths were: Pyrenees Orientales, fourtoen; Horault, eight; Gard, teu ; Aude. thirty. Tho cholera was increasing in Italy. In the Province of Cuneo tütyeight deaths were reported and In aljoininp; villages there wore forty-eight deaths. The total number of deat.ha iii Franoe to date was reported at ",!ö2. Thomas Huling, of Beli's Bnd, Tenn., mistook his nine-year-old daughter for a btirglar a few nights ago and shot her dead. The Pv-epublicans made the following Congressional nominations on the 23d: ühio, Tenth District, Jacob Homels; Michigan, Second District, Martin Holcomb; Jlissouri, Fourteenth District, Wiloon Cramer. A ukckxt flre in a lumber-yard at Du luth, Minn., destroyed over seven milliun toet ot lutnber and a saw-mill. Lss, $180,000. Aftek three hours' bombardment by Admiral Courbet's squadron the Chinese arsenal at Foo Chow was dustroyed on the 2M. Seven Chinese gun-boats were smik and two escaped. Only one Chinese battery replied to the French guti. Tbe French neet sustained 110 damage. Tiikuk were geventean deaths from yellow lover at Havana during the week ended on the 23d. General John A. Logan arrived in Chicago on the evening of the 2üd and was tendered a public reception by the Hepublicaus. It was estimated that eight thou¦and uniformed men bearing torches were in the parade, and that nearly fifty thousand peisons assembled on the lake front to listen to the speeches. A K1RE on the 24th in the stable of W. H. Wilson, at Cynthiana, Ky., resultad in the crematlon of thlr een valuable horses, the loss on stock and buildings b-ing $75,0U0. James Honan, au employé, was buined to dt-ath. A small cyclone strook Dallas, Tox., the o, her afternoon, teáring a deep hole, and carrying a column of sand two f pet in diameter to a helght of tive hundred feot. Lonpon advices oí the 24th state that a flre had been raging for three days in Áustrlan Galicia. Three bundred hou-ses were burned, aud ;,00'J persons wore hom)less. The lire also destroyed lUdivelliiigs and ."i'7 farms in and aboutthe large raarket-town of Roïwadow, Austiia:i Galicia. The liarvesf, just gathered, v.a all consumed. Samii i.'.y, John Askis and Ciiarle3 Nation whils skilt' riding a f w ov.Miings ago on Lke Contrary, six nules south if Ut. Jnseph, 5Io., got in'o a (Jg it, the boat w.'is U)ispt and all w r ¦¦ drn'vuel.


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