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Te'edo, Am Arbor & Üiortli MlafetfUi linliwnr. TIMB S( HSDÜLK. ! Tuliike effect ut Igo'clock on, on Simj diiy, June 22cl, 1884. ( Tïlne mu by C,"ulral Time, ! 6OÍÑQ NQKT.Ë. QÖISg sotni. i-i S-jl -'I-d E 7. CTAfTJCOKB. ÓS. o ÍTí ríTi lA.Mlr.M. SU Tl Toledo ÍI3O4 .Vi 5 gO 7 H Mii1ikUiiii Junctionp 'HA 48 g 40 7 28 AlKtl JunClloD II l(i4 S!, 4 7 3 llawihorne 9 10(4 .W, r, 65 7 48 Bamarta W 4 22 6 0 8 06 L1" íi 47 4 01 lili gl Mouroe Junction 8 488 68 8 -a 8 80 Dondae 8 MJ 60] 8 L's S 37 1 Mucou K 3 45 8 881 8 4H Aziilia 8 8 4 H 48 BU Milim Junction 8 O 8 26 f. 4ft ÍI 08 Milán 8 OhlS i , (í Bl II 0!) Nora 7 5 3 1 6 5S (i 22 Urania 1 52 3 1U j 7 o: 9 82 Pltaflald Jnnctton 7 40)8 OS j 7 20 II 5i) I aiid Arixir ïSsiXI 7 87 10 15 Letand 7 12 2 80 , 7 4B 10 29 Worden 7 0l 2 i j s 00 lOJtój Souih Lvon 8 5018 101 (Vnm'Otions: At Toledo, wlth rallroada diverjrn'; at Manhattan Jnmtlon, wlth Whecline & 1 Lske Erle li. U.: at Alexis Jnuction, with M. C. . I' R., L. S. M. 8. Ry. imd K. & P. M. R. K.; t 1 Uonraa JnneUoñ. with L. s. & M. s. liy.: at i dea, wtíh L. B. M. S. Ry., M. & O. Ky.; at Hilan Jnnctton, witb WabMh, St. Louis ,pïlc'fl'. H i at Pittsflcld, with L. S. M. 8. Hy.; at Ann Arbor i wllh Michigan Central K. K., and at South Lyon with Detroit, I-unning & Northern H. K., uud Grand TrunkKy.H w Af.uhm Geuerlll Hupt. W. II. BBNNETT, Gen'l. lJase. Agent. THE IIHE SELECTEB BY TH'E V. S. GOVT TO CAERY THE FAST MAIL GOING WEST. ONLY UNE RUNNING TW0 THR0UGH TRAINS DAILY FR0M CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Tlirougli the Heartof the Continent h way of Paci tic Junction or ümaliu to DENVER, orvla Kansaa City and Atctalaa.i to Denver, conne-iiiKln Union Depots at Kansas l'ny, Atchlaou, Unialm aud Ueuver wlth throjgh tralus for SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnts In the Far West, bhortest Llneto t KANSAS CITY, And all pointe íh the Öouth-West. TO'JRISTS AND HEALTH-SEEKEPS Bhould uot forget the factthat Itound Trlp tickets at rcduivi rates can be purchased vla thls (irruí Through l.ine, to all lUe Health and Pleasurt Keaorts of the West and Koutb-U'est, lccludlng tlieiMountatna of COLORADO, the Val ley ot tht Voseinite, the CITY OF MEXICO, and all polnts In the Mexican Republlc. HOME-SEEKERS Bhonld also remember that this Une lesd dlreot to the heart oí the Government and Railroad Landa lu Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Washtug"itls'ïnon'n'as the great THKOUGH CAB LIME of America, ajid Ís unlversally admltted to be the Finest Equipped Railroad in tlic World for , uil classes of Travel. Through Tickets vía thls Une for sale at all Railroad C'oupou Ticket OUicea iu tüe Uultwl lates aud Canada. T.J. POTTKR, Vice rrea. and Gen. Manager. l'KKOKVAL IXJWELL, Oeu. fass. Ag't Chicago. JNÜ. Q. A. BEAN, Gen. Eastern Ag't, di Broaílway, New York, and 'Mü Washington At., Boslou. .T THE POST-OFFICE NEWS DEPOT. A Ful] L'iuo Of Gheap Librarles! AHD srxi.rxiio3srE"5r A complete aasortment of coimnon and Fnncy Note and Letter Paper, Envelopea, Invitation, and Reqnest cards. Wríüng Packets, Fine Box Paper, stiltable tbr pretenU and all kinds of Stationcis' inpp'iies. ELAHK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorándum Rooks, Sciatch Booka, Students Note Books, Herutnf, Legal and Medical Indexes. Bill liooks, and :ill grades of common Note Books. 113 lin, Proprietor, And Agent for all Newapapen, Magazines and periódica!?. Wordsof Warnlug and Comfort. 11 If vou are snflerlng from poor hcalth or langDlshlng pmbed ofsicKne s,,tnlto cheer: i i] ou are siniply ailhifí. or if yt)ti loel ' weak and displrited, 4 without clearly know' Iiik why. Hop Bitters ' wlll Burély curo yon. If yon are a minister, and liave oveitaxed yourself uilli yonr pastoral dnlies, or a niotlier.worn out Wltli care and Vork, or a man of business or labor, wenkeneil by tlie si rain of yout eveiydav dulics, ora man of letters tuiling over vour niidniglit vork, Hop Bitten wlll iñost surely strengthen yon. If yon are sufferlllft f rom over-eatinp;or drinkinjr, any lndltoratlon or dissipution, or are young and growlng too fast, as is often tiie case, "Or if yon are in the workshop, on the ' farm, at the desk, anywbere, and led ' that your system needs cleansing, ton; ing, or stimnlating, without intoxicat' ing, f you are old, ' blood tliin and impure, pulse ' feeble, nérvea unsle.'idy, lacnlties ' waning, Hop Bitters is what you need to ' give you new lite, liealth, and vigor." If you are costive, or dyspeptic or sull'ering from any otber of the niimcroiis diseases of the slomachor bowels, it syour own faalt it you remain 11. If you are wasting away witliany form of Kidncy disciise, stop tempt ing death this inonient.and turn for a cure lo Hop Bitters If you are sick witli that terrible sieknees, 'Nervousnflss, you wlll lind "Balni ín Gilead " in II(i Bitters. - If yon are a frequenter, or a resi- dent of i niiasin:iücdistnet,b;irr- cade your system against the srourge - of :iil ;ountries, Malaria, Kpidcmic, - Bilioiis and Interinittent Kevers - the use of HOI' BITTERS. If you tiave rootrh, pltnply, or sallow skin, liad breatli, ÍIop Mitters wlll give you fair skin, rieli blood, the iweetest brcath and lieallh. !f.")Oü will be paid for n case tlicy will not cute or help. A Lady's Wlsh. "( )h, how I do wlsh my skin WUM clcar iiml .solt. as yours," sukl a lady to hor frit'iul. " You can uasily tnake it SO, ' answered tlie friend. How ! " Inqolred the flrat. lady. Ky Ualng Hop liltters ttiat mak s pure, rlch blood and blooming bsaltb. Itdid it lor mo as you observe. " LSTNone gcnulne wttliout a Imncti of green HopsoD the white label, slum all vilo, polaonous, Ituff wlth "Hup'1 or "ilops'Mu t.hcir natuc. U.S.STANDARD. T ) N JONES mJLhL QJp" _Titre Iteam had Ih-tiin livi, BlNGHAMTO $6O,nd JOM'.r. ),.-]. ¦. h liieirrlrht- fel !¦¦ rric i.i-t nifinitoii thii i'(.(.' ¦ -i' i i - '"JONtSOrBINaHAMTON,


Ann Arbor Courier
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