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iCROYAi-'ESR"ï í POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tliis powder never varíes. A marvel of purlly, Btrengt h and wiiolusomeness. Moreecournu-al tliiin the ordiniiry klnüs, and cannot be s.ld in L-oinpelUion with tlie multitude ot low test, ího-t weight, alurn or phospliate powdeis. Hold only in eans RoTAL Bakino I'oW'Dkr C'o., lüfi Wall !St.. N. Y. SALT RHEUM And Every Species of ltching and Burning Diseases Positivoly Cured. ÏOZEMA, or Saltlïlieuni.wilU ita ajKtplsingJtch-J iuti and Imruing, iu&trmUy relieved by a warm bath wlth Cuticura Soap. and a single applicatlon of On icnrfl, the great Skin Cure, Tbis repeated dally. wlih two or tb ree doses ol'Cuticura Keaolv ent, the Nev Blood t'uriüer, to keep the blood cool, the peepiration pure and ummtating, thebovels opeo, the liver and kidneya artive.will speedily care Kczema, Tetter, Hiiigworm, Priuriasi., Lichen l'ruriiuf, ScaUcd Head, Dundrnfl", and every species of Iichiiii;, caly and Pimply Hu moro of the Sculp and Skin, when the besi pbydtcians and all kuown remedies faiï. Will StfIODald.3543 Denrborn at., Chicago, ijruteluÜy acknowlediíes a curo of Sal' Jíheutn on hcüd, neck, lace, arms, and letíM for seventeen years; uot nl)le to alk except on handy and kneea for one year; not able to help himst'll' for eit;ht yéars; triud hniulreds of remedies ; ptírniünuntly cured by Cutienrrt lít-eolvenr [blnod pnrifter] internaliy, and Cnlicura and Cu icura Soup, the great skiu'cures, exterually. F. H. Drake. Ksq., Detroit Mich., suílered untold ton urea f rom Salí Kheum, which appeared ou his hands, had ai:d face, ai.d nearly detroycd blaeyea. AitT tbe mosicareful doctorin? aud a consultatton oí phy-íiciatiH lailed to relieve liira, he nsed tlie Oulicura Iï'.:mediee, and was cured, and has remalued so to dato. Mr. John Thlr!. Wilkenbarro, P#M writes :- I htivu suilered Irctni Balt Kheum íor over eight yeará, at times po bad that I could not attend to my business for vvoekt? at a time. Three boxea of Cuticura, and fonr botttea Reeolvent, have cntirely cured me of tíiin dieadful dieease. Sold everywhere. Price : Cuticiira, 50 cents ; Resolrent, $1.00 ; Soap, 25 cents. Potter Urug and Chemical Co., Boston, Blasé, Scnd for MHow ío Cure Skin Diseases.'7 PÍTTTCTIÍA SOAP. An exquisite Toilet U J. JL Batli, and hiurscry Sauative. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE FOR CATARRH. o Complete Treatment with Inhaler for One Dollar. . rVns. Great Balpamic DlrtflUtfon f _1_ ot Witcta Hazu', American Pine yg%t. Cunada l-'ir, Marijjold, CloverjSBSft Illossorae. etc.called Maufonl'H JBK5 llnoira] ture, for the irnme W diatp reliefnid permanent cur of l every form f Cutarrh, irora a Vr-jJ simple Cold in the Heid to Loes Em ' t mell. Taste and Smell, Cough Slat" andCatarrhalCoueunjption.ComEtKj píete treatment, coneintlng oí one lli ll ( bottle H.ulical Cure, one box CaIríw m turi hal Solveut and one improved iyC h Inhaler, in one package, may now l'iO be Had Of all Drufiuists for $1.00. M-'á ' A9kforSANFUKi)'b RADICAL CURE. "The only absolute Bpeciflc we know Afed. Timrs "The beet we hye fonnd in a lifetime of rafferlñft."- Rtv. tr. Wéggln, Boston. "After a lone stru"le with Catarrh the Radical Cube has conquered'-ít-s. 8. II'. Monroe Laelibitrg. Ftt. I have not lonnd a case that it did not lelieve at omv:'-Andrp,w Lee, Manchester Mass. POTTUB DlUJG ANU CHEMICAL Co., liOStOn. I u, STew L'f for Shattered .,f'. í 1 1x1 (Nérvea, Painfnl Mnsclee and ÍÍV1" '¦ Weakciifid Organs. Colv VOLTAIC íins' Voltalc Klectric 'STn ftïïk l'last-r instanily aftecta ' C A " 3Íri the nervous Byetem and f Cr 'í' '3íL. banishes pain, nervouenese .'¦'; '¦¦. bwpiíiiiíl debility. A perfect í A Klectro - inlvanlc ELECTRIC BHt1eI.j. ,..,,,!,, i, r.l nSlt il Piaster lor 2 Cts. All draggtete. HO F3E ( Establised 1851 I Merrill üttU Bctterl "( DETROIT, MIOH. ) Block HBOTCSSP] Th. reiíularoMestabllahecl BÍfSs5ilS Physlcinn and Surgeon LK. WK! F?WjjcLAKKE, al the oíd number líl LW lia Br e'a t" Vk l'ïl'aTl' prívate, Ill'O j5T Hflchronic.nervousünd special BIWkíll'íisease'1' CLAKliK 1S ¦K Jé&tfán nldcst Advertís. mr Physician, BI=Slá4iaiH - nies oL Papers show and all SuKcsick-nisluiovv. Age and experionce ímrrTe.tfCrsS(ofkVvrehweí saman sois Ü.Vl;RKFa-V O.r'Me M I?ock. Cor. WOOd'Jr'dVjon'Ávis.; DETROIT, MICH.


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