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The building boom at Müau still lioonieth. There are 394 children of school age in Dexter. H. R. Palmer, of BridKewater, is ffollUt to Kansas. The I. O. O. Fellows have just com)leted a Dew hall at Milan. Mrs. L. V. Briggs and son, Fordyee, of Dexter, have returncd home. The colore;! base hall club of Jackson eat the Ypsi. boys 22 to 15. Mr. Heniphill, of Ypsilanti, has just received a f nr load of Jersey oattle. The new skating (roller, of conrse) rink it Saline, is to be a "bo8"one, 4(1x100 fect In size. The Ypsilanti science association meets B the seminary, Monday evening September 8ih. Snakes roost in trees itear Manchester, 10 feet high. Affidavits furnished hy the Manchester Enterprise. Oats are tentteg out umisually well wherever thresliing lias been done, in nearly all sections of tUe couutv. George Goss, of Dexter, has not seen a brother who resides in York state, for 45 year?, and has gone to make hini a two weeks' visit. Rev. Mr. Simpson, of Jacksonville, 111., lias not vet accepted the cali tendered by the Baptist society of Ypsilanti, so saya the Commercial. AtY'psilanti, Monday, the old mernbers of the school board, L. A. Birues and Clark Cornwell were re-elected by nearly 1U0 majority. John GooJing of York, the gentleman who was accidentally wounded ly II. W. Hicks of Ann Arbor, while out hunting, is getting along remarkably well. The house and barn of George liartlett, of Ypsilanti, was destroyed by flre on Wedneaday night ot last week. Insured for SI, 200. Snpposed ncendiary. The 20t!i Mich. infantry reunión will be held in Chelsea sometime during the fore part of October. Tlie president of the organlzatlon is Qeo. J. Crowcll. H. W. Booth, of Dexter, accompanied by his son Wilbur, has gone to Otsego county near Gaylord, to reside permauently, and Mrs. Booth will soon follow. Saline Observer: "Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsüanti, received the re publican nomination for congress at Adrián last week on the lirst ballot. Au honor wortliily bestowcd." A. M. Clark, of Saline, was attacked by a stroke of par&lysls on Sunday of last week, as he was about entering Itis carriage for a drive. But one si Je of his body is aflected. The Milán Journal has gone into the biograpliical business, writinj up the eligible bachelors i n ttie style of the Kveniii!; News' short-hand sketches of prominent men of the state. One of the best evldenees of the prosperity anddesirability of Saline as a place of residence is the f act that tliere is scarcely a vacant houe in town at the present time, and the deinaud is quite lively. - Observer. A party of young inon we re engaged in the qncstionableactof storininga "castle" at Ypsilanti, Saturday night, when one of theui named Fred Smith,received a charge ofbirdshot in his legs. He refuses to prosee ate. C.C. Conklin, engineerof locomotive 12, on the Wabash, hasfollowed the business for 18 years, and never injured a human being in that period; but bas killed over Ü50 animal?, consistí ng of cattle, sheep, herses and swine. - Milan Journal. Owiugto a misplaced switch the freight train from the west at about 4 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, was derailed, delaying passenger trains about three hour3. Damage to the rolling stock will probably ainount to $ 1,000. - Chelsea Herald. Yellow legged chickens aud honey with warm biscuit. Is tlie average blllof fkre of Milan families, Sunday fur dluner.- Mllau Joux-nal. To the above add crab apple sauce seasoned with pigeon milk and tansy, and you strike it delicious. Yuui ! yum ! The following is a list of the fall series i of teacher's examinations yet to be held : l"psilaiti, Sept. 12, Union School building; Manchester, Öept 20, Union School building; Ann Arbor, October 81, Court House; Dexter, Xov. 28, Union School building. Our trustwoithy townsman, Geo. Slierman, startled the übserver apostle by exhibitingacucumber vine or stem twelve inches long and containing six fine cucunibcrs, raised in his garden. We Challenge a like prolilic production. - Saline Observer. The six miles roller skating race, between Fred. Swarthout, of Chelsea, and Johnie Dolan, of Dexter, at the latter place, for 925 a side, on Kiiday evenine; last, resulted in a victory for Swarthout, who oaineout about 20 feet ahead. The contestants had to uiake the circuit of the track 1G2 times. Mr. A. M. Boolgoorjoo a live Turk, whose native place is Marash, Turkey. occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church at Chelsea Sunday morning of last week making a veiy favorable impression upon hia hearers. He is taking a course Of gtndy at Obeilin university to tic himielf for the ministry The lust Saline Observer contaius the valcdictory of Orin A. Stair, who has publislied that paper for the past two years, and the talutatory of Chas. F. Overacker, who has purchased the same. Mr. btair has made the Observer an excellent paper sin"ce he took hold of it. and the best thinjr we can wish for the new proprietor,is that he may succeed as well as did his pmJecessor. Mr. Stair goes to Howell, where in company with a brother lie has purchased the Howell Kepublican, au excellent piece of newspaper property. buccess to both th new and the old. May they both climb tbc "Stairs" of success in tlifi toDinost step. The Dexter Leader remarks: "In the absence of Hon CVmsG. Luce, (at t l.e farmers' picnic at Wliitmore Lakk) wlio had buen invited to fcddretf thein, a iiumler of old farmers we re called upon to re1 ilc t lieir experiences a9 pioneers, and they proceeded todoït, tothe great amusement of tliose who listened, and do littli; ' raasment to tliemselves. Among tlie num berwho wera drofted to gpeak wa tlie Hon Win. Uall. Cngrsman V inaiis, J. W Wing and G. A. Peters. Tlie latter eentleman (80 our informant says) coulil , notrefrain from remarking "tliatthe , islat.on of tl.e present day all tended i., maka the ricli rieher and the poor 9" aml taking lo con.i.lenition he won of the richest-if not tlie rMMfr'"1"! in tlns county. it would seeni that he has reape.1 a rioh harvest from tlils oiie-Bided legislation."


Ann Arbor Courier
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