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The Brightoii Citizen isii't quite sweet 16, lacking two years of it, but is briglit and newsy, just the sume. Edmore Journal : "Hendrick's letter of acceptance is about so fi long, Where is li is war record ? " ( Newaygo Republicaq : If our mecbanics and laborere can't stand the conipetition of convict labor how do they expect to prosper onder a polioy of unrestricteil competltion witb the cheap, half-enslaved labor of Europef The Feu ton Independent bas been enlarged to a six column quarto and is now printed on a new Campbell power prass." It is a clean, neat looking, progiessive Journal, and Mr. Jenningg is to be congratülated upon hlssucceS. Oxford Globe: 'Butler will run! " remarked au entliusiastic Komeo man the other day. He might aswell walk, be will get tbere just as soon,- Romeo Hydrant. Yes, and tben it would be a clean "" walk away " too- if be " gets there." The Gratiot Journal very slyly remiirks : The latestand best thing we have beard on Grover Cleveland is tbat he is not a Calholic priest, but is called fnther all the saine. The Caro Jeilersonian enters its liftb year looking remarkably bealthy and vigorous, and eelebratfs the event by coming out with a new heading in plain, neat letter. The Jeffersonlan is one of the bright, successful papers, and gives good evidence of proeperity. East Sagina Ilerald: Cari Scllurz'gSt. Louis paper, the Westlicbe lost, bas returned to the support of Blaine and Logan, ostenslbly because "no Democratie President can be relied on to resist the onslaught of the rebel brigadiers," but really beeause the bolt was causing ihe Post the loss of too many subscribers. Colil water Re publican : A promii.ent gentleman fïom New Orleans, wbo was in he city, anuounced that although he liad been a Hfe long democrat he, incompany vith numero us citizens of his place, was oingtovote for Blaine. Deinocracy in Louisiana he stated was a mass of politica) sorruptioii, and many of its adlierents wiahed tot a return of república rule there, Bay City Tribune: Thegreenback party in 1882 adoptada probibition plank. This year, as its vote is to be divided wlth a ¦andidate wlio regards all tcmperance legslation as unwise and injurious, the prolibition plank was not adopted or reafrmed. The convciition dodged it. Evil oiininiiiications corrupt good moráis, as veil as good mauners. Dou't all tip pi y at once f'or this situation, vhicb the Jlontcalm Ilerald man makel tublic : They are adyertUinff for the fooi killer o go to Williamston. The report is that liey liave a fellow there who propoaes to urap a hundred feet intothe Cedar river. raeré is only one consolation left - t' he should die in the attempt, he will not enter one of our northern villages and start a paper. The Xegaunee Irou Herald of the 21st nst., sreaks encouragingly of the outcome of a celebrated case : Letters have been received by homestead and pre-emption claimants on the ntonagon and Brille river railroad grant, TOtn their attorneys, advising thein to make DO conipromlse with. anybody, and issuring tliem of success iu the present contest. It is stated that the matter is in the hands of the secretary of the interior. The Lausing Uepublieau rises to remark: Wouldn't t be a good idea to let out the job of discovering the north pole to those perennial idiots who attempt to cross the Atlantic ocean in a dory, or start to go arouud the world in a skitï'. And when they are up tHere if they only could ue induced to cannibalize upou each other, dearly beloved, if they only could! Town Talk in the Grand Raplds Saturday Post tells hise.xperience in attempting to atteud the late gathering of the bridegroom at that place : T. T. made an efFort to attend the democratie state convention Wednesday, but found it too much for his powers of eudurance, and wasobligedto withdraw before the ceremonies proper began. It's tbefirst time T. T. ever undertook to attend one of those political slate marriages. He will never try it again with the mercury up as near the top as it was that day. This mariyiugby telegrapta, witb the bride 200 miles away, is too mucb like kissing tlirough a knot hole. And then wben one baa to marry twins, and they have to come to au understanding before matters can proceed, it complicates the business terribly. T. T. is inclined to think a charge of' bijjamy ought tobe preferred against tbc democratie party in this state. Home is what people usually take stock in. and here is some from the Allegan (lazette : A citien of Allegan who bad intended to vote for Cleveland, but who was put in much doubt by the revelatious as to his iminoral cimracter, wrote recently to an únele, a minister who bas lived and preaclied in BufRUo for the past forty years, asking what was the trutli as to the charges and wliy they wei e not made when Cleveland rail for mayor and govei - nor. We are uuable to print the letter in full as the reply was given iu eonlidence, but in substauce the minister stated that 'most people- nearly all except politiciiins and partisans - believe that the charges are true. Many regret that these charges were not puullcljr made before tbc nomination, believing that if they bad been his name would have been withdrawn." As to why the charges were not made wben Cleveland rail for mayor and governor, the writer of the letter says be does not know, ''unless it was because people thought they could possibly tolérate a man in those positions whom they cannot in the presidential chair." The letter from which these extractsare taken is now in the Gazette's possession.


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