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Common Council

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Monday eveuinj; being tli'j regular moiithly meeting of tiie city fathers, tiiey MBoinbled accordlng to cuatoiq, and went tluough tlie usual routine. Among the petltions presented was onc from 12 citizsna of the Otli ward, Messrs. Wm. 15irgs, II. T. Purtiekl, E. G. Herbert, M. W. Blake, A. E. Wliitehead, J. H. Judson, H. 'f. Morton, A. .T. Kitson, F red Barker, Benj. Barker, Wm. Cousins and Anthony Hall, who proposed to band themselves together as a fire coinpany, and requesting the council to transfer au engine with all the appurtenances into their keeping. Referred to lire department committee. The electric liglit company asked leave to dig ditche?, lay pipes, and inake connections with the well on North Street, to take the water therefrom for their use. Referred to lire department committee. A petition was received trom A. B. Uole and 41 others, asking that the coat sheds at the foot of Catharine street be moved 30 f eet back trom the street,claiming that their present location was a dangerous iiuisance. A petition signed by II. S. Dean, E. B. Abel, P. lïacli, J. W.'Hunt and 50 otherg askinc the couneil not to lower the grade of the east side oí' S. Main street from Packard street south, on wkich a sidewalk bas been ordered, becauto of the great daraage such action would be to the property of Wm.V:igner. Referred to street committee. John Finnegan afked penniísion to erect a store house building with ion roof. Referred to tire department coin. Aid. Vaughau offered the rollowing, which was cai ried : Resolved, Tliat the salary of the chief of pólice be increased to tur per monlli, uud that of ii is assistants to $(iO per month. A bilí of Mrs. John Kranich for bedding destroyed by city ollicers, aniounting to#18..'i() was ordered paid. The council ordered the proper cominittee to contract with the Van Depole electric light company for the furnlgblng of not more than six lamps, ander their prnpositiou to furnish the same for $10 per month per lamp, the same to be lighted week day nights from carly dusk to 10:30, and on Saturday to ll0. The council also authorized the committee to notify the gas company that the city's contract with them would termínate on January lst next. Chlef of Pólice C. S. Fall, made bis regular report, which showed three arreets made daring the month of August. One forassault and battery, one tor assault with intent to kill, and one for coinniitting qoImium in vuult cleauing.


Ann Arbor Courier
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