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A reporter of the Courier has been sklrmiahlug arouud among the poflü eians seekiug politlcal knowledge, am iïmls tlicre is i graat deal of it in.Wash tcnaw county f one cares lo spend tin time to scarcli it out. As we eommencei uuraveliug the buil iu which was woum up the candidatos for county offices, wc wcrc assured tliat there was little or no strife, and tliat those who wanted nomi nations wen Hku unto the teeth 01 the ander jaw of a canary bird. But as the inquines progressed, that assertion was fouiid to be simply thrown at ut as a foi to arrest ourpencil In its duty of chronicling the whole truth. The truth is, tlic people nced have no fear of baring to ïorce anybody to accept a uomination as there are plenty of self-acrificing American citizens iu both parties who will be most happy to accoinmodate tliem iu that respect. In f act, "the woods are full of 'em," and so are the stieets and alleys. Iu our peregrinations after f iets we tirst confiued ourself to the REPUBLICAN ASPIRAXTS, and in the regular nominating order the record reads : State Senator. - There appears to be no great and all-consumtug desire on the part of the leading republicans of the county to accept this positiou, but the friends of Hon. Gco. S. Wheeler of of Salem, and John W. Blakeslee, of York, would be pleased to have tbeir favorite enter the race. And we take occasion to remark right here, that iu either of the gentlemen mentioned, this county would have a most excellent representative in the state senate. The name of Andrew Campbell, of Pittsfield, has also been spoken of. Representatives.-ln the first district E. D. Kinne's fiiends would like to see htm enter the race again, believing that a little eft'oït would overeóme the trilling majority by which he was dcfeated two years ago. Other naines may be brought before the couvention, but there will be no strife for the place. In the 2d district the naines of H. D. Platt, of Pittsfield, and John W. Blakeslee, of York, are mentioned. Judge of Probate.- Fot this responsible and high office the prominent candidates are James T. Honey, of Scio, James McM ihon and Eugene K. Freauri; of Aun Albor. All good men and true. Sheriff'.- The names of Ainbrose V. Kobison and Joel W. Hamilton of Ann Albor, and John A. Palmer, of Chelsea, are promiueutly mentioned, with an imprcssiüii that Jloblson holds the i eins if hc chooses to drive. Olerk. - Wm. Dansingburg, who has the strong recommcudation of representing a democratie town on the board of supervisors for several terms ; W. W. Hess, of Biidgewater, and Win. Weston the present supervisor of Webster, are the caudidates so far as we were able to ascertaln. Register of Deeds.- The iianies of Peter W. Carpenter, of Ypsilanti, for three years deputy register nnder Mr. Oilbert. tlie present iiicumbent, and R. II. Marsh, ot' Saline, will come before the convention. Mr. Gilbert is not a candidate for re-election, though in the event of a dead-lock, or if the party should deern best we thiuk he might be induced to accept. Prosecuting Altorney. - The ñames SO far mentioued for this position are M. H. Breiman, of this city, A. F. Freeman, of Manchester, and Danvin C. Griffln, of Ypsilanti. Treasurer. - Michael Seeger, the present supervisor of Saline, who lias been returned two or three titnee; Eli S. Manly, of Ann Arbor, W. F. Hatch, of Chelsea, and F red Hutzel, of Pittslield, all liave friends inging their claims. Circuit Court Coinmissioner. - The only names heard of so far are J. W. flinckley, of Ypsilanti, and A. W. Hamiltou, of Ann Arbor. Coroners. - Dr. F. K. Owen, of Ypsilanti, and E. J. Johnson, of Ann Arbor, are willing to enter the race. DKMOCRATIC ASPIRANTS. The apparent strong democratie majoriy in Washtenaw county, has a tendency to tnake the candidates on this side of the political fence exceedingly numerous. As a consequence the greater part of one lead pencil has been used up in recordiug their names. And here they are: Senator.- Chas. S. Gregory, of Dexter, looms up big, likewise D. Cramer, of this city, and J. VVillard Babbit, of Ypsilanti. The name of Mr. Bailey, of the Argus, has also been ïnentioned in tltis connection, though he dUclaims any ambition that waj'. Representalives - In the Ist district Jas. Gorman, of Chelsea, and J. B. VanAtta, of Salem, would like to run, but the fusión greenbackers (loudly aided by his ovvn voice) are putting Geo. X. Peters, of Scio, to the front as one of the cunditions of the marriage contract. Judge of Probate. - It is generally believed that Hon. W. D. Harriman, the present incumbent, who has helJ the office very acceptably for two terms, would consent to break down the democratie plank of "two tertns enough," and accept for a third term. His chief opponent will be Geo. W. Turnbull, of Chelsea, and thcre Is some talkof the eastern part of the county pusliing Clias. H. Whitman, of Ypsihinti, forward. Sheriff. - Here comes the tug of war. The candklates are as numerous, nei.rly, as fly specks on the kitchen ceiling of a penny restaurant. The leaders in the race appear to the disinterested observer to be, F. P. Bogardus, of Ypsilanti, Win. VValsh, of Northfield, Egbert P. Harpcr, of Lodi, Patrick O'IIearn, of Ann Arbor, P. McKone, of Chelsea, Geo. Palmer and Lester Yost, of Ypsilanti, and Joseph Gauntlett, of Milan, with Thos. F. Leonard, and Fred Wallace as close seconds. Olerk. - The present incumbent, the genial John .1. Kobison, of Shaion, has the wires well in hand fora renomination. But "Phin" Whlttaker, of Chelseu, will contest his claims for the bonor, while Frank Joslln, of Ypsilanti, may step in and tllke the pudding, Itling and all. Regüter. - The list agaiu Imythtm. Bocause Mr. Gilbert has made au extremely obligiug and popular official for a couple of terms, there are plenty of demócrata who "hanker arter'1 his old shoes. The list includtis Edward Ktng, of Ypsilanti, Patrick Purtell, of Northfield, Chas. H. Manly and Michael J. Seery of Ann Arbor, E. M. Cole, of Superior, and W. ilter II. Hawkins, of Ypsilanti, with a town or two yet to hcar f rom. Prosecuting Attorney.E. B. Norris, of Manchester, wants it so does F. E. Jones, of Saline, while D. C'ranier proposes to take itlumsclf if Charley Gregory, Babbitt or Bailey sliould "scoop' hiin on bil senatorial prize. lïut Geo. I!. Williams, of Milán, greenbacker, shies hls raster iu ibertng, and proclalms tlmt the bride wants this olliue lierself, tind of course ihe hold the thing iu lier hand. The democratie gioorn daré not "kiek. ' Trcasurei:- The présent deputy, wbo has been in the office a number of years, Fred Belser, appeais t have his hands almoat over this particular prize piiekügeBat Jacob Blum, of Bridgewater, will make him draw a blank, if poMlble, and it is hinted tliat Adam Bey Ier wouldn't refuse, but will make no eilbrt to secure it. Circuit Court Commissioiier. - Pat. Mc Kernan, of Aun Arbor, will doubtless be renominated without opposition, and Frank Jones and Geo. K. Williams, if they fail in their schemes mentioned above, will fall back to this niche and try to stick. Michael Martin, also fusion, of this city, bas an eye on this office, and bas ;ool reason to believe lie will get it, so knowing ones state. Coroners. - Martin Clark, of ibis city, and Dr. Pattison, ot Vpsihinli, will have litlle or nó opposition. If in all this long list any naines have been overlooked, do not teel a;grieved, for it bas not been intentional but because they were probably on the "stlll hunt," and we failed to uneover theni