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lf eTW a welcoroe raii. feil, it was the one that earoe Int Thursdny. Tbe neiv flfl walk ia front i W Hanptwfer block te a dandy. jis A.. HoWson is to succeed lus broth....„riiJt asdeimtycountyclerk. Kev. Thos. Btalker, of this place, preached at Pinckney last Sumlay. División Street Nortli, is receiving a good coat of gravel, much to its betterïnent. #__# Jas. Richards, of Superior, was taken totliu asylum for the insane at Poutiac lust Monday. The pulpit of the Piesbyterianehuroh will be occupied by the pastor, Rev. Iï. II. Steele, next Sabbath. Tlie Uaitarian oliurch will open next Sunday. Sermón in the mornlng by Mrs. yunderlaad. No evening service. Xlie ï. A. A. & K. B. II. have just adUed two new engines to the equipment of the road, and two more are on the way. It is asserted that the large speech erop this year will In a measure (wind measure) inake up for the exceedingly small peach erop. Station agent Puillips of the T. A. A. & N. B. Il-, reporta au average of 00 freigut cars a ilay, mostly coat, arriylng at this station. Sportsiuen are allowed to kill partridge, woodcocfc, wood, ted, gray and mallard dueks trom now until Janosry, and snipe trom now until May. Tlie D. L. & N. 11. B. is to run an excursión train to Peloskey Sept. 9. Tickets lor the round trip from South Lyon being ! $"), good to return until the 18th. Sheriff Wal lace reports that there are 11 prisonera In jail at present, eight of ! ivhom are bound over to the October ! term of the circuit court ior trial. ? E. A. Phillips has broken ground on S. Main Street, next lot north of Dr. Ueorge, for a new residence. He has just iiuished a new barn on the lot. The fasliiou editor tells us that with amber ribbons and a white dress (fashionably made, 6f course) a moderately pretty girl is transfonned iuto "a daisy ." S. W. Bcakes, wlio canvassed Ann Arbor with the view of establishing a (laily paper, gave up the project, and bas gone to Adrián, where he will briug out the Record ftfain as allally. At the recent meeting of the Peninsular Sangtrfest. at East Saginaw, it was resolved to hold tlie next annual meeting at Ann Arbor, some time during August. Whioh will niake a gala day for Athens - the modern. Martin Clark bas been buey UvUiiifr the scbool census for several days past, and seerned to be quite gratified at the large ¦ increaseof primary school money brought to the district by the removal of ye local's I family to town once more. The gentier sex showed its adaptability to politics at the school electiou Monday. They came by the bus and hackload and niarched to tlie ballot box simiiar to the marching of a state troop company to mess, with ballots all ti'xed, and no "back talk" from workers at the polls. They voted straight every time. Tlie state will pay $85 for cabbages destroyed by lts "bold soger boys," "just ior fun," whllein camp at Brighton. Tlie questlon arises, how mucli of a hand dld (JornpanyAbave in tbat little biusiuess ?-Coldwater Sun. Whist ! Not a word ! The boys teil us thatit wasn't cabbages that they were alter. But perhaps you do uot refer to C'ompany A, of Ann Arbor. Anotber one of Ann Arboi's young men bas performed the excellent "act of taking unto hiinself a partner for llfe. John Feiner was united in marriage last evening to Miss Lizzie O'Keefe, of this city, at the Catholic parsonage Rev. Father Fierle offleiating. May good J„ck atfeul the couple in tlieir new 'vUtions. Thecommoncouncil having ordered a sidevvalk upon tlie east side of Main 6t., between Packard strtet and the T. A. A. 4 N. R. R. track, the autlioritics proposed trading the ground for the sanie and cut8g itdown to the level of the Btreet. To such actlon Wm.Waguer, wlio ownsafine fesidence at the corner of Packard and Main sts., object?, and he lias secnred a'i injunetlon restroiuing fmther work n the same until his grievances ein bc pronerly heard in court. The brigade of cavaby, known as Gen. lusters' brigade, held a reunión at the Buttle Creek eiicampinent rccently, and Perfcctcd an organizatton. Capt. E. F. J'idson, of Kalamazoo, was made president, and Lieut. J. Q. A. Sewlons, of Ann Arbor, secreta ry. The en rol 1 ment of tlie Sirviving members of the brigade will be SUde and there will be a reunión probably n"t year. Adjutants of posts of the G. A' K. throughout the state are requested 'oseud to the secretary at Ann Arbor the "a'es of the member of their posts wlio -"ved elther in the First, Fifth, Sixth or eventh Michigan Cavalry. Probate Register Doty was standing in O1eof the corridors of' the eourt house Monday. looking very dlgnlfled and grave, Jrawing delicious comfort from hismeerKhanm.when a lady approached and tencred him a ticket, saying that she was Wd to come there and vote it. Mr. Doty be'ig a modest man blusbed, and quletly Bformed the gentle searcher after suflrage dirl f6, was :it tlie wro"g b:llI('t tJx. and wh n'i her t0 where the cl0ll(ls of war thpt -c est' and slle llietl l'er away to l" tragic affray. The new boíl at the fourth ward achool building, has a clear ring, so the ohlldren say, and they have no excuse for boing tarily now. llarry K. Whttman, fonnerly a teacher of Btenognpby in this city, has been cngaged as short hand reporter on the Detroit E veiling Journal. The First National Bank is haring the arm under the sidewalk arched over Vrlth briek, and over the arch will be placed a new atone walk. The pioneer meeting In progress at the residence of W. P. Qroves, of Northfleld, to-day, is being well altended we sliould judge by the number of people who went froin here this morning. The plate glass accidentally broken out of the SI. James hotel office some time since, has been replaced by the plate glass Insurance company of N.Y., through their agent, A. DeForest, at a cost of $150. The new glass is a beauty. J. E. Hobison, better known to Ann Arborites as Emmet, who has been the Ann Aibor correspondent of the Detroit Free Press for about two years past, leaves to-monow to take a position upou the editorial st:ill' of that paper. Emmet has been deputy county clerk for the past two year?, and has gained many friends by his pleasaut and accoinmodating wajrs. At the regular animal school meeting hekl dlrectly after the balloting for trustees had been completed, the sum of $1,250 was voted for steam heating appanitus in the first ward ; $1,250 for janitor's house, and $20,000 for running expenses of the schools. On motion of II. S. Dean' supported by J. T. Jacobs, the treasurer of the school board was directed todepoit the school funda with the bank that would pay the higliest rate of interest. An adjonroed term of the circuit court was held by Juiige Joslin last Monday, and the following couples weremade happy by being legally untied: Chas.W. Reade vs. Ida Reade ; Agnes Hunt vs. Jas. II. Hunt ; Myrta Turnbull vs, Fred G. Turnbull ; Cariïe A. Hall vs. Frank H. Hall ; Elvira R. Gage vs. Orin V. Gage. Tlie other business consisted of ! admltting Chas. Assenliemer and Jacob I F. Schaible to citizenship, and Richard A. Haste to practice as an attorney. The welcome rays of au electric light, beaming from a lamp suspended trom a wire running diagonally across Main street from the 8t. James' corner to the bank corner OppoMte, greeted pedestrians in til at locality Saturday night. The illumination is so excellent that ihe people will be glad to learn that it is to be a permanent thing. They will also be still further rejoued to learn that iive more of these lampi are to shine regularly hereafter during the evenings. One will be localed at tiie corner by Mack i Scbmid'a store, another at the corner by Bach & Abel's, a third by the postoffiee corner, a fourth at the Cook house corner, and the fiftli (probably) across Detroit slreet, at the Aun Arbor agricultmal warehouse. These will light the business portions of the city adinirably. The lamp across Fourth street, at Robison's livery stable, is a private affair, belng put up and run by Mr. Robison. Now if the court house tower could be made a beacon light for the surrounding country, the light question would be admirably settled for Ann Arbor. Under the head of Orange Blossoms the Dexter Leader thus refers to the recent great society cvent in that place, the marriage of Miss Mattie Beal and Mr. M. E. SM: üne of the most marked society events of the season for the quiet üttle village of Dexter, occurred yesterday afternoon at the residence of A. R. Beal. Esq., it being the occasion of the marriage of his eider daughter. Miss Mattie Beal, to Mr. liarquis E. Sill, of this village, and son of Geo. S. Sill, one of our hardware merchants. The ceremony was pronounced by Rev. M. S. Angelí, of Xew Baltimore, Mifli., in a brief and mpressive manner. Mr. Frank F. Taylor acted as best man for the groom, and Miss Anna Williams as best lady for the bride. The company present to witness the ceremony and join in the congratulations was large, estimated by our informant at 100. Aside from the immediate relatives and members of the two families, guests were present from Ann Arbor, Detroit, Alpeua, Toledo, Wyanclotte and Northville. Iminediately after the inarriage the guests repaired to the dining room to partake of the wedding dinner provided, which was one of the richest - the tables, In addition to the substantials, being loaded with all the dellcacies of the season. The young couple left on the (i p. m. train for the west, on an extended bridnl trip. They will visit Chicago, Albany, Wis. - where the groom has a sister i esidiDg - Milwaukee, Petoskey, Alpena, and Detroit, before their return. This office was remembered with a goodly supply of cake, etc, for which we return thanks, and wit-h Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Sill not only a nleasaut bridal trip, but a long and happy life. The list of presents is very lengthy, there being sorne very valuable ones, and we regret that time will not permit us to giv? them this week.