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Compüed from Late Dispatches. DOMESTIC. THREE.youiiij Englixh stu lents attend ing the Moody School at Northtleld, Mass., were drowned the other eveniug: while hathing. R. E. Wallage, President of the First National Bank of Jamestown, D. T., on the 26th confessed judgineut tohis brother in Neweastle, Fa., in the sum of 180,000, und the bank raapend 1. Suhedulks in the assignmnt of the lumber Urin of Drys fc Elliott, oí Minneapolis, Mimi., show liabililios of $188,500, and assets of $132,900. A SLIOHT shock of earthquake was feit iu Eastern Tennessee the othnr night. It lasted a minute and a half. A Boston dispatch of the 26th states that tbs most perfect counterfeit silve dollar since 1881 has made its appearance in that city. The only perceptible diffore.nce between it and a genuine dollar is that it does uot weigh as much as the standard dollar. It is also thicker, and will Mul liter a tester. It has about th same ring as a good dollar. Threk cases of loprosy exist withiu ten miles of Granite Falls, Minn. Rev. Charles Shaup, a Catholiu priest, shot biniself lead a few days ago at BloomfleM, near I'it abargh, Pa. He was crazed by sickness. Three young wonien - Bridget Ilayes, AnnieHayes and Mary McC'abe - residents of New Vork City, were lirowned at Catskill, K. Y. , recently, while bathing in a creek. Samuei, Kobekts, late paymaster of Charles Parrish & Co., coal operators at Wilkesbarre, l'a., was on tha27th reported a defaulter to the amount of $50,000 or $75,000. He surrendered his property to his employers, and a settlement has been effected. This year's hop erop in this country is estimated to be aboiít one-fourth short of the average. The Second National Bank of Xenia, O., suspended on the 27th, owing to speculations by its cashier, J. S. Ankeney. Ths liabilities were placed at $400,01)0 ; assets, 1600,000. Dr. Salmón, Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, said on the 27th that he found eight cases of pleuro-pneumonia aniong cattle ia the vicinity of Chicago, and ten cases in other parts of the State. Nine nusDRED cigar-makers have been on a strike at Cincinnati for twenty-four weeks, during which time the unioa bas paid out $130,000 in benefits. Several arrests have been made at Duck Hill, Miss., of partios who have on several occasions wrecked trains on the Illinois Central Railroad. Two childre.v of Ju.lge Davidson, of Cleveland, O., a boy aged fourteen years, and a girl aged eleven, were drowned at Dennison a few days ago bv the upsetting of a boat, The bodies were recovered. A cyclone visited Forestburg and Diana, D. T., on the 28:h. At the former place a farmer named Briggs lost his house, thirty head of cattle and three horses, and a man named McKillon was killed. At Diana a track eighty yards wide was swept over, several houses were destroyed, and a number of lives were lost. An open switch the other night on the Wabash Koad wrecked over twenty freight cars, killing Henry Nordeck, the engineer, and Thomas Devlin, the brakeman. The business portion of the village of Adams, Jefferson County, N. Y., was burned on the 2Sth, involving a loss of 1-200,000. Grand Duchess 43d, an animal that cost about $3,000 in England, was burned to death in a railroad accident near Albany, N. Y., a few days ago. Bannister's shoe factory at Newark, N. J., was burned the other morning. Loss, $100,000. Durino a recent fire in a tenement house in Minneapolis James Curran, one of the occupants, was fatally burned. He had rushed back to rescue a child. Maggie Jones, of Baltimore, in filing a bilí for divorce a few days ago alleged that she believed she was marrying a bachelor of sixty years, but discovered at his residence niue grown children, eight of whom were older taan herself. S. W. Tallmadge, the erop statistician of Milwaukee, on the 28th Issued his final estímate of the wheat erop of the United States for 1884, as folio ws: Winter wheat, 3S),000,000 bushels; spring wheat, 150,000,000, or 130,000,000 bushels more thau the erop of 1883. Agexts of the West Shore Road were selling tickets from New York to Chicago for $14 on the 29th. A railroad-car attached to a circustrain eaughtñre near Greeley, Col., on the -itth, and of seventy-five men who were sleeping in the car at the time ten perished, and several others were badly scorched. Wkslet A. Lumm, while city engineer at Sandusky, O., was indicted for accepting bribes. He soon entored on a career of dissipation, which caused his wife to oommit suicide, and he fínished the sad chapter on the 2,!tth by endiug his own days with morphine. An unknown sailor died of yellow fever in New York on the 20th, the first case there. Executions for murder took place as folio ws on the 2Uth: Berry Johnson (colored), at Shreveport, La.; Schip Holly (eolored), at Tuscoloosa, Ala.; Josh Beri-yman (eolored), at Natchitoches, La.; VVillie Williams, at Franklin, La. A hurricane swept over Evansville, Ind., on the morning of the 29th, unroofing hundreds of houses, milis, factories, warehouses, stores, etc, and in many instances whole houses were blown down. The loss was estimated at $200,000. The transfer steamer Belmont, bound for Henderson, Ky., and freighted with a train of cars, was sunk by the gale, and fifteen lives were lost. Governor Crosby, of Montana, sent a special agent to investígate the reports of starvation amomj the Piegan Itulians. It was found that in a band of two thousand the deatbs fjr lack of food averaged one per day. The Governor on the 29th urged the Secretary of the Interior to issue full rations to the sufTeiers until Congress could take action. An exhibition of naval warfare was given off Newport on the 20th by the Alliance,, Vandalia, Yuntic and Swatara. President Arthur witnessedthe spectacle from the deck of the Dispatch. The United States Grand Jury at Prescott, A. T., on the 2!)th found seven indictmants for polygamy, the first ever found in Arizona. Mormons and Gentiles were greatly excited. Three men were killed by the wreckinj of a train noar Stillwatar, O., a fw mornings ago. A colored nurse summering at Saratogo with a Cuban family was on the 29th said to have been sold to a widower from Havana for $1,200. The purchaser intended to present her to his bride in Cuba. During the seven days ended on the 29th the business failures thronghout the United Ktates and Canada nunibered 18.'), against 225 the previous week. The distribution was as follows: New England States, 2G: Middle, 45; Western, 62; Southern, 20; Pacific States and Territorios, 11; Canada and the Provinces, 14. The Canada Pacific Road has laid its tracks to a point seven miles west of the summit of the Rocky Mountains, and hopes to reach the highest point of the Selkirk range this season. Tbe California Board of Equalization reports the Central Pacific Road at $24,000,000 and the i-'outhern Pacific at $17,000,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!. The following Congressional nominations wero maile on the 27ch: Republican -Michigan, Fifth District, John C. Fitz irerald. lowa Kleventb Diatiiot. lïSHf Ij tsinihln (penmiilnated). Indiana - Thtrteenth District, fl. . Thayor (long tfnt). John VV. Reynolds (short term). J'enn sylvania, lwelfth District, Joseph A. Scranton. Democratie - Wiseonsin, Ninth District, lsnac H, Stephunson (renominated). Michigan, Beoond District, N. B. Eldredge (i'enominated). Mississippi, Seventh District, E. Barksdale (renomiiiatod). Kansas, First District, Thomas P. Fenlon. Missouri, Twelfth District, W. .1. Stone. Alabama, Third District, W. C. Oates. Prohibitionists- Ohio, Twentieth District, Thomas Rbodes. Illinois, Eightli District, Norman J. Kilburn. The Illinois Monopoly State Convention met at Bloomington on the 17lh and passed a resolution to fuse with ither of the old parties, but in no case to accept less than seven electoral votes. The following Stato ticket was placed in the field: Governor, Jesse Harper, of Danville; Lieutenant-Governor, H. C. Vanderwater, of Shelbyville; öecretary of State, E. H. Baldwin, of Joiiet; State Auditor, E. F. Ree ves, of Elgin; AttorneyGeneral, John M. Givin, of Effingham; State Treasurer, J. B. Clark, of Chicago. The Wisconsin Greenbackers and AntiMonopolists niet at Milwaukee in joint convention on the 27th, and " The People's party of Wisconsin" was the name adopted for the fusión. A resolution pledging hearty support to Butler and West was adopted. The following tic'tet was nominated: Governor, W. L. Utley, Racine; Lieutenant-Governor, Milan Ford, Oshkosh; Secreta ry of State, G. W. Jones, West Bend; Treasurer, Theodore Ê-human, Prairie du Chien; Attorney-Genoral, M. W. Stevens, Green Lake County; Svperintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. H. S. Brown, Milwaukee. Michigan Proliibitionists met in State Convention at Lansing on the 27th and nominated the following ticket: Governor, David Preston; Lieulenant-Governor, Alonzo Sherwood; Treasurer, A. B. C'heney ; Seci etary of State, Zachariah Chase; Auditor-General, O. E. Downing; Commissioner State Land Oftice, Barcus; Attornej'-Genei'al, J. H. Fatem; Superintendent Public Instruction, Joseph B. Steeve; Meinber Board E lucation, Isaac W. Mackeever; Electors-at-Large, Rev. John Ilussell and Prof. Samuel Dickie. Resolutions were adopted declarins agaiust fusión and favoring woman sulfrage. The American Pharmaceutical Association, in session at Milwaukee on the '27th, elected John Ingalls, of Georgia, Pres'dent, and M. Maisch, of Perinsylvania, Secretary. The Republicans of Nebraska met in State Convent ion at Omaha on the 27lh and renominated James E. Dawesfor Governor. Edw;n D. Bailky, Secretary of the National Committee of the American party, announced on the 27th that Senator S. C. Pomeroy, nominated for President, would withdraw in favor of St. John. The Pennsylvania Greenbackers -wül hold their State Convention at Belle fonte September IS. The following Congressional nominations were made on the 2Sth: Republican - North Carolina, First District, J. B. Respess. Indiana, Third District, James Keiawin. West Virginia, First District, Nathan Goff, Jr. Maryland, Firát trict, George AI. Kussiim; Second, Thaddeus C. Blair; Fifth, Hart B. Holton (renominated) ; Sixth, Louis E. HcComas (renominated). New Jersey, First District, George Hines. Democratie - Illinois, Fifth District, Richard Bishop; Niiith, James Kirk. Tennessee, Fitst District, O. E. King; Tenth, James M. Hanis. Louisiana, Fourth District, N. C. Blanehnrd (renominated). Texas, Third District, James H. Jones (renominated). Greenbackers - Indiana, Third District, A. D. Hudson. Prohibitionists - Illinois, Eleventh District, D. H. Broaddus. The Iowa Greenback State Convention was held at Des Moines on the 2Sth. J. F. Dooley, of Keokuk, was nominated for Secretary of State and George Derr, oL Union County, for State Treasnrer. No other nominations were made. The platform adopted airaigned the old parties as corrupt and dishonest, denonnced the National banking system, eulogized General Butler, and urged inch a political alliance as would give the Greenbuckers control of the electoral vote. Jüdge Knickerbocker on the 28th appointed Auslin L. Patterson, the business manager of the Chicago Thans, to be conservator of the estáte of Wilbur F. Storey, who had been prouounced insane by a jury. President Arthcr, Secretary Chandler and others had a narrow escape trom instant de a tb on a boat at Newport, R. I., on the 28th by the premature explosión of a torpedo. No damage was dono, but the escape was almost a miracte. The Kansas State Convention of th Anti-Monopoly Greenback Labor party met at Topeka on the 28th and neminatd H. L. Philips for Governor and a full State ticket. The Newr Hampshire Greenback State Convention will be held at Manchester September 4. The following Congressional nominations were made on the 29th : Republican - Virginia, First District, Robert M. Hayo (renominated) ; Seoond, Harry Libby (renominated) ; Third, R. T. Hubkard ; Fifth, J. H. Wartwell; Sixth, R. P. &. Alorris; Eighth, Duff Green. North Carolina, First District, J. Edwards. Democratie- Indiana, ThirtBBiith Distritt, Gteorge Ford. Virginia, Tenth District, James Yost. The discovery was made at Waahingtou on the 29th that in 1848 President Polk deeded to tbe Monument Association the grouiid on which the lofty marble column has been reared liy the Governflient, and that the title still rests in the coryioration. In celebrating his seventy-fifth birthday on the 20th Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, of Boston, received eongratulatory telegram? from numerous friends in Kuiope and America. FOREIGN. The Governor-General if Canada has been ordered by the home Government to secure the services of six hundred voyageurs for the relief of General Gordon at Khartoum. They are needed to take flatbottomed boats up the Nile. Díspatches receivel at London on the 27th state that the Chinese forts on tho Min River were holding out well agabtat the Freiich bombardment. Seventy-five thousand Chinese troops were in the vicinity of Foo-Chow. It was reported that elghty thousand Chinese troops invaded Tonquin and had an engagement -with the French, in which the French were annihilated and several thousand Chinese were killed. The Ministry of Marine of Russia has issued a plan for a polar expodition. The idea is to have several large partios start for Jeannette Island, proceed entirely on foot across the ice, leaving large dopols of provisions in the rear. The artillery barracks at Nusserabad, India, were strutk by lightning ïecently, and six men were killed. Dbaths from cholera in France during the twenty-four hoursended at nine p. m. on the 28th were as follows. Marseilles, six; Toulon, six; southern departments, thirty-one. In Italy there were üfty deaths and over one hundred new cases reported. A storm in Manitoba a few nights ago injured flfty buildings In Winnipeg, dostroyed a church, a papermill and the Canadian Pacific fieight-sheds at Portage la Prairie, and leveled the growing crops in a large territory. A TEIIKIBLE scène was enaeted in Lima, the capital of Peru, on the 28tb. Caceres, with his rabble, suddenly entered the city, and before the Government troops got the upper hand of tho mob ISO ptople were killed in the streets. The French Admiral on the 28th bombarded and silencod the Mingen forts, telow Foo Chow, and the Kin pui defenses at the mouth of tbe Min Rivor. The United States Government having abolished the mlnlitrtei to Servia, Roumaniajand Greece, Minister Schuyler on the üüth presented the King of Servia with his letters of recall. There were saven deaths from cholera at Marseilles during the twenty-four hours ended at nine p. m. on the 29th, and flve at Toulon. In Italy twenty-six death.s oecurreii, Quarantiuo of teudaya had oren ;i K i ii „ii ft,ini, pora I agaiiiit vñssls [rom Algsrla! A movkmi nt has heen (naiiguratsd ti Spain in favor of the restoration of the temporal power of the Pope. It is chieflvchampioned by the hishops añil clergy. Skvkn men wero killed n a coal-pit usar Pailpv, ScoMhmiI, a few days ago. CiKNEKAL Mii.i.ot, ooinmiiiider of the French forcea lu Touquin, telcgraphed on the -í)th that the Chinóse were preparing an invasión of that región. The Vioeroy oí Cantón had oidered all Frenchmeu to leave his provine. W. T. SüTCLIFKK, a grain merchant of Liverpool, Entf., lailed recently for 000. Frauds aggreRating LSU,000, in wbioli foreign officials of high rank aro involvaJ, were on the 29th developad in the Troasury department of Egypt. Viknna on the 2f)th reportad anotber stupendous failure in tho silgar trade, the liabilities being in exce?s of $,000,000. LATEE NEWS. JNominations for Congressmeu wen madu as follows on the 30th uit.: Repul lican- Illinois, Third District, George K. Dav9 (renominated). Virginia, Fourth District, Colonel Brady. Democratie - Indiana, Seventh Dis'rict, W. D. Bynutn. ühio, Twenty-first District, Martin A. Pora n (renominated). On account of ill-health, General Millot was on the 30th uit. relieved from the conimand of the French forces in Tomjuin, and has been succeeded by Gonoral de Lisie. Wam-ack's Savings Bank, at New Castle, Va., has closed its doors, 'tu linbilities estiniatod at 4100,000. Five men beloning to the wrecked schooner W. W. Brigham were picked up on Lake Michigan on the 30th uit., after having drifted about on piecesof the wreek for four days and suffering great agony from Inniger. TiiKoixiRK BCHUMAHN has declined the iioiiiiiiation as State Treasurer of Wisconsin reuently made by the Greenbackers Hiid Anti-Monopoli-its. The flourlng-mlll of J. B. M. Kehlor, at Wotarloo, XII., eontaining a large amount ! of grain, was burned the other morning, ! causiug a loss of $17.), 000. The Board of Aldermen of New York at a secret meeting on the 30th uit. passed the ordinance over the Mayor's veto giving a oompany the right to lay a surface railway oa Broadway. Btjurino minera at Suake Hollow, U., eommenced a riot at two o'clock on the morning of the Ulst uit. by flriug several liundred shots at tlie guarJs. William Hare was killed and two others received serious wounds. A hopper worth $4,000 was buined, and the telegraph wires had b.-en tut. The Governor had ordered out the militia to aid in suppressing the riota. Eddie Masox, the seventeen-year-old boy who robbed the People's Bank of St. Paul of $0,000, was captured ou the 33th uit., and $5,74i was recovered. During the twenty-four hours ended at uiue p. in. on the ülst uit. there were nine deaths ïroiu cholera at Marseilles and twenty-three in the soiithern departmunts of Frailee. ín the variou-i provinces of Italy thirtvone deaths ocourred. Nkaii llaniliii, W. Va., a lad named Henry Barton was shot dead a few days aio while tnking apples fioin the orchurd of J. Chapman. Tuk New York Natioiial GreenbacK Labor party met to -State Couvention in New York City on the SOtli uit. and nominatod Patrick Jl. C'owan and Isaac L. Ricj for Judges of the Court of AppeaN. A unión witli Mie Anti-Monopoly party was made on tlie electora] ticket. platform adopted at Indianapolis and General Bul,ler's letter of acceptance were made th pint fnrm of thp convn tion.


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